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Forums - Sony Discussion - Horizon: Zero Dawn may be the best new IP this generation

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Da new IP king! 127 37.69%
Great new IP 107 31.75%
Good new IP 52 15.43%
Average new IP 36 10.68%
Bad new IP 0 0%
Horrible new IP 9 2.67%
Go back to Killzone! 6 1.78%
BraLoD said:

So there is still normal animals just as well, that's something I wanted to see, as they fur clothing on them.
And those pictures are breath taking.

Horizon should really be a hell of a great game.

Didn't you watch the Sony conference playthrough?


The PS5 Exists. 

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BraLoD said:

The press conference one, yes, if there were more during E3 itself, no, I didn't.

There were boars and rabbits in that :)


The PS5 Exists. 

From all the E3 impressions I've seen, they've all been VERY positive. I haven't seen one negative impression, like ones we saw for The Order. I think it really will be a great game.

"There is only one race, the pathetic begging race"

Horizon ZD looks promising but it's going to be hard to top Bloodborne (yes I consider this game as a new IP).

I will wait before I judge this one GG failed to impress me with killzone series

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GribbleGrunger said:

this picture < 3 i love it.

Ali_16x said:
From all the E3 impressions I've seen, they've all been VERY positive. I haven't seen one negative impression, like ones we saw for The Order. I think it really will be a great game.

Yeah which is a little strange, considering gaming sites always find something to moan (some being critical of Kratos's beard, I mean seriously). But, it looks like they've taken their time and had the time to really make this IP. I think the problem with a couple of Sony games at the start of the PS4 was they were under immense pressure to get them out near launch and I think Killzone suffered for that greatly.

So yes I am also very excited by this game, and cannot wait to play it, really need a nice indepth story based game to get my head around. Though now I need to find the time to play all these games :)

Making an indie game : Dead of Day!

Hopefully so, Bloodborne is hard to top...

There's gonna be underwater enemies huh?

i love AAA-Games and Horizon Zero Dawn is a AAA-game, that is sure.
Great to see, the infos and gameplay sounds awesome = )