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Magnus said:
Going with tablet-grade hardware for their next console is very Nintendo. But I don't think the market will want a microconsole, even from Nintendo.

Well the market doesn't seem to want Nintendo consoles period.

Maybe Nintendo's thinking is well if that's the case, lets just unify platforms, in that case, worse comes to worse they always have a sizable userbase (in theory) for their own games.

You won't have a situation where a big-budget game like Zelda NX is "trapped" on a low selling console, because it can be shared with the portable owners too.

Like imagine Nintendo made a PS4+ console and they made a super high budget game, but the console flopped ... they would be in big trouble because they'd be on the hook for a massive budget game that can only sell to a very small audience. So unifying is the "bail out" to that conundrum. Perhaps.