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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Top 10.NX must have features

I just want Nintendo to be serious about the console gaming industry. By that I mean, robust online, a console that doesn't require special teams or secret processes just to port a game from 2011 (No freakin' Power PC), a regular recognizable controller, and games that don't require a special gimmick to make or play. The article hit on these things hard and I couldn't agree more.

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baloofarsan said:
How lazy can the OP be? Took me one minute to copy-paste the list from the link.

#1: Animal Crossing
#2: An Actual Online Service
#3: A Regular Controller
#4: Strong Launch Titles
#5: Backwards Compatibility
#6: Streaming Support
#7: A Proper Name
#8: Competitive Hardware
#9: 3rd Party Support
#10: Nintendo Amiibo support

Bolded: No shit.

Italics: Agreed.

Underlined: Debatable. Animal Crossing is not exactly an essential title; particularly on home consoles. PS4 has no backwards compatibility while Wii U has by far the best BC support. And Xbox One has a quite ridiculous, misleading name.

All-in-all an awful list that doesn't even mention a low price tag because the author is delusional enough to believe that powerful hardware will make a difference.

JRPGfan said:
ReubenAlexander said:

@bolded lol that has not been my experience. and to be honest, i work at a video game store and the only people who really arent enthusiastic about the wii u are people who dont know what the hell it even is. generally, people who are aware of its offerings recognize it as worth owning at the very least.. which kind of goes back to what i said about marketing. nintendo's marketing is not at the level of sony or MS and it shows.

I tend to agree with Soundwave.

Also I think we should mention the sections of the store dedicated to games for the systems.

Sonys is always the biggest, with the most games, followed by Xbox's and then lastly the Wii Us (which is usually tiny).

Sonys section seems more busy. Anecdotal I know...

its all anecdotal, but thats ok. im not trying to present my experience as fact or anything lol. and neither are you guys. so whatever. yeah, the wii u sections are the smallest and ps4's are biggest, which is a consequence of the interest surrounding the systems. but i still just think a lot of it came down to how well they were marketed. if the wii u had better marketing, im not saying it would be bigger than ps4, but i certainly dont think the sections would be as small. there would be a lot more buzz around that system if nintendo marketed it properly and explained to people how awesome it was.