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Einsam_Delphin said:

Hmm... this Emily Rogers person sure has been loud ever since the Paper Mario rumor came true. She had also said Zelda U/NX will have voice acting didn't she, so we'll know soon enough if she's just taking advantage of a lucky guess or actually does have insider knowledge.


She's been right and wrong about things.  Thing is the stuff she was right about can be attributed to easy guesses or have been leaked by others already.  In any case she wrote a blog post about some release dates and said if she got any wrong that she'd never post again back in 2011(3DS release dates for Animal Crossing, Paper Mario, MGS3D and another 3DS game).  She then proceeded to get most of them wrong and hey look she still posts. Oh well. Maybe one day we'll get that Soul Cal U and GTA 5 she said we'd get. Her other predictictions have been pretty vague though so I dunno.

Somehow I doubt the voice acting or gender thing is real for Zelda and all that will happen is that people will be pissed and take to the internet to complain with some sort of petition to try and get Nintendo to change it or some nonsense.  Or vow they will never play the game or buy another Zelda game, as if that wasn't the plan in the first place.