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Mafioso said:
DonFerrari said:

Man, you are sure one to talk... We do remember how much you keep saying Scorpio will do full 4k60fps. And where were you on cloud?

Sony is talking about secret sauce? Are you sure about it? Because since the gen started only MS have been talking about power itself.

You know that anything that is mass produced will cost less than "custom made". And sure for console you can have something a little lower than Titan X, shave the most expensive parts, enjoy the few advantages of down to the metal to get a closer performance and you may get something very close to it for perhaps 60% of the price.


I didn't mention Scorpio in this thread, because the topic is not Scorpio. Its marketing and 'secret sauce' evangelism. Yes, Guerilla started the 'secret sauce' talk at the Pro reveal.

Guerrila Games at Pro Reveal:  "Hulst: There’s a lot of magic happening. It’s all very complicated and Mark Cerny has a fantastic seminar planned in a couple of weeks where he goes into the nitty-gritty of it."


No buddy, there is no 'MAGIC'...its called programming. Its that kind of launguage that gets fans drooling over themselves and using it to push a non realistic agenda to everything inquestion as a result.

I never said Scorpio will do 'full 4k60fps' as a generality, so lets file that one under putting words in my mouth . The hardware target surely can render AAA games at 4K (certainly much better than Pro), anyone familar with PC hardware knows that's true. Compromise free? Surely nothing is compromise free in 4K PC gaming now and i don't expect that to be the case on weaker console-that would be silly.

Folks also need to realize that developing  using an upscaling solution and using the hardware optimally in your game is not exclusive to PS4 Pro and 'secret sauces'.  Modern AMD hardware is modern AMD hardware. Scorpio is bound to have the same instruction set feautures (or more) being newer. There is no secret sauce to Scorpio- its called +1.8TFLOPS more ceiling, 100+ Gb/s more bandwidth , more cores, higher compute, more shaders. Real . Things.

What secret sauce and evangelism is there in saying the PS4Pro have some "magic" inside? He isn't dealing in details because that isn't the place for technically deep talk. How would you compare that with Cloud, "noway we would make a console that is 30% weaker than Sony", DX12? Could you be the one with an agenda? Or how about the "games will support native 4k during Scorpio timeframe" while trying to get that as Scorpio will do native 4k instead of games in PC will run native 4k version of what will be on Scorpio? Never saw you criticizing any of it.

Sony themselves already said they are aiming at checkerboard 4k so I see no point in saying Scorpio will have better capacity on playing native 4k since it is more powerfull than Pro. I guess permalite and CGI-quality isn't familiar with PC (and a lot of other people in those threads) since you and some very few guys were believing on Scorpio making native 4k60fps with good IQ. But it's good that you finally is accepting that there will be compromises, next step you'll probably accept that a lot of games won't be native 4k on Scorpio.

Nope I don't think (who are these folks, mind to name them?) optmization is exclusive to Sony. But seeing what SSM, ND and the likes were able to do on PS3 versus what 343 were able to do on X360 I still hold that Sony is better on optmization than MS. But with more power on Scorpio we are sure to see games a lot better technically than on Pro, and if MS is really as good at optimizing as you think then PS4Pro will have no chance, right?

Ruler said:
this means a lot of Japanese Niche games will be running in 4K 60fps :)

I believe so... I'm so disapointed with the new One Piece game for PS4, the PS3 version from 2 years ago was so much better looking.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."