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Forums - Sony Discussion - Horizon: Zero Dawn may be the best new IP this generation

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Da new IP king! 127 37.69%
Great new IP 107 31.75%
Good new IP 52 15.43%
Average new IP 36 10.68%
Bad new IP 0 0%
Horrible new IP 9 2.67%
Go back to Killzone! 6 1.78%

Bloodborne has it for me so far but we will see.

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AnthonyW86 said:
bananaking21 said:

i think bloodborne is. 

You mean Dark Souls Bloodborne edition? :-p Come on you can hardly call that one a new IP.

Bloodborne is a new IP. That's a fact.

It looks extremely intriguing so far and I'm sure it's gonna turn out to be a great game. But it's too early to judge how good it will really turn out to be in the end.

AnthonyW86 said:

You mean Dark Souls Bloodborne edition? :-p Come on you can hardly call that one a new IP.

Bloodborne is a new IP. That's a fact.

It's as much a new IP as Assassin's Creed Black Flag.

AnthonyW86 said:

Bloodborne is a new IP. That's a fact.

It's as much a new IP as Assassin's Creed Black Flag.

That is objectively wrong.

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It could be the first game of Guerrilla Games which I really like. Never got into Killzone.

if it will be the best new IP? No clue but there are also not so many great new IPs this gen yet so maybe yes. The style of th egame is already awesome, if the story is good and the gameplay will feel good then it will be a blast. I could even live with a not so good story if the gameplay would blow me away. 

Luke888 said:
Not to be THAT GUY, I'm shure the game has been in development for far more than a year before it was announced last year but... Am I the only one that got Zelda vibes from last night's trailer ? I dunno but the latest trailer has me thinking about the Zelda E3 2014 trailer, the protagonist riding a quadrupede while fighting a spider-like robot and wielding a technological Bow and Arrow, they even went slow-mo when she targeted for the final shot...

Again I'm not acusing anyone of anything but it's indeed very strange for me...

Not really that strange games borrow from each other all the time. While I didn't get the Zelda vibe when I saw the gameplay video I did after watching the Zelda trailer. So I think a lot of what you say is true and that only makes even more interested in this game. I've always loved Zelda but I'm not buying a console for one game and it would nice to get a clone. I also don't like how the story resets every time so it would be nice to get a similar game but with a story that goes through multiple games.

crissindahouse said:

It could be the first game of Guerrilla Games which I really like. Never got into Killzone.

if it will be the best new IP? No clue but there are also not so many great new IPs this gen yet so maybe yes. The style of th egame is already awesome, if the story is good and the gameplay will feel good then it will be a blast. I could even live with a not so good story if the gameplay would blow me away. 

I'm confident in the story. Shadowfall might not have been a fan favorite but it was my first Killzone and I love games with good stories. Right when I was ready to give up on Shadowfall the story kicked in and it kept me playing through the rest of the game. The ending was great it had a nice twist in it as well.

Luke888 said:
... Am I the only one that got Zelda vibes from last night's trailer ? I dunno but the latest trailer has me thinking about the Zelda E3 2014 trailer, the protagonist riding a quadrupede while fighting a spider-like robot and wielding a technological Bow and Arrow, they even went slow-mo when she targeted for the final shot...

Not a bad influence!

From last years trailer I thought the game would be influenced by Monster Hunter.

AnthonyW86 said:

Bloodborne is a new IP. That's a fact.

It's as much a new IP as Assassin's Creed Black Flag.

Go and sit in a corner and think about what you've just said.