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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - No true and exclusive 3D Mario and Zelda on WII U

People still say 3dworld is a true 3d mario game? Wow

There is no denying that Mario now has 3 distinct platforming series.

Super Mario Bros - 2d linear levels, little to no story, no hub world. Levels 2-1, 4-3 etc etc.

3d Land/World - 3d linear levels, little story, no hub world, levels 2-1, 4-3 etc.

64/sunshine/Galaxy - Named courses each with multiple stars/shines to collect by doing different activities, each star has a name with a clue to the level, all have hub worlds, has more story and dialog, levels require more exploration and are very often not linear.

3dland/world is much closer to Mario Bros in both game design, feel and aesthetic really the only difference is another dimension but I'm not going to say that 3dworld is part of the nsmb series as some people say 3dworld is of the same vein as sunshine or Galaxy.

They are different series with a distinctly different set of features and rules.

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I cannot wait for another 3D Mario to come out so people can finally leave 3D World alone. It's ridiculous. It seems like people feel proud of themselves for claiming 3D World is not a "true 3D Mario". It's ridiculous and old at this point. I would rather play 3D World than jump into a painting 6 times to go to a slightly different/possibly even the same location and spin bowser by his tail.  


iLikeEggs said:

I cannot wait for another 3D Mario to come out so people can finally leave 3D World alone. It's ridiculous. It seems like people feel proud of themselves for claiming 3D World is not a "true 3D Mario". It's ridiculous and old at this point. I would rather play 3D World than jump into a painting 6 times to go to a slightly different/possibly even the same location and spin bowser by his tail.  

I can't wait too so people can stop saying that 3dworld is akin to sunshine or Galaxy when it is not at all. 3d World is a fantastic game people don't have to defend it so venomously by suggesting it is anything at all like 64/sunshine/Galaxy however.

Being something new and different is a good thing, people are so defensive however they rush to say things that are simply not true.

Some people will prefer the 3dland/world mechanics, gameplsy, aesthetic and structure. Some will prefer the way 64/sunshine/Galaxy does things, that's the way it is.

Fans of the other don't pretend the land/world series doesn't exist and the people that are in love with 3dworld should extend the fans of the original 3d games the same courtesy. They are two distinct series and both deserve to continue.

If the NX gets Galaxy 3 and fans of 3dworld complain they want a sequel to world too we won't be saying "herp derp Galaxy and 3dWorld are the same series!"

Why do I get the feeling that whether or not people think SM3DW is a "true" 3D game ha less to do with technichalities and more with whether or not they like the game?

Personally, it's one of my favorite titles on the WII U, and one I've spent a lot of time playing.

Sure, I'll agree that the WII U lineup overall can be seen as comparatively lackluster to WII and DS and 3DS, but I think SM3DW is one of its bright spots.

You can say it is or isn't "true 3D". You can say you preferred 64/Sunshine/Galaxy, whatever. I'm not gonna argue with you, or tell you you're wrong.

But I personally still think SM3DW is one of the highest quality WII U games there is, and I've had a lot of fun with it. If you didn't, well, sorry about that, maybe next time.

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I feel as though the reason people get so annoyed over this issue is the term "true 3d mario" as if 3dworld is somehow a lesser game, their really needs to be a term for the games of the traditional 3d Mario vein that doesn't seem derogatory towards 3dland or world. Then perhaps fans of 3dworld wouldnt get so upset when people say they want another game in the 64/sunshine/galaxy series, because they are certainly different.

beyond the Wii U being marketed terribly at the start, releasing with a weak batch of games, AND conceptually being flawed (Gamepad is just ridiculous, the telltale sign of a great controller is it being SO well designed that you DONT have to look down at your lap/hands)- the issue with the Wii U ALSO is that there have been incredibly weak releases

limited big new IP (sorry but Wonderful 101 is glorfied shovelware, no matter how fun it is), Splattoon is about all you have. And  extremely lacking in big Nintendo franchise releases.

where the hell was a Pokemon home console game? something like that pushes a LOT of sales for hardware because it convinces Pokemon handheld fans (which there are tonsss) to get the home consoel as well. Where was the pure Mario 3D title? sorry but 3D land does not have its own unique identity and feels more like an experiment. Where is the console exclusive Zelda or Metroid?

where are the mainline secondary popular franchise releases for things like Animal Crossing, F Zero, etc.?

people may not realize it but you can add a lot of sales by adding in some of these smaller franchises. Something like Animal Crossing or F-Zero can pull a lot of 'edge' Nintendo fans, who are uncertain on whether to pick up the system

and then some of the releases have just been mega disappointing, Mario Party = not good the last few iterations, etc.

overall the software for the WIi U was the weakest of any system of theirs since the Virtual Boy. People who claim 'Nintendo is done' aren't paying attention, they simply strategized terribly with the Wii U.

even with the bad marketing and dumb controller, if they had simply released a dedicated 3D Mario game (like a new Mario Galaxy) and like a mainline Pokemon game for home consoles- they probably could have sold like twice as many systems as they have. Same with a Zelda title earlier on. I would say that a huge amount of people interested in a Nintendo system are going to practically be in it specifically for a good 3D Mario, Pokemon, or Zelda. That's a lot of missed opportunitiy not genuinely having one of those for 4 years of the system

The good news is that we have plenty of explanation of WHY the Wii U has failed. Its not hard to see. Nintendo should know exactly what they need to do for the NX. 

they should release the NX with a Pokemon game, a new Mario Galaxy game, and some random franchise reemergence like F-Zero- that will bring in the audience

3D World is better than Sunshine, that makes it a worthy 'mainline' Mario game in my books.

I honestly think that the bigger issue here is the high graphics and high-development cost direction that the industry is taking. Even just look at the development time between the two Xenoblades versus the two Baten Kaitos games on the GCN. I honestly think that the jump from 480p to 720p has been very costly to the industry and has really served to hurt gamers.

It is not as simple as cranking up the resolution, when you develop a 720p game, gamers want that game to look beautiful at 720p and that is what takes so much time. This is why TP HD (and Star Fox Zero) took so much flak for looking like GCN games and everybody was whining that they were ugly... This was nonsense because these games were not ugly, it's just that gamers wanted Nintendo to go that extra 10% on the graphics that will take a whole extra year of development time. The Wii never had issues with multiple Mario and Zelda games because gamers understood that 480p has certain limitations which reigns in expectations and allowed Nintendo to focus on gameplay while not wasting a ton of time on graphics.

I'm sorry, but the jump from 720p to 1080p is going to be even worse. This is part of why Zelda U is also coming out on the NX, Nintendo knows that it is going to be 5+ years before gamers see another mainline Zelda game.

Oh please, this is nothing compared to what we Animal Crossing and Paper Mario fans have to deal with.