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KBG29 said:
Interesting, interesting. I am not too surprised. When Sony decided to stick with 4.2TF, Jaguar, and no UHD Player, that pretty much killed the Slim. If they had released with a beefier Pro at $500 and the Slim at $250, they would have taken the last three months, but they opted for a different stratagy. They are really trying to get people to upgrade to the Pro, and get new comers to choose Pro over the Slim. Though they say they don't want to go to the Smartphone model, their actions speak much louder than their words.

PS4 will win October, with PSVR and 30 exclusive titles launching, it would be insane for XBO to win. PSVR should give a good 30% boost to PS4 sales in october guessing 350K. Novemeber will be when things get crazy. A COD bundle with the Pro has got to be happening. By then PSVR should be red hot, and there should be a $249.99 Slim or maybe even a $199.99 Slim for Black Friday weekend. PS4 sales should be well over 2 million a month in November and December.

Wait, what's the relation between sticking with 4.2TF has to do with the Slim being killed? Then the next sentence you say that the price point is what's hampering the Slim's sales.