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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Emily Rogers: NX not gonna use X86 architecture, raw power close to XBO

NX must be at least as powerful as PS4.

”Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.”

Harriet Tubman.

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I think once you begin to think about the NX as a mobile-centric platform than some of this stuff starts to make sense.

Nvidia has also struggled to find vendors for its Tegra X1 technology, which has probably frustrated them (it's only used in like one tablet, the Google Pixel C, and in Nvidia's own Shield console), so it's not impossible I guess that they gave Nintendo a sweetheart deal.

NX console could look at lot like this:

That's the Tegra X1 powered Shield console, as you can see he's a tiny little guy even when compared to a Wii U:

Nate4Drake said:
NX must be at least as powerful as PS4.

I think it's a small percentage of gamers who care for that level of subtlety in graphical quality. As long as it's on par it will be fine. Nintendo gamers are, traditionally, much more concerned with creativity and originality, if the console can also pull in 3rd part games with comparable levels of graphics it will be fine.

Nate4Drake said:
NX must be at least as powerful as PS4.

Why? What is going to change so much by going from Xbox One level of power up to Playstation 4 level of power?

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

Einsam_Delphin said:

Hmm... this Emily Rogers person sure has been loud ever since the Paper Mario rumor came true. She had also said Zelda U/NX will have voice acting didn't she, so we'll know soon enough if she's just taking advantage of a lucky guess or actually does have insider knowledge.


She's been right and wrong about things.  Thing is the stuff she was right about can be attributed to easy guesses or have been leaked by others already.  In any case she wrote a blog post about some release dates and said if she got any wrong that she'd never post again back in 2011(3DS release dates for Animal Crossing, Paper Mario, MGS3D and another 3DS game).  She then proceeded to get most of them wrong and hey look she still posts. Oh well. Maybe one day we'll get that Soul Cal U and GTA 5 she said we'd get. Her other predictictions have been pretty vague though so I dunno.

Somehow I doubt the voice acting or gender thing is real for Zelda and all that will happen is that people will be pissed and take to the internet to complain with some sort of petition to try and get Nintendo to change it or some nonsense.  Or vow they will never play the game or buy another Zelda game, as if that wasn't the plan in the first place.

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zorg1000 said:
Nate4Drake said:
NX must be at least as powerful as PS4.

Why? What is going to change so much by going from Xbox One level of power up to Playstation 4 level of power?

It doesn't sound like it's even XB1 level of power though. If what Emily is saying is true and that Nvidia report is true, I'd guess

PS4 Neo - 4+ TFLOP

PS4 - 1.8 TFLOP

XB1 - 1.2 TFLOP

NX Micro Console - 1 TFLOP

I think Nintendo's main priority this gen may be the destroy the barrier between their console and handheld divisions. It keeps games like Splatoon stuck on 14 million users, when a unified platform would at least allow that to sell to say 50 million people instead. In a way it's like their portable division will take over.

Going with tablet-grade hardware for their next console is very Nintendo. But I don't think the market will want a microconsole, even from Nintendo.

Magnus said:
Going with tablet-grade hardware for their next console is very Nintendo. But I don't think the market will want a microconsole, even from Nintendo.

Well the market doesn't seem to want Nintendo consoles period.

Maybe Nintendo's thinking is well if that's the case, lets just unify platforms, in that case, worse comes to worse they always have a sizable userbase (in theory) for their own games.

You won't have a situation where a big-budget game like Zelda NX is "trapped" on a low selling console, because it can be shared with the portable owners too.

Like imagine Nintendo made a PS4+ console and they made a super high budget game, but the console flopped ... they would be in big trouble because they'd be on the hook for a massive budget game that can only sell to a very small audience. So unifying is the "bail out" to that conundrum. Perhaps.

Soundwave said:
zorg1000 said:

Why? What is going to change so much by going from Xbox One level of power up to Playstation 4 level of power?

It doesn't sound like it's even XB1 level of power though. If what Emily is saying is true and that Nvidia report is true, I'd guess

PS4 Neo - 4+ TFLOP

PS4 - 1.8 TFLOP

XB1 - 1.2 TFLOP

NX Micro Console - 1 TFLOP

I think Nintendo's main priority this gen may be the destroy the barrier between their console and handheld divisions. It keeps games like Splatoon stuck on 14 million users, when a unified platform would at least allow that to sell to say 50 million people instead. In a way it's like their portable division will take over.

Thats something that you and I have suggested a dozen times already, I dont understand why its some crazy relevation to you now.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

zorg1000 said:
Soundwave said:

It doesn't sound like it's even XB1 level of power though. If what Emily is saying is true and that Nvidia report is true, I'd guess

PS4 Neo - 4+ TFLOP

PS4 - 1.8 TFLOP

XB1 - 1.2 TFLOP

NX Micro Console - 1 TFLOP

I think Nintendo's main priority this gen may be the destroy the barrier between their console and handheld divisions. It keeps games like Splatoon stuck on 14 million users, when a unified platform would at least allow that to sell to say 50 million people instead. In a way it's like their portable division will take over.

Thats something that you and I have suggested a dozen times already, I dont understand why its some crazy relevation to you now.

In effect though and I've said this, what this will actually do is pretty much move the Nintendo home console to being basically an accessorie (like PSVita TV was to the main PSVita).

It's kind of the end of the Nintendo home console legacy in a lot of ways. They're not making a "real" console, they're making something that basically can run handheld games on the TV.

But this is essentially the corner they've put themselves into after 16 out of 20 years of largely declining console market performance. Coupled with increased software development costs each generation, they don't have a choice and can't make discreet platforms any more, not with their dubious position in the console space as is. It would be too risky financially for them.