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Forums - Gaming Discussion - VGChartz WARHAWK bi-weekly league.

just saying that i'll be there.

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I just sent out 26 reminders to those on my list and to a random bunch of people on the roster who haven't showed up.

7:00am Japan time?

I have work tomorrow, so I'll try to squeeze in 30 mins from 7:00am.

Had a big session this morning. One of those where nothing goes right. Idiots trying to team kill me, the kind of luck where you start to think you might have a voodoo curse on you, rockets that take huge circling routes to hit the locked on enemy tank, only to hit a friendly tank that was nearby. Crazy..

PSN - hanafuda

For Flow:

server: vgchartz1
PW: league

5 minutes to game time.

Have fun guys.

Unfortunately i'm at working and won't be joining. :(

Demon's Souls Official Thread  | Currently playing: Left 4 Dead 2, LittleBigPlanet 2, Magicka

Around the Network

I'm just getting to the end of the GTA IV story, so wont be there

Well, just in case any of you guys were wondering, I'm not gonna be able to make it until June. My black belt classes are every Saturday, and getting longer and longer. The actual test is on the 29th of this month, so after that I should be able to finally join in.

EDIT: I just realized that you guys are playing now. I'm replying from my phone, b/c we have a break, but I still have a few hours left to go before I'm finally out of here. =(  

This is brutal! 

I seem to have an amazing ability to die in this game. I am incapable of killing anyone. Games still fun. I just suck.

Consoles owned: 80GB PS3 w/bc, PS3 Slim 120gb
PSN: Yubitme        

yubitme said:
I seem to have an amazing ability to die in this game. I am incapable of killing anyone. Games still fun. I just suck.
you'll get better overtime with practice


badgerfan is too goddamn good lol