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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Sonic Unleased is Appartly Headed to the Wii...

Why can't the Wii just get it's own Sonic game?

All I know is this just jumped up to my number one wanted game this year if Sonic doesn't move by himself.

I am Washu-bot B, loyal servant of Final-Fan, the greatest scientific genius in the universe!

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yeah ign tends to throw it up for every one until they know for certain


I wish people would read what I say. The rumor is tied in with it going to the Wii platform. Remember OMN was supposed to get like an "exclusive" for this in their magazine. Meaning it's either going to DS or Wii and I'm pretty sure judging the screens its got to be Wii cause DS is already getting another Sonic title.

I mean if the rumor of Sonic Unleashed is true from the source we are getting, then its going to Wii.

I think the fact the (according to rumours) the whole of Team Sonic AND additional support from Japan and Europe are working on it very strongly suggest they are aiming to release the game on all consoles (likely DS too) simultaneously.

As for the pics, come on, they always show the best pics first, 'leaked' or not. Doesn't mean there won't be a Wii (or PSP/PS2 or DS) version as well.


and those pics are very rarely gameplay


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like I said... it will be multiplatform, or they will bet the house on the Wii. Who knows. Maybe Nintendo let them use Mario for M&S with an agreement to give it to the Wii exclusive. This will be a holiday launch title, and has been in Devopment for at least a year or 2.

It is very possible that if Sega is putting so much effort and money into the game that they are pushing Wii HW to its limits(or close to it)

remember we have yet to see what the Wii can do, maybe those pics were the Wii?

I has always felt the Wii is capable of doing graphics similiar to a 360 launch title(back in 05) like DOA or something.

End of 2009 Predictions (Set, January 1st 2009)

Wii- 72 million   3rd Year Peak, better slate of releases

360- 37 million   Should trend down slightly after 3rd year peak

PS3- 29 million  Sales should pick up next year, 3rd year peak and price cut

I hope it comes out for the 360/PS3 as is...and Wii. but I hope they make some gameplay changes the the Wii version to make it work on the wii witht he controlls. Not just downgrade the graphics...

I'll buy both if that is the case.

bigjon said:
like I said... it will be multiplatform, or they will bet the house on the Wii. Who knows. Maybe Nintendo let them use Mario for M&S with an agreement to give it to the Wii exclusive. This will be a holiday launch title, and has been in Devopment for at least a year or 2.

It is very possible that if Sega is putting so much effort and money into the game that they are pushing Wii HW to its limits(or close to it)

remember we have yet to see what the Wii can do, maybe those pics were the Wii?

I has always felt the Wii is capable of doing graphics similiar to a 360 launch title(back in 05) like DOA or something.

I'm not so certain.  I'm about 98% positive that Metroid Prime 3 pushed the Wii to its limit or close to it.

Actually, there is no reason to think Sonic 06 isn't platinum when it sold within 10,000 of SATSR in America, just on the X360. So it would stand to reason that, unless EU sales are horrible, that the X360 version of Sonic is platinum by itself. The figures for Sonic 06 in EU haven't been updated in a very long time.

I really doupt that a game coming out in a consoles first year pushed it to its limits... People said the same about Rouge S. 2 for GC at launch, but then a year or two later you see games like RE4 and TP destroying RS2 in graphics.

Basically I am saying the best the Wii can do is about the lower end of what is done on the 360, which is saying alot for the 360.

Remember M&S has sold about 4.5 million copies(Wii and DS) It would have made sense for Nintendo to make some sort of a deal like this. Besides, sega has seen how bad their games sell on HD consoles, why would they waste the HUGE dev cost to put it on PS360???

End of 2009 Predictions (Set, January 1st 2009)

Wii- 72 million   3rd Year Peak, better slate of releases

360- 37 million   Should trend down slightly after 3rd year peak

PS3- 29 million  Sales should pick up next year, 3rd year peak and price cut