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zorg1000 said:
Soundwave said:

It doesn't sound like it's even XB1 level of power though. If what Emily is saying is true and that Nvidia report is true, I'd guess

PS4 Neo - 4+ TFLOP

PS4 - 1.8 TFLOP

XB1 - 1.2 TFLOP

NX Micro Console - 1 TFLOP

I think Nintendo's main priority this gen may be the destroy the barrier between their console and handheld divisions. It keeps games like Splatoon stuck on 14 million users, when a unified platform would at least allow that to sell to say 50 million people instead. In a way it's like their portable division will take over.

Thats something that you and I have suggested a dozen times already, I dont understand why its some crazy relevation to you now.

In effect though and I've said this, what this will actually do is pretty much move the Nintendo home console to being basically an accessorie (like PSVita TV was to the main PSVita).

It's kind of the end of the Nintendo home console legacy in a lot of ways. They're not making a "real" console, they're making something that basically can run handheld games on the TV.

But this is essentially the corner they've put themselves into after 16 out of 20 years of largely declining console market performance. Coupled with increased software development costs each generation, they don't have a choice and can't make discreet platforms any more, not with their dubious position in the console space as is. It would be too risky financially for them.