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TheBlackNaruto said:

First I apologize if my reponse seemed condescending because it wasn't. No other exclusive game(Not Rachet and clank, Halo 5 or even QB) had done that so for you to have been following the sales for so long and to say that seemed odd. And the game hasn't even been out a full two weeks yet and you are using the Yearly Charts already? And what overalls ales are you looking at to say it didn't do well? And how does 66% more than Uncharted 3 sound good on paper? THAT IS GOOD...esepcially in the UK which belonged to MS last gen. And "healivly discounted" at multiple retaliers? So is it half off or less somewhere? Because that would mean heavily discounted right? Or are you referring to the $10 off deal?

And where did you get that UC4 had the biggest ad compaign in Playstation history(I am asking because I never saw that anywhere and would like to read it myself)? And why do you feel the bundle didn't do well? Again what were the sales expectations? Becuase hype has been good, word of mouth has been good, sales seemingly accross the board have been positive from the information we have received so far. The reviews have been excellent(not luke warm as you stated). So I don't get how you are going the opposite direction of what the data that we do have is giving us. Not saying you can't be right but the data says otherwise.

I guess I just can't see what it is you are looking at that would make you feel this way or even think the things that you are thinking. Or is this just a gut feeling that you have? Because if that is the case then I could understand but if you are going by the little data that we do have then it doesn't really seem my opinion which could also be wrong. But you are right we will have to wait unti we hear from Sony or get more sales data to be sure.

Ratchet and Clank is a budget $40 game with little advertising budget that was made as a movie tie-in in a year (

Halo 5, as said multiple times, was a massive flop and one of the biggest declines in a franchise that we've ever seen.

And Quantum Break was probably the biggest flop of the year behind Battleborn. Really an ugly situation all around, and really no way to sugarcoat or downplay it. It flopped hard, poor initial sales, no legs, heavy discounts, poor reviews. Quantum Break was also meant to be a AAA exclusive with a large budget (and I think people sometimes like to conveniently avoid this fact when damage controlling its sales), and it was a huge blunder in nearly every possible way. 

As I said, if we are now accepting sales mediocrity and simply performing better than sales blunders and low budget games is what is considered good in the context of Uncharted 4, then more power to you, but I look at things in the context of the game and what was riding on it and expected of it.

Sony hasn't said their sales expectations (and companies typically don't, especially if they are not met), but judging on the multiple delays, the presence in press conferences, the huge, huge marketing budget, and Sony's first major AAA exclusive in years that is also heavily pushed across all their channels, I'd say initial impressions are that it did well enough for itself, but overall failed to meet expectation. (Also, by the way, my remark about first big AAA exlcusives in years is not at all an insult to Sony, I don't think that a game being a heavily marketed AAA is indicative of quality in any way, and have generally been happy with Sony's game output this gen and last)

This is the type of game you shout the sales from the rooftops, you get people on the PS4 train that have never played an Uncharted 4 game, not radio silence on sales numbers and 20% discounts a week after release.