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Forums - Sony Discussion - PS4Pro: Secret Sauce Confirmed

Why do I occasionally doubt Mark Cerny.

The original PS4 was beautifully made, small form factor, great design, internal PSU all whilst making it easy to remove the HDD, with a punch to pack.

I laughed at the Cloud sauce, the Esram sauce and laughed at the PS4Pro secret sauce and was happy with upscaling, but hey I guess this is truly impressive stuff! Well done guys.

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this means a lot of Japanese Niche games will be running in 4K 60fps :)

Mafioso said:
DonFerrari said:

Man, you are sure one to talk... We do remember how much you keep saying Scorpio will do full 4k60fps. And where were you on cloud?

Sony is talking about secret sauce? Are you sure about it? Because since the gen started only MS have been talking about power itself.

You know that anything that is mass produced will cost less than "custom made". And sure for console you can have something a little lower than Titan X, shave the most expensive parts, enjoy the few advantages of down to the metal to get a closer performance and you may get something very close to it for perhaps 60% of the price.


I didn't mention Scorpio in this thread, because the topic is not Scorpio. Its marketing and 'secret sauce' evangelism. Yes, Guerilla started the 'secret sauce' talk at the Pro reveal.

Guerrila Games at Pro Reveal:  "Hulst: There’s a lot of magic happening. It’s all very complicated and Mark Cerny has a fantastic seminar planned in a couple of weeks where he goes into the nitty-gritty of it."


No buddy, there is no 'MAGIC'...its called programming. Its that kind of launguage that gets fans drooling over themselves and using it to push a non realistic agenda to everything inquestion as a result.

I never said Scorpio will do 'full 4k60fps' as a generality, so lets file that one under putting words in my mouth . The hardware target surely can render AAA games at 4K (certainly much better than Pro), anyone familar with PC hardware knows that's true. Compromise free? Surely nothing is compromise free in 4K PC gaming now and i don't expect that to be the case on weaker console-that would be silly.

Folks also need to realize that developing  using an upscaling solution and using the hardware optimally in your game is not exclusive to PS4 Pro and 'secret sauces'.  Modern AMD hardware is modern AMD hardware. Scorpio is bound to have the same instruction set feautures (or more) being newer. There is no secret sauce to Scorpio- its called +1.8TFLOPS more ceiling, 100+ Gb/s more bandwidth , more cores, higher compute, more shaders. Real . Things.

What secret sauce and evangelism is there in saying the PS4Pro have some "magic" inside? He isn't dealing in details because that isn't the place for technically deep talk. How would you compare that with Cloud, "noway we would make a console that is 30% weaker than Sony", DX12? Could you be the one with an agenda? Or how about the "games will support native 4k during Scorpio timeframe" while trying to get that as Scorpio will do native 4k instead of games in PC will run native 4k version of what will be on Scorpio? Never saw you criticizing any of it.

Sony themselves already said they are aiming at checkerboard 4k so I see no point in saying Scorpio will have better capacity on playing native 4k since it is more powerfull than Pro. I guess permalite and CGI-quality isn't familiar with PC (and a lot of other people in those threads) since you and some very few guys were believing on Scorpio making native 4k60fps with good IQ. But it's good that you finally is accepting that there will be compromises, next step you'll probably accept that a lot of games won't be native 4k on Scorpio.

Nope I don't think (who are these folks, mind to name them?) optmization is exclusive to Sony. But seeing what SSM, ND and the likes were able to do on PS3 versus what 343 were able to do on X360 I still hold that Sony is better on optmization than MS. But with more power on Scorpio we are sure to see games a lot better technically than on Pro, and if MS is really as good at optimizing as you think then PS4Pro will have no chance, right?

Ruler said:
this means a lot of Japanese Niche games will be running in 4K 60fps :)

I believe so... I'm so disapointed with the new One Piece game for PS4, the PS3 version from 2 years ago was so much better looking.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

CGI-Quality said:
DonFerrari said:

You know that anything that is mass produced will cost less than "custom made". And sure for console you can have something a little lower than Titan X, shave the most expensive parts, enjoy the few advantages of down to the metal to get a closer performance and you may get something very close to it for perhaps 60% of the price.

Negative. There's nothing less about it. A custome card is what one would get, but it would still be far too expensive for any kind of mass production in a console.

Thus, the statement, "If these guys were GPU vendors they'd leave everyone in the dust, we'd have Titan X performance for half the cost"is outlandish. Period.

If you that have a better understand of GPU can accertain that a TitanX can't be a mass market product then I agree that we wouldn't be able to see a cheapier price, but on console we can get a close equivalent on mass production and optimization (perhaps 20-30% weaker?) 

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

Intrinsic said:
Pemalite said:

This isn't a "secret sauce".

It was never even really a secret to begin with.

The fact that the Playstation 4 Pro has superior FP16 performance over the regular Playstation 4 was almost a given as the Pro uses a more modern revision of Graphics Core Next (Or at-least an older GCN design with modern underpinnings) which the last few GCN generations... There has been a stronger emphasis on FP16 performance.
Sony just took advantage of that.

However... Just so we are clear, it's less precise. It's not going to be able to be used for everything, don't expect it to solve all of the Playstation 4's lack of 4k problems. It won't.

Okay. Next Rumor please.

polaris has full fp16 support. And shows a lot of improvement in tests compared to other cards. What exactky do you mean by not as precise? Do youbknwo whst sony has done? seen the design diagrams? Know the engineers on sonys end that customized the chip? And its not a "rumor" that there is this thing/things that the Pro's GPU has (compared to a 4/5yr old GPU architecture)that makes it pound for pound better than the stock PS4 GPU..... it's a fact. 

I mean, you make these improvements sound like they are nothing or wont yeild to an all round better perfomring machine. Weird. 

nVidia's Tegra has full FP16 support.
You do realise it is actually a type of "flop" right? Flop is an acronym for FLoating-point Operations Per Second.
The flops you typically run around sprouting is FP32 or Single Precision. FP16 is the same as your regular flops, just the numbers used are smaller, so you don't get the same degree of accuracy in your calculations.
You also have double precision and more as well.

And yes I have an idea of what Sony has done. They are using PC derived technology as a basis, which from there we can build an idea of the Playstation's capabilities, such as half precision floating point performance.

Now the game that digital foundry tested, which took advantage of fp16 has a ton of caveats.
Yes it is rendered at 4k, 60fps. But it does so by using pre-calculated/baked lighting, shadowing and other details and faster, but less precise fp16, the game is simple. It's not a big AAA release... Even before the Playstation 4 Pro released I stated this would be possible for simpler titles. (Again. I was right.)

Now you are probably wondering... How does fp16 affect things? Well, in mobile, loading up the fp16 units over fp32 will typically save you power.
On PC this has typically been less of an issue in the modern era where FP32 is preferred.
However... If you actually paid attention to GPU's over the years you would have noticed the various times that AMD, nVidia, Microsoft and Games have dabbled in fp16.

In older games when doing HDR rendering (Not to be confused with this latest craze of HDR) each render targets channel is rendered at a 16-bit floating point value or fp16.
Now a render target is a buffer where the video card draws pixels for a scene that is being rendered by an Effect Class, now you can imagine the complications of having pixels drawn in 16-bit rather than 32-bit right?
So a FP16 render target will use 16×4 = 64bit for each texel.

What happens is you are getting less precision in your colours, gradients, everything.

Here is an extreme example:

Basically you are sacrificing graphics quality for speed. Not much of a drama for a simple game being showed here by digital foundry where you don't see assets zoomed up near the camera.

Again, the fact that the Playstation 4 Pro supports FP16 is not some amazing revelation that will change the landscape, it wasn't some kind of "secret sauce" that gives it some strange amazing new capability never seen before, I'm sorry if that was ever your assumption.
This was almost expected as AMD in recent years had added support at the hardware level for it, it's only natural for a device that uses PC-derived technology to take advantage of that, don't you think?

This isn't some kind of anti-sony hate train, this is reality of what we are dealing with here.

CGI-Quality said:
Turkish said:
Sony once again at the top of cutting edge technology. If these guys were GPU vendors they'd leave everyone in the dust, we'd have Titan X performance for half the cost.

With all due respect, absolutely not!

Sadly. It is posters like that... That give people the impression that Sony is building these GPU's, when they aren't. :/

Conina said:

"On paper though, the technical accomplishment here is impressive. VooFoo has quadrupled resolution over the base PS4 version, and it has done this using a GPU that only has 2.3x the compute power of the older hardware and only 25 per cent more memory bandwidth. Either the base PS4 is being significantly underutilised (in which case we would expect an improvement on its 2x MSAA) or there's something more going on behind the scenes."

It actually has more than 25% more bandwidth though.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

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Next person that mentions the Xbox cloud (something that MS strongly used to mislead to sell the One) with this (a few custom features that helps the spec punch above its weight) will be sent to the naughty step. Not on the same level of secret sauciness, no even in the same ballpark.

There will be native 4k games on the Pro, get over it. You just can't use the 'but Scorpio can do native 4k' argument against the Pro which some seem pissed about.

Just be happy that the Scorpio will be the most powerful console for a year or 2 when it releases.

Pemalite said: .....snip

Thanks fkr thr info. And i do know FP16 means, As i know what FP means and it's relevance to the measure of a GPU.


Yo be clear, all I have said or was saying was that you referred to this as a rumor even while admitting that it's something that has been dabbled into before.  And I was pointing gout it's not a rumor being that I recall reading that the Polaris has native support for it. If it's useful or not isn't my concern. but that it's just one other thing that makes the Pro's GPU better than that in the original PS4. As I'm sure there are other things too. 

Anyways. No need to get into all this. it's ok. and thanks again for the info. 

Pemalite said:

nVidia's Tegra has full FP16 support.
You do realise it is actually a type of "flop" right? Flop is an acronym for FLoating-point Operations Per Second.
The flops you typically run around sprouting is FP32 or Single Precision. FP16 is the same as your regular flops, just the numbers used are smaller, so you don't get the same degree of accuracy in your calculations.
You also have double precision and more as well.

And yes I have an idea of what Sony has done. They are using PC derived technology as a basis, which from there we can build an idea of the Playstation's capabilities, such as half precision floating point performance.

Now the game that digital foundry tested, which took advantage of fp16 has a ton of caveats.
Yes it is rendered at 4k, 60fps. But it does so by using pre-calculated/baked lighting, shadowing and other details and faster, but less precise fp16, the game is simple. It's not a big AAA release... Even before the Playstation 4 Pro released I stated this would be possible for simpler titles. (Again. I was right.)

Now you are probably wondering... How does fp16 affect things? Well, in mobile, loading up the fp16 units over fp32 will typically save you power.
On PC this has typically been less of an issue in the modern era where FP32 is preferred.
However... If you actually paid attention to GPU's over the years you would have noticed the various times that AMD, nVidia, Microsoft and Games have dabbled in fp16.

In older games when doing HDR rendering (Not to be confused with this latest craze of HDR) each render targets channel is rendered at a 16-bit floating point value or fp16.
Now a render target is a buffer where the video card draws pixels for a scene that is being rendered by an Effect Class, now you can imagine the complications of having pixels drawn in 16-bit rather than 32-bit right?
So a FP16 render target will use 16×4 = 64bit for each texel.

What happens is you are getting less precision in your colours, gradients, everything.

Basically you are sacrificing graphics quality for speed. Not much of a drama for a simple game being showed here by digital foundry where you don't see assets zoomed up near the camera.

Again, the fact that the Playstation 4 Pro supports FP16 is not some amazing revelation that will change the landscape, it wasn't some kind of "secret sauce" that gives it some strange amazing new capability never seen before, I'm sorry if that was ever your assumption.
This was almost expected as AMD in recent years had added support at the hardware level for it, it's only natural for a device that uses PC-derived technology to take advantage of that, don't you think?

This isn't some kind of anti-sony hate train, this is reality of what we are dealing with here.

Isn't the relevant part here that
it's possible to complete two 16-bit floating point operations in the time taken to complete one on the base PS4 hardware.
They're not talking about replacing fp32 with fp16, it's fp16 on both.

If a game is designed with fp16 precision I doubt you'll notice the difference. fp32 is of course better now HDR can actually be displayed. Next choice to make, 4k 60fps non HDR, or 4K 30fps with HDR. (The difference is probably not that big, no clue)

CGI-Quality said:
DonFerrari said:

If you that have a better understand of GPU can accertain that a TitanX can't be a mass market product then I agree that we wouldn't be able to see a cheapier price, but on console we can get a close equivalent on mass production and optimization (perhaps 20-30% weaker?) 

You won't get any kind of console equivalent to a Titan X in the next 10 years. So it's a moot point.

Holy moses if this is true

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."


CGI-Quality said:

You won't get any kind of console equivalent to a Titan X in the next 10 years. So it's a moot point.


Quoting for any potential use in the future. hehe

CPU: Ryzen 7950X
Motherboard: MSI MEG X670E GODLIKE
SSD: Kingston FURY Renegade 4TB
Gaming Console: PLAYSTATION 5