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Forums - Sony Discussion - Let's talk about the new God of War

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jason1637 said:
It looked bad to me. The Kratos model sucked. The environment didn't feel God of War to me and the combat was really slow. I'm not gonna dismiss the game yet until they show more but yesterday's demo was pretty bad.

In complete seriousness:

Did you actually ever like the original God of War? I ONLY see you post against sony and for nintendo/xbox. 

I'm not flaming, or trolling, or hating. I'm legit curious. 

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DanneSandin said:
This is actually the first time around that I'm interested in a GoW game! And it's all due to Kratos; I didn't like him at all before - he felt boring and hollow - but this time around he's one of the main reasons why I want to play the new GoW! He felt more... human. I liked his interaction with the boy and the new camera angle. This might be the reason for me to get a PS4

Don't forget - he's also voiced by Teal'c!!!!!!!!!! 

That alone gives me a boner. I miss my Stargate :(((((((

sabvre42 said:
DanneSandin said:
This is actually the first time around that I'm interested in a GoW game! And it's all due to Kratos; I didn't like him at all before - he felt boring and hollow - but this time around he's one of the main reasons why I want to play the new GoW! He felt more... human. I liked his interaction with the boy and the new camera angle. This might be the reason for me to get a PS4

Don't forget - he's also voiced by Teal'c!!!!!!!!!! 

That alone gives me a boner. I miss my Stargate :(((((((

I wasn't all that into Stargate, I saw a few episodes and thought the premiss was interesting, but it didn't keep me hooked. Hopefully this new actor can give Kratos some depth.

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

Yeah, so far I'm not a big fan. Doesn't mean I won't end up liking the game in the end or that what they showed was bad, but I'm a pretty big fan of the first two games and this just doesn't feel like GOW, at least from that gameplay demo.

I do, however, like the way they're evolving Kratos as a character. I thought that was interesting.

I thought the game looked very very good.Didn't see a game yesterday that looked technically better.The combat also looks like it has more weight to it and feels more grounded and I like that.Also that beard tho.

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sabvre42 said:
jason1637 said:
It looked bad to me. The Kratos model sucked. The environment didn't feel God of War to me and the combat was really slow. I'm not gonna dismiss the game yet until they show more but yesterday's demo was pretty bad.

In complete seriousness:

Did you actually ever like the original God of War? I ONLY see you post against sony and for nintendo/xbox. 

I'm not flaming, or trolling, or hating. I'm legit curious. 

I've played all of them. PS2, PS3, PSP. God of War is my favorite sony series i love it to death but i didn't get a God of War vibe from their e3. 

BraLoD said:
I thought the game looked very very good.Didn't see a game yesterday that looked technically better.The combat also looks like it has more weight to it and feels more grounded and I like that.Also that beard tho.

It does look really good, my point over it was that it just wasn't as visually impressive as the other gows, because it lacked an epic showcase, not because of the graphics, and also reckon it was only a snow envyronment that was too white, while we saw on the leaks that'll have forest like envyronments with very diversely and strongly colorful flowers and such, so the actual visual impressive presentation of this game, not the graphics, is yet to be seem.

Hmmm well the details to Kratos and his son are second to none and the Troll also.The environments also have alot of details to it and I believe it will be polished even more.Picture it on the Neo.....yea a real looker.

It looks amazing. I'm glad its getting positive reception after all the negativity surrounding Kratos in recent times. I do like the previous games more than how I think I'll like this game so far. Hope to see more of what makes the franchise awesome.

As for the story God of War 3 hinted at a continuation of Kratos in the next game in its epilogue, I guess people who didn't play it would be surprised with him being in it but I was not. Still the kid brings some questions to my mind. When did Kratos have another kid? Maybe because he had sex with Aphrodite in God of War 3, but that was an optional minigame not a part of the story.

The kid does bring new gameplay possibilities too. Did you notice how he seems to fight alongside Kratos? This has happened in the series before in Ghost of Sparta where Deimos fights alongside you against Thanatos but that was just one boss fight. Having a partner to fight with can be really fun, I hope you can control him in more ways. It also opens the possibility of coop gameplay. Santa Monica should do it.

The RPG elements will be a good addition if the game offers more room for exploration than before otherwise it would become a very linear calculated affair which I do not want. Cory Barlog did say that there would be more room to breathe so I'm excited for this and an RPG God of War is the best thing that could happen to the series!

I dont like the camera




"Slow down boy. You must think. Do not simply react. Be calm and plan."

These are not the words I ever expected to hear from Kratos.

Nevertheless i'm looking forward to the new God of War. It looks like the world has opened up and there is a lot of room for plot and character development. As long as they keep it epic i'm down for it.

“It appeared that there had even been demonstrations to thank Big Brother for raising the chocolate ration to twenty grams a week. And only yesterday, he reflected, it had been announced that the ration was to be reduced to twenty grams a week. Was it possible that they could swallow that, after only twenty-four hours? Yes, they swallowed it.”

- George Orwell, ‘1984’