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Forums - Sony Discussion - Star Ocean 5 Integrity and Faithlessness Metacritic Review - (60 Meta Rating - Gabriel Celeste May Cry Edition)

Ruler said:
Cloudman said:

I dunno if that helps assure if SO5 is a good game. They also gave FF13 39/40, and I know how that game really is.

its a good game by todays standard

Which game do you mean? SO5 is likely still a good game, even if it doesn't score high. FF13 however I don't agree with. I don't think it's a good game in any standard...



Wright said:
Cloudman said:

I dunno if that helps assure if SO5 is a good game. They also gave FF13 39/40, and I know how that game really is.


You mean a great game with a kicking ass soundtrack, memorable sequences and, albeit easy, fun gameplay system? Sure seems worth of 39/40.

I will say, it does have a good soundtrack, haha. The other ones... well, the part about the different codes of colors was memorable. I'm surprised they had codes for so many different breaches. xD Code blue, green, red, purple, and white. I'm probably missing some. That was pretty funny. The combat is easy, but fun? I don't agree there.



aLkaLiNE said:
Cloudman said:

I dunno if that helps assure if SO5 is a good game. They also gave FF13 39/40, and I know how that game really is.

Go read the synopsis on the metacritic reviews. Some of them directly contradict what the other reviewers are saying, so I don't think this game is being scored accurately for what it offers. Over on NeoGAF there were users who imported the Japanese version ahead of time, and what I was seeing is that this game is undoubtedly better than 4, and its main flaw was that it tried to live beyond its budget. 

Some things I saw that were nice? Customization, I read that the characters are actually like able (I guess the ones in 4 weren't?), that the campaign time is around 25 hours which works for, and against it, gameplay is fun and it's overall a good investment for fans of the series.

im coming into this never having played a star ocean game in my life, but will be picking up SO5 this afternoon and from just what we've seen, I think the games gonna be great. Do your own due diligence on why this game could be good or bad.

I haven't looked at the reviews carefully for SO5. I was just surprised it started scoring so low. I figured it'd be a fine game. It looks good and seems potentially fun. I would look up more if I was going to buy it.

I've also heard SO4 isn't very good, aside from the combat system, which I heard is good. I dunno. Too many mixed opinions on it kept me away.

Anyways, I would pick it up if the PS3 version of SO5 was also released from Japan, but it only released for the PS4 here, and since I don't have that, well, I just gotta pass it then.



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Ow......OW! 56!? OW!

- "If you have the heart of a true winner, you can always get more pissed off than some other asshole."

I've decided ill still buy it. I remember people bashing White Knight Chronicles and i loved thaf game.

think-man said:
I've decided ill still buy it. I remember people bashing White Knight Chronicles and i loved thaf game.


Well, you never got Infinite Undiscovery because people bashed it. :(

think-man said:
I've decided ill still buy it. I remember people bashing White Knight Chronicles and i loved thaf game.

You made a good choice. If you liked Star Ocean 3, this is like Star ocean 3.5

Im enjoying SO5 more than I thought I was going too.

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Xxain said:
think-man said:
I've decided ill still buy it. I remember people bashing White Knight Chronicles and i loved thaf game.

You made a good choice. If you liked Star Ocean 3, this is like Star ocean 3.5

Im enjoying SO5 more than I thought I was going too.

Star Ocean 3 is actually my favourite Star Ocean.

Xxain said:
think-man said:
I've decided ill still buy it. I remember people bashing White Knight Chronicles and i loved thaf game.

You made a good choice. If you liked Star Ocean 3, this is like Star ocean 3.5

Im enjoying SO5 more than I thought I was going too.

That's kinda the impression I am getting.  Which, to be fair, is the kind of thing critics should criticize.  But it does create a situation where something is critically unimpressive but still enjoyable for fans.

Does not look good... period. I guess I'll be waiting for the Bargain Bin Edition of this one. At least I'll be saving a few bucks.

Chazore said:

The hell is with you and your stance against Western devs, Western pubs, Western reviews, hell Western anything?. You have a real case of Xenophobia going on here.

It's called being a weeaboo. It's quite an epidemic on the internet nowadays and you'll see it in any corner of the internet that involves something that looks like, sounds like, or is referred to as having anything to do with anime or Japanese pop culture. Reality and objectivity are thrown out the window in praise of almighty Nippon and every other part of the world just sucks and is trying to oppress them and bring them down whenever something critical is said about anything related to Japan.

Would you call me by similiar term if i only would play games made in the USA? Which is quite likeley for average gamers in todays gaming industry.  

Something like 80% of all games not made in Japan are made in US (a single country/meta culture). Do you go around calling the other people weird for focusing on one country too even if it is subconsciously


Cloudman said:
Ruler said:

its a good game by todays standard

Which game do you mean? SO5 is likely still a good game, even if it doesn't score high. FF13 however I don't agree with. I don't think it's a good game in any standard...


Even if true it doesnt change the fact that metacritic should represent different opinions and outlets. That an important site like Famitsu isnt represented to give their score is pretty ignorant and down right discrimantory too. 

Chazore said:
Ruler said:
Not trusting these reviews one bit, its all western reviewers for a Japanese game.

And why is Gamespot so fast with their review this time? Seems they want to smear the games very earlier so the sheep reviewers follow.

The hell is with you and your stance against Western devs, Western pubs, Western reviews, hell Western anything?. You have a real case of Xenophobia going on here.

The game is as it is scored and reviewed, that's what it's been like for practically all other games since the beginning. I've played and liked games in the apst that got shit scores and that didn't stop me from playing them. Last gen I gave Bullet Witch a whirl and thought it was a decent game and had a good time with it and just look at the reviews and scores that game got. 

How is it xenophobia if i point out that most reviewers are from western countries while japanese reviewers are absent like Famitsu? 

There were quite a lot of people in this thread who openly said they are going to cancel their pre-order or prospone the purchase. So its clearly a lot of people do listen to these reviewers, western reviewers. 

Ruler said:


Cloudman said:

Which game do you mean? SO5 is likely still a good game, even if it doesn't score high. FF13 however I don't agree with. I don't think it's a good game in any standard...


Even if true it doesnt change the fact that metacritic should represent different opinions and outlets. That an important site like Famitsu isnt represented to give their score is pretty ignorant and down right discrimantory too. 

Do you mean Metacritic accepting famitsu's scores too? How would that work? Isn't it based on a 40 point system? I guess they could take the 4 individual's scores and add them all. I guess what's stopping that is Famitsu's a Japanese magazine publisher, and.. they don't know Japanese either. Plus, translating that for English for Metacritic may be a bit troublesome for them.


Either way, it doesn't matter to me. I don't use metacritic reviews to base my decisions on buying a game, haha.



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