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Forums - Gaming Discussion - VGChartz WARHAWK bi-weekly league.

im in but i really gotta learn how to spell league i kept spelling it leauge....o well im not in school anymore

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^ me too...

It (PS3's market share) might hit 30%, but definently not more. ~ Neo

Flaming (Calling another user (any user) a fanboy is flaming.) ~ Machina-AX

Great games everyone!  We had a pretty good turnout today. It's so fucking hot here today that the jewel case for my ps1 crash bandicoot is all deformed because I left it out on the shelf by the window.  Thankfully that gem of a game is still ok though.

theremometer reads 33 degrees celcius


edit.. Oh and slums congrats on your clans success so far in the tournament.

That explains your sudden arrival and departure. Hopefully, you'll stick around a little longer next time.

Did you have the maps after all? If so, why did you not stick around to try them?

Good game guy, thanks for playing.

I have a4th of july "party" next saturday (weird, eh, since I am Canadian and Saturday is the 5th). It ends at 4:30 PM (which is why party is in quotations) I'll try to slip out early enough to get back home(30 minutes away) in time to be on time, or slightly late. I'll keep you posted with any definite plans.

I had a blast. Had my mic next to the tv today but my ping was 200+ so I passed just to save you guys the annoyance of having a player how has a loud f'd up mic.

Lol, at omega dawn where I was basically target practice for everyone in that bigass ship :P

@PDF, sorry about that, Dogs usually saves the eXpansion packs for last. So show up a little earlier next time so you can stay longer


All VGCharterz welcome!!!
PSN: Al_Kickurass, Official Warhawk League Thread!!!->
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@ Skip
I just bought Crash bandicoot (1) this week off the store. :) Don't post any spoilers. ;)

Where have you been? you haven't been on VGC much lately.

kasillas88 said:
I had a blast. Had my mic next to the tv today but my ping was 200+ so I passed just to save you guys the annoyance of having player how has a loud f'd up mic.

Lol, at omega dawn where I was basically target practice for everyone in that bigass ship :P

@PDF, sorry about that, Dogs usually saves the eXpansion packs for last.

Actually, you were a decoy so Skip could swoop in with a kill. My usual tactics were useless against the combination of the 3 of you. And yes, I always leave the map packs last in order of rarity. If you were target practice, I failed the test. :(

@ Dogs
Yep I have the map packs. A friend came by and it was too distracting. He wanted to try out the wii. I really need to hook them up to different tv's or set claymores around my house :). I had fun though.

Consoles owned: 80GB PS3 w/bc, PS3 Slim 120gb
PSN: Yubitme        

Dogs Rule said:
@ Skip
I just bought Crash bandicoot (1) this week off the store. :) Don't post any spoilers. ;)

Where have you been? you haven't been on VGC much lately.


spring term exam week 24-30th of june so i had to study.  I jumped online once or twice for about 10 minutes but got distracted by the colour of water thread (  ).  After three days with no sleep I went to bed on my welcome mat (just inside the doorway on the floor) friday night and awoke just in time for the league.


Don't worry about the game next saturday someone else could host or we could jump into a public like what was done before.  I can confirm by thursday whether or not I could host an 8 player game.



Sorry guys I had to leave for a while tonight but got back for the last full game and the OD fight.


You should never go near a dropship again. I think I got you once despite firing what felt like hundreads of rpgs and watching you destroy at the very least 4 of my tanks. :)