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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Emily Rogers: NX not gonna use X86 architecture, raw power close to XBO

"In terms of raw power, numerous sources tell me that NX is much closer to Xbox One than PlayStation 4. Even that might be stretching it a tiny bit. "

"almost as powerfull as the xbox one,... but really not"

Thanks Emily >_<

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If Nintendo doesnt use X86 architecture for the NX, im sorry but this will be guaranteed:

Nintendo being Paul Walker and Vin Diesel the Third Party Developers.

teigaga said:
Remember the rumour that compared NX to the X1 inpower (sounded like it's even a bit weaker) and it streams to the TV via flush and looks like a Cross between a Nintendo handheld and a Samsung product?

I really think that's what we're getting.

Unless the hardware is scalable third party titles are going to struggle to find success for their ports. 80m people would have already picked up a PS4/X1 by March 2017. They're not going to use NX for Mass effect/FFXV etc if it has the worse version of those game.

Having said that, Nintendo's main priority is to get the system out into people's homes and sell their own software, this will definitely sell like hotcakes.

lol... are you dreaming? NX wont even get Mass Effect4/FF15

Well, that's a step up from using a 1998 CPU architecture on the Wii-U. Right, folks?






melbye said:

A portable that can hook up to a TV is definitely a new concept

It's not a new concept. Sega made the Nomad which was a portable Genesis system you could plug into a TV or take on the go. Even had extra controller ports. Man that thing sucked batteries down.


Hey! They got SONY on my amiibo! Wait a minute. Two great gaming tastes that game great together!

Switch FC: SW-0398-8858-1969

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Culipechi said:
lmaobox said:

A Nintendo insider with a questionable track record.

Right now, she is every Nintendo fan's worst nightmare. She is literally confirming everything that I have predicted about the NX.

I said the NX will be weaker than the PS4. I got laughed. Now NIntendo fans are panicking.

I'm telling you, SONY has 2 major advantages over both MS and Nintendo:

1) The genius Mark Cerny

2) Significant economies of scale advantage

Im a Nintendo fan and i dont give a sh## about power. I just want to play Nintendo games, have fun and smile. I was born as a gamer playing a NES. How can i care about graphics? They dont matter.

Unfortunately as shown by the sales of the Wii-u, it needs something more than just nintendo games on it to be a success. Not necessarily graphics but something.

Making an indie game : Dead of Day!

lmaobox said:
leyendax69 said:
Who is Emily Rogers? I have been avoiding nx threads like plague and I often see that name

A Nintendo insider with a questionable track record.

Right now, she is every Nintendo fan's worst nightmare. She is literally confirming everything that I have predicted about the NX.

I said the NX will be weaker than the PS4. I got laughed. Now NIntendo fans are panicking.

I'm telling you, SONY has 2 major advantages over both MS and Nintendo:

1) The genius Mark Cerny

2) Significant economies of scale advantage

^ is that actually Michael pachter?

And hes right, Mark Cerny & economies of scale, do seem like they are big advantages.

betacon said:
Teeqoz said:
Good for Nintendo. Launching a console at 400$ to compete with PS4K/Neo just wouldn't have been a good move at all.

Then why not just keep with the wii u, pointless relasing a new console.

Because the Wii U sells about as good as sand in the dessert

Please excuse my (probally) poor grammar

Not going with x86 doesn't sound like a good strategy, because that would make NX the only platform with a different architecture. That will definitely not help third-party development on NX, which in turn will do nothing at all to help it gain third-party support. If this has any effect on third-party support, that effect is going to be negative.

Calling BS