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Forums - Sales Discussion - July 2016 NPD Thread! Hardware and software up!

RolStoppable said:
ArchangelMadzz said:

And not invest millions upon millions into R&D for hardware and just make huges piles of money on software with it being available on 60 million more machines on console alone? (Not even factoring steam)

Hell fucking yes.

Too bad that Pokémon Go proves the exact opposite, namely that Nintendo is better off by continuing to make their own hardware.

Pokemon Go proves that people want to play nintendo games but don't always want the hardware.

More people played pokemon go daily on Mobile than Wii U's sold. Pokemon helped boost 3DS sales no doubt which is what I said in my first post. Making mobile games to increase profits and hardware sales is great. Going third party is even better.

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Hiku said:
Hiku said:

Now for it to really bring back memories, someone needs to make as topic asking if the momentum has shifted in MS favor, and if XB1 will go on to outsell PS4 in the US.

Dark_Feanor said:

I hope you will not disregard Microsoft's engineering effort with the "Xbox One S", when finally  equaled to the PS4 in size (or at least come close), if it start beating the PS4 in the USA, at the same price level.

Not quite a topic, but close enough. I'll take it.



You're welcome.

Aquamarine said:

ZhugeEx (Daniel Ahmad) on Twitter:


"The popularity of Pokemon Go had a huge impact on NPD's U.S. Games Industry Sales Report for July 2016.

Nintendo 3DS HW & SW did very well."


Maybe you can make an exception and share 3DS number too.


Last edited by OttoniBastos - on 24 July 2018

barneystinson69 said:

When you're selling $100 cheaper than the competition, Xbox One should win by more than 10k. Should it not?

PS4 was 100$ cheaper than the XB1 at launch, so whats your point. Microsoft did these fire sales to push stock for the slim.

And the PS4 destroyed it. What's your point? 

Around the Network
Mr. Sega said:
Aquamarine said:

ZhugeEx (Daniel Ahmad) on Twitter:


"The popularity of Pokemon Go had a huge impact on NPD's U.S. Games Industry Sales Report for July 2016.

Nintendo 3DS HW & SW did very well."


Maybe you can make an exception and share 3DS number too.

We'll see. I'll ask NPD if it's okay.

thismeintiel said:
Dark_Feanor said:

Of course I can " dismiss" it. The XBO has been $70-$100 cheaper, with a bunch of games, the entire month. Yet, if the 7K-10K thing holds up, it basically tied the PS4.  

But sorry, the PS4's success has much more to it than just price. They came out with the better HW. Had the better policies. Had the bigger gaming brand. Had larger 3rd party and indie support. And it didn't take long for XBO to match its price, yet that changed nothing about its situation. Nor did being just $50 cheaper. Price has little to do with it.

You also can't look at the 1st month of the Slim's sales.  I can guarantee that once the Slim boost is over, and both the consoles are $299, the PS4 will continue to easily outsell the XBO. In the US, of course. It's already doing that easily WW.

And the slow start excuse didn't stop Xbox fans from aligning the 360 and XBO's launch to brag about it outpacing the 360. Even though it's quite obvious the XBO will maybe pull half the sales of the 360.

I don't want to have this coversation every time, but: What the hell Microsoft should do? Just quit and go home?

They spent a lot engeeniring the Slim. They already saved Dead Rising 3/4, Titanfall, Ryse, RotTR, Quantum Break, as consoles exclusives or timed exclusives, also some high profile indies got some attention. I don't know of any third party dropping suport.

Microsoft is not giving up and Sony is not idle enjoying the PS4 success. If the Neo gets a extra performance boost you have to thanks Microsoft aggressiveness with Scorpio.

For the final XOne numbers, without Scorpio or others, doing half the 360 numbers in a little more than half its life is quite a achieviment for a console that would destroy Microsoft game division.

Dark_Feanor said:
thismeintiel said:

Why would PS4 want to do Wii numbers all gen? That means they'd crawl to 100M, instead of easily passing it like the PS2, which it's currently otpacing.  

And let's just ignore all the Xbox fans' predictions and threads about how the XBO was going to actually compete with the PS4 WW, possibly beat it. Which started up again when XBO did well the following Xmas after launch. Now, it's only competing in the US when it's $70-$100 cheaper than the PS4.

There were a lot of preditions. Even I couldn't belive some crazy ones like the WiiU failing to break the 20mi mark.

There were people claiming the PS4 would do Wii numbers (30mi per year) without winding down, going up to 250mi total or more.


I think the only people predicting 250M for PS4 were MS with it's prediction of 1 billion hardware sales for the 8th gen.

Does anyone have a link to an 8th gen lifetime sales predictions thread around the start of the 8th gen?

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix


Aquamarine said:
Mr. Sega said:


Maybe you can make an exception and share 3DS number too.

We'll see. I'll ask NPD if it's okay.

I think it may be really cool!

Wait, wait, wait.
.......Is this some kind of joke?
I knew Pokemon GO would have an impact on 3DS sales, but not THAT kind of impact!