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Forums - Sales Discussion - Amazon U.S. May bestsellers and general Amazon-based discussion


Well, most people wanted ice cream. What kind?

Mint-endo Chocolate Chip 18 7.35%
Sonyberry 157 64.08%
Microsoft serve 17 6.94%
Cookies and Dreamcast 19 7.76%
Vanilla 16 6.53%
Organic and pun-free, thank you 18 7.35%
Mazzy said:
RJ_Sizzle said:

So you have nothing in regards to Sony's sales expectations. Gotcha.

Are you purposely being daft? The marketing budget is the largest ever, the dev team doubles, and there was ridiculous amounts of outsourcing as well, and you believe that expectations don't increase to account for this? What the actual numbers are? We don't know, Sony doesn't release internal expectations to the public. 

Just look at something like Gears of War vs. Gears of War 3. The former had a budget 4-5x that of the latter (12m USD vs 48-60m USD) despite being similar in size and scope. This is how AAA blockbuster gaming works, developmental and marketing budgets are swelling. Uncharted 4 is practically the poster child of this being bigger and better than all previous games; delayed mutliple times, ten times the playable size, story rewritten, team size nearly doubled, the largest marketing effort in PlayStation history... And you think that doesn't have significant ramifications on internal expectations?

Get a grip.

Sorry bro, your crusade for UC4 to be a failure has come to an end. You stated yourself definitively that Sony's expectations for the game were high, and throwing around arbitrary numbers and citing non-sequitors such as delays, Gears of War and added staff as your only reasons. All without once citing an actual figure or goal as to what Sony's actual expectations for what figure they wanted the game to reach.

Judging from the tone of your posts, whatever number they  put out wouldn't have been enough. The game is your proverbial giant for this gen. Now hurry, eat your crow before it gets cold.

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Mazzy never fails to amuse me.

RJ_Sizzle said:
Mazzy said:

Are you purposely being daft? The marketing budget is the largest ever, the dev team doubles, and there was ridiculous amounts of outsourcing as well, and you believe that expectations don't increase to account for this? What the actual numbers are? We don't know, Sony doesn't release internal expectations to the public. 

Just look at something like Gears of War vs. Gears of War 3. The former had a budget 4-5x that of the latter (12m USD vs 48-60m USD) despite being similar in size and scope. This is how AAA blockbuster gaming works, developmental and marketing budgets are swelling. Uncharted 4 is practically the poster child of this being bigger and better than all previous games; delayed mutliple times, ten times the playable size, story rewritten, team size nearly doubled, the largest marketing effort in PlayStation history... And you think that doesn't have significant ramifications on internal expectations?

Get a grip.

Sorry bro, your crusade for UC4 to be a failure has come to an end. You stated yourself definitively that Sony's expectations for the game were high, and throwing around arbitrary numbers and citing non-sequitors such as delays, Gears of War and added staff as your only reasons. All without once citing an actual figure or goal as to what Sony's actual expectations for what figure they wanted the game to reach.

Judging from the tone of your posts, whatever number they  put out wouldn't have been enough. The game is your proverbial giant for this gen. Now hurry, eat your crow before it gets cold.

So you're just trolling. I showed factors that would have very significant effects on the budget, and you just casually dismiss the dev team and marketing budget swelling. I included the Gears of War to show how much the budgets of these games increase as they grow in popularity and the overall budget swells to match it. 

We won't know internal expectations because those are not publicly available. If we can't discuss how well a game did without knowing exact internal budgets and expectations, then there is no point even discussing any sales, because we don't ever get this information, aside from the rare PR that explicitly states a game exceeded expectations.

Mazzy said:
RJ_Sizzle said:

Sorry bro, your crusade for UC4 to be a failure has come to an end. You stated yourself definitively that Sony's expectations for the game were high, and throwing around arbitrary numbers and citing non-sequitors such as delays, Gears of War and added staff as your only reasons. All without once citing an actual figure or goal as to what Sony's actual expectations for what figure they wanted the game to reach.

Judging from the tone of your posts, whatever number they  put out wouldn't have been enough. The game is your proverbial giant for this gen. Now hurry, eat your crow before it gets cold.

So you're just trolling. I showed factors that would have very significant effects on the budget, and you just casually dismiss the dev team and marketing budget swelling. I included the Gears of War to show how much the budgets of these games increase as they grow in popularity and the overall budget swells to match it. 

We won't know internal expectations because those are not publicly available. If we can't discuss how well a game did without knowing exact internal budgets and expectations, then there is no point even discussing any sales, because we don't ever get this information, aside from the rare PR that explicitly states a game exceeded expectations.

Not to keep this conversation going but from the increase it had in Japan, Spain, UK. Fastest selling 1st party excusive for them in PAL and just seems pretty logical to say the game exceeded or at the very least met expectations for 1st week sales....any other conclusion just doesn't make any sense what so ever...or seem logical at all.

But great sales for the game none the less. I want to see how it does for the entire month of May and what it ends up at lifetime. NOT you MAY be right there if it doesn't sell at least as mucha s UC3 if not more. But for sfirst week sales alone....yeah pretty safe to come to the conclusion that it at the very least met sales expectations if not surpassed them.

The absence of evidence is NOT the evidence of absence...

PSN: StlUzumaki23

Mazzy said:

So you're just trolling. I showed factors that would have very significant effects on the budget, and you just casually dismiss the dev team and marketing budget swelling. I included the Gears of War to show how much the budgets of these games increase as they grow in popularity and the overall budget swells to match it. 

We won't know internal expectations because those are not publicly available. If we can't discuss how well a game did without knowing exact internal budgets and expectations, then there is no point even discussing any sales, because we don't ever get this information, aside from the rare PR that explicitly states a game exceeded expectations.

So, because 'expectations' aren't quantifiable, sales numbers can be legitimately ignored in order to continue suggesting it didn't sell that well? You're onto a winner here. 

Sony must have been forced to put out these figures because clearly it hasn't met 'expectations'. Putting out these figures in NO WAY suggests Sony are happy with the sales. It's just PR to cover up low sales ...


The PS5 Exists. 

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Mazzy said:
RJ_Sizzle said:

Sorry bro, your crusade for UC4 to be a failure has come to an end. You stated yourself definitively that Sony's expectations for the game were high, and throwing around arbitrary numbers and citing non-sequitors such as delays, Gears of War and added staff as your only reasons. All without once citing an actual figure or goal as to what Sony's actual expectations for what figure they wanted the game to reach.

Judging from the tone of your posts, whatever number they  put out wouldn't have been enough. The game is your proverbial giant for this gen. Now hurry, eat your crow before it gets cold.

So you're just trolling. I showed factors that would have very significant effects on the budget, and you just casually dismiss the dev team and marketing budget swelling. I included the Gears of War to show how much the budgets of these games increase as they grow in popularity and the overall budget swells to match it. 

We won't know internal expectations because those are not publicly available. If we can't discuss how well a game did without knowing exact internal budgets and expectations, then there is no point even discussing any sales, because we don't ever get this information, aside from the rare PR that explicitly states a game exceeded expectations.

You added those factors without having any knowledge of context or comparison so they're pretty much moot. Most publishers would be more than happy to see first week numbers on the level of this game. If the ND staff for this game according to you is 300 or so, that's still modest compared to the average Assassins Creed game or what have you. I think it's safe to believe UC4 has well cleared the budget and marketing hurdle to see pure profit at this point.

GribbleGrunger said:
Mazzy said:

So you're just trolling. I showed factors that would have very significant effects on the budget, and you just casually dismiss the dev team and marketing budget swelling. I included the Gears of War to show how much the budgets of these games increase as they grow in popularity and the overall budget swells to match it. 

We won't know internal expectations because those are not publicly available. If we can't discuss how well a game did without knowing exact internal budgets and expectations, then there is no point even discussing any sales, because we don't ever get this information, aside from the rare PR that explicitly states a game exceeded expectations.

So, because 'expectations' aren't quantifiable, sales numbers can be legitimately ignored in order to continue suggesting it didn't sell that well? You're onto a winner here. 

Sony must have been forced to put out these figures because clearly it hasn't met 'expectations'. Putting out these figures in NO WAY suggests Sony are happy with the sales. It's just PR to cover up low sales ...

We're pretty much in agreement here. I think the notion that we can't discuss the degree of success of Uncharted 4 without exact budget down to the dollar is a bit absurd, especially when we have considerable information to suggest this was very high budget game, even in comparison to previous ND games. 

And considering how QB and Halo 5 got PR, I don't think the presence or absence of PR really means anything. I'm not sure what took them so long though, usually PR comes out in the first few days. Interesting how they went from sold-in with Uncharted 3 to sold-through with Uncharted 4.

Aura7541 said:
Mazzy said:

Ok, thank you, didn't see this.

Seems somewhat low considering this is WW including digital. Wonder what took them two weeks to release any PR. So much for "they're waiting for E3."

Somewhat low, eh?

TLOU sold 3.4 million three weeks after launch. So UC4 sold 80% of what TLOU sold in three weeks in only a third of that time.

And before you start commenting on legs, TLOU sold 6 million nine months after launch. UC4 is likely already halfway there since remember, the 2.7 million figure is only for its first week.

Lets say that Uncharted 4 had a 70% Drop from first week to second week this means that it sold more 810 Thousands in the second week, now  it would sit at 3.5 Millions units sold.

Or you think that the game had a higher drop ?.

Mazzy said:

We're pretty much in agreement here. I think the notion that we can't discuss the degree of success of Uncharted 4 without exact budget down to the dollar is a bit absurd, especially when we have considerable information to suggest this was very high budget game, even in comparison to previous ND games. 

And considering how QB and Halo 5 got PR, I don't think the presence or absence of PR really means anything. I'm not sure what took them so long though, usually PR comes out in the first few days. Interesting how they went from sold-in with Uncharted 3 to sold-through with Uncharted 4.

I'm interested to find out how you look at this. What does it tell you?


The PS5 Exists. 

It's sell through PR for the global market for the first week. Of course it's going to take a bit longer given that not every market is tracked to the same degree and precision as some of the primary markets.

It always comes off as baseless whenever people cite "where's the PR?" despite not actually having waited enough time for it to appear.