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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Direct Feed Games: NX Is 3-4x The Wii U, Nvidia Pascal Tegra GPU

Miyamotoo said:

Like I wrote reputation don't mean anything in console market for buyers, all comes to how much you current or new product is good and appealing.

If you don't think a companies reputation declining is a problem and negatively effects their efforts, relations with other companies and just makes most aspects of their work harder in general, then I don't have anything to add.

Around the Network
Miyamotoo said:
Barkley said:


Reputation means everything, when it comes to both public perception AND relations with outside companies.

The worse your reputation the harder it is to create a succesful popular product and the harder it is to negotiate and recieve support from other companies and studios.


Why after GC (Nintendo worst selling console at date) Wii become Nintendo best selling console ever if reputation is so important, why after PS2 best selling console of all time PS3 had terrible first two years and become worst selling PS console if reputation is so important, why Xbox360 sold 3x more than OR Xbox and on pair with PS3 while PS2 sold 5x more than OR Xbox if reputation is so important, why after most suscfule Nintendo generation ever and their best selling console ever Wii U become they worst selling console ever if reputation is so important!? 

Like I wrote reputation don't mean anything in console market for buyers, all comes to how much you current or new product is good and appealing.

Wii affected the reputation of Nintendo. Its why when Wii U launched, people stayed away from it because they assumed Wii U would be another gimmicky underpowered console. And for the most part they were right.

Wii sold because of the Blue Ocean strategy where they didn't even go after gamers anymore, but instead went after everyone else who are not gamers. This affected their reputation.

PS3 also had a price barrier of $600 and a production cost of around $900. Sony took a beating on PS3. It also didn't help that Sony execs were telling people that they would go out and work 2 jobs or put in overtime for PS3. And it did affect their reputation. Its what helped allow the Wii and the 360 to take off the way they did.

Same thing happened with Xbox One when Mattrick curb stomped it into oblivion for its reveal. Reputation does matter.

bunchanumbers said:
Barkley said:


Reputation means everything, when it comes to both public perception AND relations with outside companies.

The worse your reputation the harder it is to create a succesful popular product and the harder it is to negotiate and recieve support from other companies and studios.

Yup it also shows good will towards a company and their products. People bought PS4 at launch and for the first 2 years because of the promise of games further down the road. Even though the launch window lineup was lacking. Nintendo isn't affforded that luxury anymore. Wii U sales didn't jump until MK8 launched. Same with 3DS. They didn't see 3DS sales pick up until after a price drop.

Relly, and why that people didnt buy PS3 at launch!?

Buy time MK8 arrived Wii U was already dead and couldn't be saved like 3DS for instance.



bunchanumbers said:
Miyamotoo said:

Thats point, NX is again Blue strategie, again will have affordable price and gimmick. Last 2 years of wasteland but despite that Wii sold more than 100m, thats huge succes. Wii U was totally different than Wii and it seems want do well basically from start.

So what if NX failes, they have tons of money they will just try again. Saying that, nothing tells it will fail, they aiming mass appealing with affordable price, and they merged they software units.

Again, who cares about how much less powerful is than Xbox Scorpio if have great and beautiful games that can't be played anywhere else, if its handheld and home console in one, if have affordable price!?

720p for handheld screen not for TV and you really don't need more 720p for handheld, VIta has 540p and majority of Vita games ever run at lower resolution and games still look great. It asumed that will be 720p for handheld mode and 1080p in docked mode when you play on TV.

And that was why I said it needs to sell for $99-$149 at the very most. This thing is going to be a underpowered, gimmicky mess with detachable controllers, a base, a 720p screen, and lord knows what else. If they're trying to sell this thing for $299 or more, its going to tank instantly. $99 more dollars than NX at $299 will get you the PS4 Pro and an established library of 3rd party and exclusive games, on top of access to services like PS Vue and PS Now.

$99 more than that will most likely get you the Scorpio which will be 10 times more powerful, and have access to 360, and Xbox One games along with W10 functionality and 4K blurays.

If Nintendo seriously wants to remain viable as a game company, they need to see how gaming is trending, and act appropriately. Not just predict the gimmick. They need the power to have modern games on their machines. Every failure brings them further and further into obscurity as a hardware maker. They may still have billions, but they won't have the publics ear the next time they unveil a machine at this rate.

You are unrealistic, 3DS is selling currently around $150 and last month was best selling console in US, and you expeting that new console that will be handheld and home console in one need to have price of $99-$149!? Probably that's not impossible to do if you don't have loss of $100-150.

Again you are talking only about hardware power, and power is not so importan if you offering something difrent (Wii, DS and 3DS are great examples of this), this thing is not competing with PS4/XB1 with power that's point.

You have PS4/XB1/PS4Pro/Scorpio, in middle of generation Nintendo cant really release something similar and expect that will sell, probably would sold less than Wii U, that why they trying something difrent than PS4/XB1/PS4Pro/Scorpio and thats good thing.

I'm starting to lose interest in this NX even if Zelda looks great.

l <---- Do you mean this glitch Gribble?  If not, I'll keep looking.  





I am on the other side of my I warm or cold?  


Miyamotoo said:
bunchanumbers said:

Yup it also shows good will towards a company and their products. People bought PS4 at launch and for the first 2 years because of the promise of games further down the road. Even though the launch window lineup was lacking. Nintendo isn't affforded that luxury anymore. Wii U sales didn't jump until MK8 launched. Same with 3DS. They didn't see 3DS sales pick up until after a price drop.

Relly, and why that people didnt buy PS3 at launch!?

Buy time MK8 arrived Wii U was already dead and couldn't be saved like 3DS for instance.



bunchanumbers said:

And that was why I said it needs to sell for $99-$149 at the very most. This thing is going to be a underpowered, gimmicky mess with detachable controllers, a base, a 720p screen, and lord knows what else. If they're trying to sell this thing for $299 or more, its going to tank instantly. $99 more dollars than NX at $299 will get you the PS4 Pro and an established library of 3rd party and exclusive games, on top of access to services like PS Vue and PS Now.

$99 more than that will most likely get you the Scorpio which will be 10 times more powerful, and have access to 360, and Xbox One games along with W10 functionality and 4K blurays.

If Nintendo seriously wants to remain viable as a game company, they need to see how gaming is trending, and act appropriately. Not just predict the gimmick. They need the power to have modern games on their machines. Every failure brings them further and further into obscurity as a hardware maker. They may still have billions, but they won't have the publics ear the next time they unveil a machine at this rate.

You are unrealistic, 3DS is selling currently around $150 and last month was best selling console in US, and you expeting that new console that will be handheld and home console in one need to have price of $99-$149!? Probably that's not impossible to do if you don't have loss of $100-150.

Again you are talking only about hardware power, and power is not so importan if you offering something difrent (Wii, DS and 3DS are great examples of this), this thing is not competing with PS4/XB1 with power that's point.

You have PS4/XB1/PS4Pro/Scorpio, in middle of generation Nintendo cant really release something similar and expect that will sell, probably would sold less than Wii U, that why they trying something difrent than PS4/XB1/PS4Pro/Scorpio and thats good thing.

Loss of $100-150???  Wait, what is in this thing to make it a $300 price tag???  Serious question.  It looks to be a tablet with mobile processor and old screen.  What on earth makes it $300?

l <---- Do you mean this glitch Gribble?  If not, I'll keep looking.  





I am on the other side of my I warm or cold?  


Around the Network
Miyamotoo said:
bunchanumbers said:

Yup it also shows good will towards a company and their products. People bought PS4 at launch and for the first 2 years because of the promise of games further down the road. Even though the launch window lineup was lacking. Nintendo isn't affforded that luxury anymore. Wii U sales didn't jump until MK8 launched. Same with 3DS. They didn't see 3DS sales pick up until after a price drop.

Relly, and why that people didnt buy PS3 at launch!?

Buy time MK8 arrived Wii U was already dead and couldn't be saved like 3DS for instance.



bunchanumbers said:

And that was why I said it needs to sell for $99-$149 at the very most. This thing is going to be a underpowered, gimmicky mess with detachable controllers, a base, a 720p screen, and lord knows what else. If they're trying to sell this thing for $299 or more, its going to tank instantly. $99 more dollars than NX at $299 will get you the PS4 Pro and an established library of 3rd party and exclusive games, on top of access to services like PS Vue and PS Now.

$99 more than that will most likely get you the Scorpio which will be 10 times more powerful, and have access to 360, and Xbox One games along with W10 functionality and 4K blurays.

If Nintendo seriously wants to remain viable as a game company, they need to see how gaming is trending, and act appropriately. Not just predict the gimmick. They need the power to have modern games on their machines. Every failure brings them further and further into obscurity as a hardware maker. They may still have billions, but they won't have the publics ear the next time they unveil a machine at this rate.

You are unrealistic, 3DS is selling currently around $150 and last month was best selling console in US, and you expeting that new console that will be handheld and home console in one need to have price of $99-$149!? Probably that's not impossible to do if you don't have loss of $100-150.

Again you are talking only about hardware power, and power is not so importan if you offering something difrent (Wii, DS and 3DS are great examples of this), this thing is not competing with PS4/XB1 with power that's point.

You have PS4/XB1/PS4Pro/Scorpio, in middle of generation Nintendo cant really release something similar and expect that will sell, probably would sold less than Wii U, that why they trying something difrent than PS4/XB1/PS4Pro/Scorpio and thats good thing.

You can look to a previous post I did in this thread as to why PS3 didn't sell.

As for the price? Yes. I think that I'm being realistic. You realize that the concept of handheld/console hybrid is really just a HDMI plug? A hybrid isn't a big new concept. It was done during the PSP days. Which is also why I'm saying it needs to be that cheap. Nothing NX (rumored) is showing anything new. Its just a tablet with a HDMI plug on it, or it goes to a dock with a HDMI plug on it. There's nothing ground breaking.

And I talk power because Nintendo needs more than Nintendo to make games for this. Power ensures that they get all future PS4 and Xbox One 3rd party games. That is important because this means less droughts, a better library, and less pressure on Nintendo.

Barkley said:
Miyamotoo said:

Like I wrote reputation don't mean anything in console market for buyers, all comes to how much you current or new product is good and appealing.

If you don't think a companies reputation declining is a problem and negatively effects their efforts, relations with other companies and just makes most aspects of their work harder in general, then I don't have anything to add.

I gave you examples.


bunchanumbers said:
Miyamotoo said:


Why after GC (Nintendo worst selling console at date) Wii become Nintendo best selling console ever if reputation is so important, why after PS2 best selling console of all time PS3 had terrible first two years and become worst selling PS console if reputation is so important, why Xbox360 sold 3x more than OR Xbox and on pair with PS3 while PS2 sold 5x more than OR Xbox if reputation is so important, why after most suscfule Nintendo generation ever and their best selling console ever Wii U become they worst selling console ever if reputation is so important!? 

Like I wrote reputation don't mean anything in console market for buyers, all comes to how much you current or new product is good and appealing.

Wii affected the reputation of Nintendo. Its why when Wii U launched, people stayed away from it because they assumed Wii U would be another gimmicky underpowered console. And for the most part they were right.

Wii sold because of the Blue Ocean strategy where they didn't even go after gamers anymore, but instead went after everyone else who are not gamers. This affected their reputation.

PS3 also had a price barrier of $600 and a production cost of around $900. Sony took a beating on PS3. It also didn't help that Sony execs were telling people that they would go out and work 2 jobs or put in overtime for PS3. And it did affect their reputation. Its what helped allow the Wii and the 360 to take off the way they did.

Same thing happened with Xbox One when Mattrick curb stomped it into oblivion for its reveal. Reputation does matter.

Lol, Wii U doesnt have anything with reputation, it has with bad decisions and mistakes. People assumed that Wii is also gimmicky underpowered console and yet endend with more than 100m.

They had one reputation with GC, one with Wii and one with Wii U, reputation changed with every console, so curent console effect they curent reputation not other thing around.

Thats exatly my point, its not about reputation, its about mistakes Sony made with PS3, same goes for Nintendo.

bunchanumbers said:
Miyamotoo said:



You mean same like DS, Wii and 3DS were forgotten shortly after launch and dead in the water!?

So what if its weak hardware compared to XB1/PS4, rumours saying NX will be around 3x stronger than Wii U, and we all know Wii U have great looking games. If you buying consoles for power you need to shift to PC, or wait for Xbox Scorpio at least.

Wii, DS, and 3DS are all different eras. Wii was during the SD TV era for crying out loud. Power matters now. Parents will just as easily hand their kids their cell phone than give shell out hundreds for this.

The only reason this should exist is if they are trying to sell NX for $99-149.

Wii was most definately in the hd era. You just straight up lied. Wii's lifespan was between 2006 - 2012, HD started around 2005.

I hate to be negative, but, I'm negative.

JRPGfan said:
twintail said:
How much hardware power does ps4 and x1 have over wiiu?

Wii U is 176 Gflops.

PS4 is 1840 Gflops (aka 1.84 Teraflops)

So theres about a 10 times differnce in flops.

If you take into account, the newer and more effecient design, its well over 10 times the power of a Wii U.

Flops arnt just flops.


Wii U is 352 Gflops, get it right.