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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Official Microsoft E3 2016 Thread - Starting!


Conference Starting

Hype 22 100.00%
Nautilus said:
God dammit, I hate when they pull off the trailer to show the view of the stage

I second this. Don't understand why they do it.

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EspadaGrim said:
Neodegenerate said:
FFXV with MS? Smart move for MS!

well sony already has FF7re

I mean the fact that they are prominently displaying it.  I know the game is multiplat, but a lot of people associate MS with shooters and Sony with RPGs.  Square and MS taking the time to remind people, subtly or not so subtly, that the game is available on this platform as well is best case scenario for them.

Lol this makes FFXV look garbage...

This is a really poor demo if you ask me. Made me hesitant regarding to FFXV...

What a boring demo for FFXV

Around the Network

wow. FFXV actually looks bad. That or they chose the worst boss to demo possible.

Could have demoed better.

Division DLC

FFXV is a good game with an awful demo to show for it.

Doesnt look very good at all :