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Forums - Sales Discussion - Amazon U.S. May bestsellers and general Amazon-based discussion


Well, most people wanted ice cream. What kind?

Mint-endo Chocolate Chip 18 7.35%
Sonyberry 157 64.08%
Microsoft serve 17 6.94%
Cookies and Dreamcast 19 7.76%
Vanilla 16 6.53%
Organic and pun-free, thank you 18 7.35%
Mazzy said:
TheBlackNaruto said:

You obviously never pay attention to Amazon charts because your first paragraph is not anywhere near true....matter of fact give me another game that has charted for that long that was an exclusive especially at number 1?

What were the sales expectations that Sony had for the game?

And that last statement...what does that even mean?

I've been following Amazon charts for a little over two years, but thanks for the condescending reply. Even Ratchet and Clank hovered in the top 10 for weeks and was in #1 for days, and I'd imagine Uncharted 4 should have 5-6x that game's sales. In the yearly charts, Uncharted 4 is only two places in front of Twilgiht Princess Remastered and since it's unlikely to touch the PSN cards, that really won't help us. And yes, there really haven't been many big exclusives this gen, but when you do have a big, nay MASSIVE, exclusive like Uncharted 4 you can't compare it to other mediocre exclusive launches and say "heh, well at least it's better than those, r-right?" you have to look at overall sales, hardware moved, word of mouth it generates for your brand, compare it to other exclusives as well as multiplats, etc.

While Amazon deals in a lot of generalities and guesstimates (especially for software), one thing we do know is that it has already been heavily discounted a week after launch in multiple retailers, and Sony has been mum on sales figures, with the only numbers we have being a statement from GfK chart-track about UK sales. Yes, 66% sales over Uncharted 3 sounds good on paper, but this is so far the biggest exclusive this gen (and really the only big AAA Sony exclusive this gen), received the largest ad campaign in PlayStation history, and had a lot riding on it. We already know the bundle did not do very well (not really surprising given it is LE), and I suppose we will have to wait until May numbers to see its effect on hardware.  

I just can't help but feel that the hype died down quickly, and the sales, while decent, don't match the marketing mammoth that this game is. 

JRPGfan said:

1) sales in both the UK & Japan for Uncharted 4 where way up, compaired to the Uncharted 3 (more than 60%+ in the UK).

2) No exclusive I can remember(we have to go back before XB1 & PS4 days), has stayed nr1 or 2, for this many days on amazon.

3) It was 59$ and then got lowered to 49$. Thats closer to 15% off than 20%.


Its too early to say sales are bad.

Also all the signs point the otherway.

I agree, it's too early, but all signs point to not meeting expectations. "Good" sales is relative, and I think in the context of the marketing blitz, multiple delays, and being the first major exclusive that Sony has released (and pushed heavily) in years, that it received a rather lukewarm response in terms of sales, reviews, and word of mouth. Kind of reminds me of MGSV in a way, speaking of which, it just had its MSRP slashed across the board.

RJ_Sizzle said:

What giants? Exclusive giants? You know in the UK so far It cleared Halo 5 by a good margin on its debut.

Is this post meant to be tongue-in-cheek? Halo 5 is regarded as one of the biggest flops and falls from grace of any franchise. Uncharted 4, the biggest exclusive of this gen on the leading platform, outperformed it by a slim margin. Congratulations?

Still doesn't hold a candle to major exclusives of last gen or to multiplats of this gen. 

Unless we've just dismissed exclusives as mattering anymore in the grand scheme of things, and we have become satisfied with mediocrity in sales?

UK is nearly the same as aways for Xbox, the gap isn't so big is just 30% more or something like that.

After 14 Days in the 1th of the chart they discounted it by 10US$ this is what you mean "Great Discounted" Playstation's Cards are purchased all throught the year some of those to purchase Uncharted 4, we don't know the gap between the cards and the games so is useless to say "This is just 2 spots ahead of this so it is a faill" The Gap between 5th and 1th can be greater than the gap between 80000th and 7th but we will never know.

And you is crying about Sony not giving numbers (while we are 3 weeks away from E3, the better place to announce it) while Microsoft has yet to give numbers about Halo 5 which launched 7-8 Months ago, they only gave Revenue of Shipped items of Halo, Hardware, Software, Microtransactions, etc.

Uncharted 4 is ranked much higher on UK than Uncharted 3, but the last Halo Games had  sold much more than Uncharted 4's first week Halo 5 fell from selling 300+ Thousands First Week to be out-sold by a franchise which the best selling game only sold 120+ First Week.

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Mazzy said:
TheBlackNaruto said:

You obviously never pay attention to Amazon charts because your first paragraph is not anywhere near true....matter of fact give me another game that has charted for that long that was an exclusive especially at number 1?

What were the sales expectations that Sony had for the game?

And that last statement...what does that even mean?

I've been following Amazon charts for a little over two years, but thanks for the condescending reply. Even Ratchet and Clank hovered in the top 10 for weeks and was in #1 for days, and I'd imagine Uncharted 4 should have 5-6x that game's sales. In the yearly charts, Uncharted 4 is only two places in front of Twilgiht Princess Remastered and since it's unlikely to touch the PSN cards, that really won't help us. And yes, there really haven't been many big exclusives this gen, but when you do have a big, nay MASSIVE, exclusive like Uncharted 4 you can't compare it to other mediocre exclusive launches and say "heh, well at least it's better than those, r-right?" you have to look at overall sales, hardware moved, word of mouth it generates for your brand, compare it to other exclusives as well as multiplats, etc.

While Amazon deals in a lot of generalities and guesstimates (especially for software), one thing we do know is that it has already been heavily discounted a week after launch in multiple retailers, and Sony has been mum on sales figures, with the only numbers we have being a statement from GfK chart-track about UK sales. Yes, 66% sales over Uncharted 3 sounds good on paper, but this is so far the biggest exclusive this gen (and really the only big AAA Sony exclusive this gen), received the largest ad campaign in PlayStation history, and had a lot riding on it. We already know the bundle did not do very well (not really surprising given it is LE), and I suppose we will have to wait until May numbers to see its effect on hardware.  

I just can't help but feel that the hype died down quickly, and the sales, while decent, don't match the marketing mammoth that this game is. 



First I apologize if my reponse seemed condescending because it wasn't. No other exclusive game(Not Rachet and clank, Halo 5 or even QB) had done that so for you to have been following the sales for so long and to say that seemed odd. And the game hasn't even been out a full two weeks yet and you are using the Yearly Charts already? And what overalls ales are you looking at to say it didn't do well? And how does 66% more than Uncharted 3 sound good on paper? THAT IS GOOD...esepcially in the UK which belonged to MS last gen. And "healivly discounted" at multiple retaliers? So is it half off or less somewhere? Because that would mean heavily discounted right? Or are you referring to the $10 off deal?

And where did you get that UC4 had the biggest ad compaign in Playstation history(I am asking because I never saw that anywhere and would like to read it myself)? And why do you feel the bundle didn't do well? Again what were the sales expectations? Becuase hype has been good, word of mouth has been good, sales seemingly accross the board have been positive from the information we have received so far. The reviews have been excellent(not luke warm as you stated). So I don't get how you are going the opposite direction of what the data that we do have is giving us. Not saying you can't be right but the data says otherwise.

I guess I just can't see what it is you are looking at that would make you feel this way or even think the things that you are thinking. Or is this just a gut feeling that you have? Because if that is the case then I could understand but if you are going by the little data that we do have then it doesn't really seem my opinion which could also be wrong. But you are right we will have to wait unti we hear from Sony or get more sales data to be sure.

The absence of evidence is NOT the evidence of absence...

PSN: StlUzumaki23

Swordmasterman said:

UK is nearly the same as aways for Xbox, the gap isn't so big is just 30% more or something like that.

After 14 Days in the 1th of the chart they discounted it by 10US$ this is what you mean "Great Discounted" Playstation's Cards are purchased all throught the year some of those to purchase Uncharted 4, we don't know the gap between the cards and the games so is useless to say "This is just 2 spots ahead of this so it is a faill" The Gap between 5th and 1th can be greater than the gap between 80000th and 7th but we will never know.

And you is crying about Sony not giving numbers (while we are 3 weeks away from E3, the better place to announce it) while Microsoft has yet to give numbers about Halo 5 which launched 7-8 Months ago, they only gave Revenue of Shipped items of Halo, Hardware, Software, Microtransactions, etc.

Uncharted 4 is ranked much higher on UK than Uncharted 3, but the last Halo Games had  sold much more than Uncharted 4's first week Halo 5 fell from selling 300+ Thousands First Week to be out-sold by a franchise which the best selling game only sold 120+ First Week.

Is this how we've started to defend Uncharted 4 now? Comparing it to historical flops and saying that it wasn't a big a flop as them?

Halo 5 was a flop, a HUGE flop. Saying PS4's Uncharted 4, which I'd say draws parallels to 360's Halo 3, performed better than one of (as I've already said) the biggest flops and falls from grace of all time, is not saying anything really besides that it wasn't an outright failure. 

Like I said, sales so far are not great and they're not terrible. At worst, it's a disappointment and a bomb, and at best it met expectations and nothing beyond them. 

The most worrying part is no PR whatsoever, and that the game already being discounted (which suggests excess stock, suggesting that it did not meet expectations). Expect to see this game in bargain bins and in console bundles in 6-12 months.

Mazzy said:

Bit confused on why people are surprised about Uncharted 4 charting for so many days straight. It doesn't tell us anything, it could be a bomba or a smashing hit and would have charted for this long regardless, especially as an exclusive (so not spread out across platforms) in a slow month like this, and at a 20% discount no less. 

I think in any case, the launch was tepid compared to Sony's expectations, and almost any outcome would result in disappointment due to Sony's very lofty sales expectations for the game.

In context, I think Uncharted 4 could be regarded as a bomb, not compared to the rest of the series, but in the context of how Sony tried to make it stand up against giants and it failed. 

What are Sony's sales expectations? How do you know UC4 has not met them? If you do, provide us the numbers and cite the sources. The game had much better first week sales than Halo 5 in the UK. It crushed Doom in Spain (78K to 5K). Hardly a bomb, really.

Mazzy said:

The most worrying part is no PR whatsoever, and that the game already being discounted (which suggests excess stock, suggesting that it did not meet expectations)Expect to see this game in bargain bins and in console bundles in 6-12 months.

This is Argument from Silence. Sony is not obligated to provide PR for Uncharted 4. I can tell you that the game already sold around 400K first week in just the UK, Spain, and Japan. Factor in the rest of the world, you do the math.

EDIT: Forget it, there's really no point in arguing, heh. If someone wants to interpret the facts coming out in a certain way, they're certainly free to do so, even if all the evidence contradicts them. 

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TheBlackNaruto said:

First I apologize if my reponse seemed condescending because it wasn't. No other exclusive game(Not Rachet and clank, Halo 5 or even QB) had done that so for you to have been following the sales for so long and to say that seemed odd. And the game hasn't even been out a full two weeks yet and you are using the Yearly Charts already? And what overalls ales are you looking at to say it didn't do well? And how does 66% more than Uncharted 3 sound good on paper? THAT IS GOOD...esepcially in the UK which belonged to MS last gen. And "healivly discounted" at multiple retaliers? So is it half off or less somewhere? Because that would mean heavily discounted right? Or are you referring to the $10 off deal?

And where did you get that UC4 had the biggest ad compaign in Playstation history(I am asking because I never saw that anywhere and would like to read it myself)? And why do you feel the bundle didn't do well? Again what were the sales expectations? Becuase hype has been good, word of mouth has been good, sales seemingly accross the board have been positive from the information we have received so far. The reviews have been excellent(not luke warm as you stated). So I don't get how you are going the opposite direction of what the data that we do have is giving us. Not saying you can't be right but the data says otherwise.

I guess I just can't see what it is you are looking at that would make you feel this way or even think the things that you are thinking. Or is this just a gut feeling that you have? Because if that is the case then I could understand but if you are going by the little data that we do have then it doesn't really seem my opinion which could also be wrong. But you are right we will have to wait unti we hear from Sony or get more sales data to be sure.

Ratchet and Clank is a budget $40 game with little advertising budget that was made as a movie tie-in in a year (

Halo 5, as said multiple times, was a massive flop and one of the biggest declines in a franchise that we've ever seen.

And Quantum Break was probably the biggest flop of the year behind Battleborn. Really an ugly situation all around, and really no way to sugarcoat or downplay it. It flopped hard, poor initial sales, no legs, heavy discounts, poor reviews. Quantum Break was also meant to be a AAA exclusive with a large budget (and I think people sometimes like to conveniently avoid this fact when damage controlling its sales), and it was a huge blunder in nearly every possible way. 

As I said, if we are now accepting sales mediocrity and simply performing better than sales blunders and low budget games is what is considered good in the context of Uncharted 4, then more power to you, but I look at things in the context of the game and what was riding on it and expected of it.

Sony hasn't said their sales expectations (and companies typically don't, especially if they are not met), but judging on the multiple delays, the presence in press conferences, the huge, huge marketing budget, and Sony's first major AAA exclusive in years that is also heavily pushed across all their channels, I'd say initial impressions are that it did well enough for itself, but overall failed to meet expectation. (Also, by the way, my remark about first big AAA exlcusives in years is not at all an insult to Sony, I don't think that a game being a heavily marketed AAA is indicative of quality in any way, and have generally been happy with Sony's game output this gen and last)

This is the type of game you shout the sales from the rooftops, you get people on the PS4 train that have never played an Uncharted 4 game, not radio silence on sales numbers and 20% discounts a week after release. 

Mazzy said:
Swordmasterman said:

Is this how we've started to defend Uncharted 4 now? Comparing it to historical flops and saying that it wasn't a big a flop as them?

Halo 5 was a flop, a HUGE flop. Saying PS4's Uncharted 4, which I'd say draws parallels to 360's Halo 3, performed better than one of (as I've already said) the biggest flops and falls from grace of all time, is not saying anything really besides that it wasn't an outright failure. 

Like I said, sales so far are not great and they're not terrible. At worst, it's a disappointment and a bomb, and at best it met expectations and nothing beyond them. 

The most worrying part is no PR whatsoever, and that the game already being discounted (which suggests excess stock, suggesting that it did not meet expectations). Expect to see this game in bargain bins and in console bundles in 6-12 months.

"‘Uncharted 4’ is by far the most successful launch in the series beating ‘Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deceptions' debut week by 66%"

^ in the UK.


First week sales in the UK: "Uncharted 4" > "Halo 5 + Rise of the tombraider"


Uncharted 4 = 192k+ first week sales in the UK.

Rise of the tombraider = 42k first week sales in the UK.

Halo 5 = 150k sales first week in the UK.


Thats just 1 country.

Also apart from England and the USA, most places Playstation is like x4 times as big as Xbox.

Uncharted 4 is going to sell well.

The doom and gloom is too early.


Pretty sure at E3 sony will be bragging about sales numbers for Uncharted.

Mazzy said:
TheBlackNaruto said:

First I apologize if my reponse seemed condescending because it wasn't. No other exclusive game(Not Rachet and clank, Halo 5 or even QB) had done that so for you to have been following the sales for so long and to say that seemed odd. And the game hasn't even been out a full two weeks yet and you are using the Yearly Charts already? And what overalls ales are you looking at to say it didn't do well? And how does 66% more than Uncharted 3 sound good on paper? THAT IS GOOD...esepcially in the UK which belonged to MS last gen. And "healivly discounted" at multiple retaliers? So is it half off or less somewhere? Because that would mean heavily discounted right? Or are you referring to the $10 off deal?

And where did you get that UC4 had the biggest ad compaign in Playstation history(I am asking because I never saw that anywhere and would like to read it myself)? And why do you feel the bundle didn't do well? Again what were the sales expectations? Becuase hype has been good, word of mouth has been good, sales seemingly accross the board have been positive from the information we have received so far. The reviews have been excellent(not luke warm as you stated). So I don't get how you are going the opposite direction of what the data that we do have is giving us. Not saying you can't be right but the data says otherwise.

I guess I just can't see what it is you are looking at that would make you feel this way or even think the things that you are thinking. Or is this just a gut feeling that you have? Because if that is the case then I could understand but if you are going by the little data that we do have then it doesn't really seem my opinion which could also be wrong. But you are right we will have to wait unti we hear from Sony or get more sales data to be sure.

Ratchet and Clank is a budget $40 game with little advertising budget that was made as a movie tie-in in a year (

Halo 5, as said multiple times, was a massive flop and one of the biggest declines in a franchise that we've ever seen.

And Quantum Break was probably the biggest flop of the year behind Battleborn. Really an ugly situation all around, and really no way to sugarcoat or downplay it. It flopped hard, poor initial sales, no legs, heavy discounts, poor reviews. Quantum Break was also meant to be a AAA exclusive with a large budget (and I think people sometimes like to conveniently avoid this fact when damage controlling its sales), and it was a huge blunder in nearly every possible way. 

As I said, if we are now accepting sales mediocrity and simply performing better than sales blunders and low budget games is what is considered good in the context of Uncharted 4, then more power to you, but I look at things in the context of the game and what was riding on it and expected of it.

Sony hasn't said their sales expectations (and companies typically don't, especially if they are not met), but judging on the multiple delays, the presence in press conferences, the huge, huge marketing budget, and Sony's first major AAA exclusive in years that is also heavily pushed across all their channels, I'd say initial impressions are that it did well enough for itself, but overall failed to meet expectation. (Also, by the way, my remark about first big AAA exlcusives in years is not at all an insult to Sony, I don't think that a game being a heavily marketed AAA is indicative of quality in any way, and have generally been happy with Sony's game output this gen and last)

This is the type of game you shout the sales from the rooftops, you get people on the PS4 train that have never played an Uncharted 4 game, not radio silence on sales numbers and 20% discounts a week after release. 

Okay so let me get this straight I will ignore Rachet and clank, Halo QB etc...Uncharted 4 did better thant he one game it mattered going by the UK alone Uncharted 3 66% better and Uncharted 3 is THE BEST selling uncharted to date so to say that it did not meet expectations or that it is doing badly is kind of crazy to be honest.And thanks that was a great read of the marketing campaign!

I mean with E3 coming up which is a HUGE stage and great place to announce this why waste it? Why not announce it on a much bigger stage? And so you are saying even though the data that we have suggests initial impressions are are saying they are actually bad and expectations where not met? Because of multiple delays and "the presence in press conferences" not sure what that means or is even reffereing to. Okay I will just say we will agree to disagree and leave this conversation alone. I guess time will tell how things pan out.

The absence of evidence is NOT the evidence of absence...

PSN: StlUzumaki23

Mazzy said:
TheBlackNaruto said:

You obviously never pay attention to Amazon charts because your first paragraph is not anywhere near true....matter of fact give me another game that has charted for that long that was an exclusive especially at number 1?

What were the sales expectations that Sony had for the game?

And that last statement...what does that even mean?

I've been following Amazon charts for a little over two years, but thanks for the condescending reply. Even Ratchet and Clank hovered in the top 10 for weeks and was in #1 for days, and I'd imagine Uncharted 4 should have 5-6x that game's sales. In the yearly charts, Uncharted 4 is only two places in front of Twilgiht Princess Remastered and since it's unlikely to touch the PSN cards, that really won't help us. And yes, there really haven't been many big exclusives this gen, but when you do have a big, nay MASSIVE, exclusive like Uncharted 4 you can't compare it to other mediocre exclusive launches and say "heh, well at least it's better than those, r-right?" you have to look at overall sales, hardware moved, word of mouth it generates for your brand, compare it to other exclusives as well as multiplats, etc.

While Amazon deals in a lot of generalities and guesstimates (especially for software), one thing we do know is that it has already been heavily discounted a week after launch in multiple retailers, and Sony has been mum on sales figures, with the only numbers we have being a statement from GfK chart-track about UK sales. Yes, 66% sales over Uncharted 3 sounds good on paper, but this is so far the biggest exclusive this gen (and really the only big AAA Sony exclusive this gen), received the largest ad campaign in PlayStation history, and had a lot riding on it. We already know the bundle did not do very well (not really surprising given it is LE), and I suppose we will have to wait until May numbers to see its effect on hardware.  

I just can't help but feel that the hype died down quickly, and the sales, while decent, don't match the marketing mammoth that this game is. 

JRPGfan said:

1) sales in both the UK & Japan for Uncharted 4 where way up, compaired to the Uncharted 3 (more than 60%+ in the UK).

2) No exclusive I can remember(we have to go back before XB1 & PS4 days), has stayed nr1 or 2, for this many days on amazon.

3) It was 59$ and then got lowered to 49$. Thats closer to 15% off than 20%.


Its too early to say sales are bad.

Also all the signs point the otherway.

I agree, it's too early, but all signs point to not meeting expectations. "Good" sales is relative, and I think in the context of the marketing blitz, multiple delays, and being the first major exclusive that Sony has released (and pushed heavily) in years, that it received a rather lukewarm response in terms of sales, reviews, and word of mouth. Kind of reminds me of MGSV in a way, speaking of which, it just had its MSRP slashed across the board.

RJ_Sizzle said:

What giants? Exclusive giants? You know in the UK so far It cleared Halo 5 by a good margin on its debut.

Is this post meant to be tongue-in-cheek? Halo 5 is regarded as one of the biggest flops and falls from grace of any franchise. Uncharted 4, the biggest exclusive of this gen on the leading platform, outperformed it by a slim margin. Congratulations?

Still doesn't hold a candle to major exclusives of last gen or to multiplats of this gen. 

Unless we've just dismissed exclusives as mattering anymore in the grand scheme of things, and we have become satisfied with mediocrity in sales?

Doesn't really matter anymore anyway since exclusives don't drive console sales like they used to. So far, UC4 is performing better than the previous entires so far. That's the only metric is needs to be compared to. Just because it gets a 15% discounnt on Amazon doesn't change matters much. I don't think anyone is expecting Destiny level numbers for Uncharted, but I'm sure they're satisfied with them nonetheless. 

If the game was already out of the top 20 on Amazon, maybe that would be an indicator of something to be concerned with. I don't think a PR statement is going to change the game much more. PS4 is already selling fine with or without major exclusives.

R&C was in development for 2 and a half years (it was announced at E3 2014, and the R&C team at Insomniac had been working on it since Into the Nexus' release), which is slightly more (150% more to be precise) than what you're saying.