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Forums - Sony Discussion - PS4Pro: Secret Sauce Confirmed

CGI-Quality said:
Azuren said:

Don't get me wrong, I'll be back when PS5 comes out >=]

So you expect Titan X Pascal specs by 2020? I wouldn't bet on that.

I don't think consoles will be a thing past 2025, so there's not a lot of time... 

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The_BlackHeart__ said:
Microsoft on PS4 Pro: “I Know That 4.2 Teraflops Is Not Enough to Do True 4K”

Wouldn't it be funny if Sony finds the way and sends Microsoft back to the drawing board?

Kkkk I don't think they will do native 4k on demanding games. But they already can do 4k gaming on PS4. But it would be funny.

AsGryffynn said:
Thing is, after 8K, there really isn't much room for improvement. Consoles will then use other traits to sell or die off...

It will take quite some gen or 3 to get 8k Ultra on consoles.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

AsGryffynn said:
Thing is, after 8K, there really isn't much room for improvement. Consoles will then use other traits to sell or die off...

Thing is, VR can still go up to 16K or even 32K. (Each eye has a fov of about 150 degrees, combined nearly 180 fov, 100 pixels per degree is a good approximation of reality, humans can spot differences upto 200 pixels per degree) Plus the new DCI-P3 color space only covers 54% of human vision, rec.2020 can reach about 76% Then there's HDR range If we really, really wanted to use the old EOTF gamma, developed for analog CRTs, we would need something like 14 or even 16-bit for HDR. Read more at
It has also been shown that 240fps still has benefits. Nevermind we can't do real time ray tracing yet, and are still stuck with ancient stereoscopic displays to simulate 3D. Volumetric displays will need a whole new order of processing power.

So don't worry, still plenty room for improvement before looking at better gameplay ;)

Actually VR has the biggest and fastest room for improvement. Once pupil tracking becomes fast and reliable, as well as liquid electronic lenses, VR glasses can use foveated rendering to reduce the strain on the gpu by an order of magnitude, as well as simulating correct depth of view, naturally bringing things in focus when you look at somehing near or far, adjusting the focal point of the optics in the process. Again an order of magnitude cheaper than actual volumetric displays. It's all tech that exists now or very soon, 11K 5" displays are coming, eye tracking VR headset is in the works and liquid lens cameras are already on the market.

The future of gaming is in VR. Can't wait to get my hands on the 2nd generation VR version that's coming out now. I never got to try one in the 90's. Yet imagine what it will be like in 10 or 20 years.

Pemalite said:
eva01beserk said:

I agree, but wont it kind of benefit more a console? I mean pc gaming did only rose in the last few years. Back in 2003 it was pretty niche to game on pc compared to today, while consoles was just booming with ps2, gc, xbox.

PC has been a pretty big force in the industry for longer than that.

Let's look at games before 2003... Diablo, StarCraft, WarCraft, Evolva, Dungeon Keeper, Battlezone, Sacrifice, Arcanum, Baulders Gate, Icewind Dale, Neverwinter Nights, Heroes of Might and Magic, Kings Quest, The Elder Scrolls: Morrowind, System Shock 2, Unreal Tournament, Quake, Doom, The Settlers, Civilization, Alpha Centauri, The Sims, Age of Empires... And More. We had tons of games that would later end up console at some point... Some even becoming massive multi-platform franchises like the Elder Scrolls.

The Audio revolution happened on PC. Was pioneered on PC.

The 3D revolution happened on PC, was pioneered on PC.

... And while you were busy playing your Playstation 2... The PC was dabbling in Tessellation that wouldn't appear in a Playstation console untill the Playstation 4.

In the mid-90's you could game in 1080P whilst consoles were experimenting with 480P...
In the early 2000's the PC had 4k displays whilst consoles were starting to push 720P with the 360.

PC Gaming has always been *massive* and without it, your consoles wouldn't be as powerful as they are today, it's all thanks to the PC and PC gamers funding the technological progress of PC GPU's over the decades.
Many great GPU companies litter the ground with their ashes, but pushed innovation... (3dfx, 3Dlabs, Rendition, SGI, Number 9, Tseng labs and more)
Companies like S3, Matrox, PowerVR and more bowed out of the race... To have AMD and nVidia emerge and become the status quo.

Back in my younger days people used to dial into each others computers to play multiplayer games.. My high school would hold "Lock in" nights where we were locked into a room with dozens of networked PC's all playing each other for 24 hours straight no sleep... And this was all in the 90's.
Consoles wouldn't start to push internet gaming until the Dreamcast/Original Xbox years later.

Calm down dude, no one is doubting all of that. It was just my understanding, like someone posted before me, that PC was not really mainstream back then. While still big wich I now understand you have to admit that it is nowhere near as pc gaming is today, while consoles where at their highest back then thanks to ps2 and some will argue that console are shrinking  in market while pc still increasing.

It takes genuine talent to see greatness in yourself despite your absence of genuine talent.

zero129 said:
Kerotan said:

Your right, i keep saying that to a few of my PS4 friends who play nothing other then Fifa every year. im like how can you guys do it. Same goes for the ones who just plays CoD. I could never keep playing just the one game" 


Obviously it's possible they play nothing but fifa but if you're on ps4, chances are you'd actually see they do play other games too. Their trophy list would either.  I just feel you're over exaggerating to make your point and without being on psn it's hard to say it's all they play. 

Dude dont be putting things down the back of my neck. They are "my friends" so clearly i do be around in their homes and do talk to them so i know what they fucking play. Or are you really trying to tell me that the isnt people in ireland/uk who just own a console to play fifa?.

Anyway th point was the is people on all platforms who play the same game way too many times PS4 isnt immune to this so end of story and stop trying to take the topic back off topic or tell me what i should or shouldnt know about my friends.

Maybe I'm one of your real life friends?  You know it and I know it, Ireland is a very small place!! 


The issue here is,  there is nothing wrong with a gamer playing the same game always.  If he enjoys that as much as I enjoy playing 50 games a year then more power to him.  He'll get the same enjoyment while spending a hell of a lot less. 


Back from 2007-2010 I used to play nothing but cod4.  Missed out on a ton of great games.  For example only played Bioshock a few weeks back.  But those days were epic.  There was a reason I played nothing but cod4. Because I gave me more satisfaction then any other game ever could.  

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CGI-Quality said:
Azuren said:

Don't get me wrong, I'll be back when PS5 comes out >=]

So you expect Titan X Pascal specs by 2020? I wouldn't bet on that.

I meant PS6, or possibly PS5Pro. Not sure why I said PS5.

Watch me stream games and hunt trophies on my Twitch channel!

Check out my Twitch Channel!:

eva01beserk said:

Calm down dude, no one is doubting all of that. It was just my understanding, like someone posted before me, that PC was not really mainstream back then. While still big wich I now understand you have to admit that it is nowhere near as pc gaming is today, while consoles where at their highest back then thanks to ps2 and some will argue that console are shrinking  in market while pc still increasing.

I'm always calm.

PC has certainly gotten more mainstream since Steam started it's coal-fired march.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

SvennoJ said:
AsGryffynn said:
Thing is, after 8K, there really isn't much room for improvement. Consoles will then use other traits to sell or die off...

Thing is, VR can still go up to 16K or even 32K. (Each eye has a fov of about 150 degrees, combined nearly 180 fov, 100 pixels per degree is a good approximation of reality, humans can spot differences upto 200 pixels per degree) Plus the new DCI-P3 color space only covers 54% of human vision, rec.2020 can reach about 76% Then there's HDR range If we really, really wanted to use the old EOTF gamma, developed for analog CRTs, we would need something like 14 or even 16-bit for HDR. Read more at
It has also been shown that 240fps still has benefits. Nevermind we can't do real time ray tracing yet, and are still stuck with ancient stereoscopic displays to simulate 3D. Volumetric displays will need a whole new order of processing power.

So don't worry, still plenty room for improvement before looking at better gameplay ;)

Actually VR has the biggest and fastest room for improvement. Once pupil tracking becomes fast and reliable, as well as liquid electronic lenses, VR glasses can use foveated rendering to reduce the strain on the gpu by an order of magnitude, as well as simulating correct depth of view, naturally bringing things in focus when you look at somehing near or far, adjusting the focal point of the optics in the process. Again an order of magnitude cheaper than actual volumetric displays. It's all tech that exists now or very soon, 11K 5" displays are coming, eye tracking VR headset is in the works and liquid lens cameras are already on the market.

The future of gaming is in VR. Can't wait to get my hands on the 2nd generation VR version that's coming out now. I never got to try one in the 90's. Yet imagine what it will be like in 10 or 20 years.

We'll have VR rather than consoles...