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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Opinion? Prediction?: Nintendo are going mobile and/or multi platform.


Nintendo should...

Go multiplatform. All in. 124 29.25%
Just mobile. 32 7.55%
Just ps4. 13 3.07%
Just PC 6 1.42%
Just X1. 9 2.12%
None of the above. Stay exclusive. 226 53.30%
Yes. But hold exclusivity... 7 1.65%
Other in comments 7 1.65%
John2290 said:
KLXVER said:

We know its a console. Keep up.

Correction. We know there is a console.

Yeah, so its obviously not an application like Steam...

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John2290 said:
tbone51 said:
NX isnt real?

Could be a application like steam as a platform to sell games digitally across platforms. We know shit about it so why not.

Because they didn't lay off all their hardware engineers and replace them with software engineers.  They merged their home console and handheld teams into one team thus everyone speculating that the NX will play the same games on the home and hand held versions (cross platform titles).  The NX is a system which most likely has a home console and a hand held version.

wombat123 said:
FloatingWaffles said:

This is a "I hope Nintendo goes third party" thread rather than any sort of prediction. And lol @ "they're idiots if they don't do what I think they should do".

If you want to play Nintendo's games you buy a Nintendo console in the same way that if you want to play Sony games you buy a Playstation, this port begging of Nintendo to release on other consoles is really old and isn't going to happen.

Port begging is more of a PC Master Race thing.  Console fanboys, more often than not, just want to see the competition die.  I don't want that since competition pushes companies to be better.  It's kind of like in professional wrestling and how the Monday Night Wars pushed WCW and the WWF to come out with the best product possible.  When WCW died, the WWF stopped pushing themselves and slowly stagnated.

I know that.

Like, you already know that some of the people that say "nintendo should go third party because it will help them" don't actually care about Nintendo or their games, they just want to see them go down and have their favorite company have less competition or maybe they just hate Nintendo.

The begging though of Nintendo to release on other consoles is just so tiring at this point though because it's always the same "arguments" or "reasons" being thrown around. Like, it's not gonna happen people.

Terrible idea. We have seen Nintendo struggling to output software on their own hardware with their own OS with the wiiu. Going third party will either kill their polish and turn them like Sega or their games will take forever to come out.

Also not to mention they lose out on Royalty Money and extra money they get when someone buys things from their eshop.

Pokemon go is made specifically for mobile and its not even made by Nintendo. We dont even know how long it will keep the users.

And the wiiu's hardware sales is low but there is a lot to improve. When Nintendo releases hardware that doesnt have issues like the wiiu did such as terrible marketing, being overpriced at launch, gamepad not adding enough value, confusing name and etc... And people still dont buy their hardware, only then they should consider it.


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FloatingWaffles said:
wombat123 said:

Port begging is more of a PC Master Race thing.  Console fanboys, more often than not, just want to see the competition die.  I don't want that since competition pushes companies to be better.  It's kind of like in professional wrestling and how the Monday Night Wars pushed WCW and the WWF to come out with the best product possible.  When WCW died, the WWF stopped pushing themselves and slowly stagnated.

I know that.

Like, you already know that some of the people that say "nintendo should go third party because it will help them" don't actually care about Nintendo or their games, they just want to see them go down and have their favorite company have less competition or maybe they just hate Nintendo.

The begging though of Nintendo to release on other consoles is just so tiring at this point though because it's always the same "arguments" or "reasons" being thrown around. Like, it's not gonna happen people.

The arguments the fanboys give aren't even good; it's just conjecture based on nothing while people against Nintendo leaving the hardware industry have four ready-made examples of why they shouldn't; Sega, SNK, Hudson Soft and Atari.  The big thing each of them have in common is that they were worse off after they went 3rd party.

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wombat123 said:
Cloudman said:

I don't really get it. If people want to play their games that badly, why not just buy the console? I'd do that for any console have has games I want on it.

I kinda get it.  It's just a tribal mentality; they chose their platform and they want the others to die.  Right now, Nintendo is at the bottom so fans of the other two attack them because they're preceived to be the weakest.  Microsoft and Nintendo fans probably did the same to Sony back in the beginning of the 7th gen when they were losing billions of dollars a year but instead of saying Sony should go 3rd party, they probably just said that they should get the hell out of the industry.

Yeah, that's probably it. It's hard to tell if people genuinely want that when the idea is presented in an 'honorable' fashion. "It's better for the industry and Nintendo if they go third party. Everyone can play their games. Nintendo is held back by the limitations of their consoles."

I dunno... it looks like to me, everyone else is okay with just buying different consoles as long as they have games they want.



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These threads are nonsense. Nintendo is expanding their business to restaurants, movies, mobile games, Universal Parks etc etc. Also, They are going to release a new console next year. They are a multi million company with some of the biggest entertainment ips, they don't need to go mobile or go multi platform, they can do more than one thing. lol people so against of Nintendo hardware but they wanna play those exclusives more than their own exclusives.

Nintendo went 30 years before it had a bad year in gaming. It's been a one generation slump, and we expect them to leave their moneymaker to go into an industry that they've made ONE game in? One that performed decently, at that.

Be serious. If they made Go, sure, you almost have half an argument, but they didn't. This is interest for them, essentially - a nice bonus in their wallets.

You should check out my YouTube channel, The Golden Bolt!  I review all types of video games, both classic and modern, and I also give short flyover reviews of the free games each month on PlayStation Plus to tell you if they're worth downloading.  After all, the games may be free, but your time is valuable!

Nintendo will making his smartphone, with proprietary OS. Nintendo is looking for to be "the Apple of video games" Nintendo need to keep control of hardware and software...

People seems to assume that Nintendo would make more money by going multi-platform on consoles. When you factor in the loss of royalty payments, the new royalties that Nintendo themselves would pay, the porting costs, additional optimization costs, etc. I'm not so sure of that myself. I recall once reading that Nintendo's overall profits have been 40% software and 60% hardware. Idk how true that is but it's telling.

Anyways, it the NX fails I'd assume they'd go with a route similar to what Soundwave said before, where they'd partner with Sony or MS to have their games on one platform in exchange for a say in hardware, no royalties, etc.