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Miyamotoo said:
bunchanumbers said:

Yup it also shows good will towards a company and their products. People bought PS4 at launch and for the first 2 years because of the promise of games further down the road. Even though the launch window lineup was lacking. Nintendo isn't affforded that luxury anymore. Wii U sales didn't jump until MK8 launched. Same with 3DS. They didn't see 3DS sales pick up until after a price drop.

Relly, and why that people didnt buy PS3 at launch!?

Buy time MK8 arrived Wii U was already dead and couldn't be saved like 3DS for instance.



bunchanumbers said:

And that was why I said it needs to sell for $99-$149 at the very most. This thing is going to be a underpowered, gimmicky mess with detachable controllers, a base, a 720p screen, and lord knows what else. If they're trying to sell this thing for $299 or more, its going to tank instantly. $99 more dollars than NX at $299 will get you the PS4 Pro and an established library of 3rd party and exclusive games, on top of access to services like PS Vue and PS Now.

$99 more than that will most likely get you the Scorpio which will be 10 times more powerful, and have access to 360, and Xbox One games along with W10 functionality and 4K blurays.

If Nintendo seriously wants to remain viable as a game company, they need to see how gaming is trending, and act appropriately. Not just predict the gimmick. They need the power to have modern games on their machines. Every failure brings them further and further into obscurity as a hardware maker. They may still have billions, but they won't have the publics ear the next time they unveil a machine at this rate.

You are unrealistic, 3DS is selling currently around $150 and last month was best selling console in US, and you expeting that new console that will be handheld and home console in one need to have price of $99-$149!? Probably that's not impossible to do if you don't have loss of $100-150.

Again you are talking only about hardware power, and power is not so importan if you offering something difrent (Wii, DS and 3DS are great examples of this), this thing is not competing with PS4/XB1 with power that's point.

You have PS4/XB1/PS4Pro/Scorpio, in middle of generation Nintendo cant really release something similar and expect that will sell, probably would sold less than Wii U, that why they trying something difrent than PS4/XB1/PS4Pro/Scorpio and thats good thing.

You can look to a previous post I did in this thread as to why PS3 didn't sell.

As for the price? Yes. I think that I'm being realistic. You realize that the concept of handheld/console hybrid is really just a HDMI plug? A hybrid isn't a big new concept. It was done during the PSP days. Which is also why I'm saying it needs to be that cheap. Nothing NX (rumored) is showing anything new. Its just a tablet with a HDMI plug on it, or it goes to a dock with a HDMI plug on it. There's nothing ground breaking.

And I talk power because Nintendo needs more than Nintendo to make games for this. Power ensures that they get all future PS4 and Xbox One 3rd party games. That is important because this means less droughts, a better library, and less pressure on Nintendo.