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Forums - Gaming Discussion - A quick question about hardcore and causal gamers

Which group generates the most sells within a game?? for example hardcore gamers will purchase almost anything where as causal would just buy games on a regular just a little curious about the console it true that the first couple of million sales of a console is hardcore gamers buying it??

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yup, hardcore gamers buy hardcore, I only know one real hardcore gamer, why is he hardcore ???  lets see, my past-time priorities are: social contacts (not in the net) then making musik, then gaming, then movies(or TV), his are gaming, then gaming again, then social contacts, then gaming...., he spends 90% of his extra cash on gaming the rest on beer (when Halo3 is out I won´t see him for weeks unless I go and watch him play which he wouldn´t even notice), plus I would call anybody hardcore who waits in line for more than 2 hours to play a console as son as posible, I don´t think its a bad thing, its all about priorities.  




I think it's all about the time spent Casual 0-20 hours/week Hardcore 20-35 hours/week Extreme Gamer 35+ hours/week

Proud Member of GAIBoWS (Gamers Against Irrational Bans of Weezy & Squilliam)


Who buys more copies of a game would largely depend on the game ... Nintendogs was (probably) dominated by the casual market whereas Dungeons and Dragons online was (probably) dominated by the hard-core market.

Beyond that I would say that (in general) hard-core gamers are probably 100 times as likely to pirate a game than a casual gamer, buy used games and sell their old games. I would suspect that inspite of playing a (dramatically) disproportionate number of games they are really not that responsible for a disproportionate number of original game sales.

Yikes... I guess I'm a casual gamer according to your numbers Gebx. I happen to have almost 50 PS2, 50 GC, 10 Wii, 40 DS plus N64, SNES, NES and PC games to boot. Am I a casual gamer?

Prepare for termination! It is the only logical thing to do, for I am only loyal to Megatron.

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Hardcore fans buy more, just look at some games selling twice as much on PS3 as on wii. At $600 PS3 is as hardcore as gamers get, wii is casuals.

more or less the same goes for me DarkNight...

Currently Playing: Skies of Arcadia Legends (GC), Dragon Quest IV (DS)

Last Game beaten: The Rub Rabbits(DS)

Hardcore gamers don't buy any game they are selective but they buy the good games, casual gamers buy based on what they see on the cover, in the name and if they know about the game from friends or something...

Thanks to Blacksaber for the sig!

Blue3 said:
Hardcore fans buy more, just look at some games selling twice as much on PS3 as on wii. At $600 PS3 is as hardcore as gamers get, wii is casuals.

Which games would those be?


Spiderman 3 :-p

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.