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zero129 said:
Kerotan said:

Your right, i keep saying that to a few of my PS4 friends who play nothing other then Fifa every year. im like how can you guys do it. Same goes for the ones who just plays CoD. I could never keep playing just the one game" 


Obviously it's possible they play nothing but fifa but if you're on ps4, chances are you'd actually see they do play other games too. Their trophy list would either.  I just feel you're over exaggerating to make your point and without being on psn it's hard to say it's all they play. 

Dude dont be putting things down the back of my neck. They are "my friends" so clearly i do be around in their homes and do talk to them so i know what they fucking play. Or are you really trying to tell me that the isnt people in ireland/uk who just own a console to play fifa?.

Anyway th point was the is people on all platforms who play the same game way too many times PS4 isnt immune to this so end of story and stop trying to take the topic back off topic or tell me what i should or shouldnt know about my friends.

Maybe I'm one of your real life friends?  You know it and I know it, Ireland is a very small place!! 


The issue here is,  there is nothing wrong with a gamer playing the same game always.  If he enjoys that as much as I enjoy playing 50 games a year then more power to him.  He'll get the same enjoyment while spending a hell of a lot less. 


Back from 2007-2010 I used to play nothing but cod4.  Missed out on a ton of great games.  For example only played Bioshock a few weeks back.  But those days were epic.  There was a reason I played nothing but cod4. Because I gave me more satisfaction then any other game ever could.