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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Star Fox Zero Review Thread: MC: 69 / GR: 68.84%

Skullwaker said:
Dr.Vita said:

It was already clear that the reviews won't be good when the game was announced by Nintendo.
It won't do good sales-wise either since the competiton (Ratchet & Clank) offers a much better quality, quantity and price.

Lol, this post makes zero sense.

Is a 7/10 not a good score all of a sudden? And what does Ratchet & Clank have to do with it? It's not even the same genre, or on the same platform. This is a needless comment meant to drive console wars. Get that out of here.

1. Never said the score is bad. I said it isn't good. Especially not if we compare it with for example the Star Fox 64 score.

2. Ratchet & Clank has a lot to do with Star Fox Zero. It isn't really important that both games are not the same genre sales-wise. In the end both games share the same target audience (kids). And Ratchet & Clank offers a much better quality and quantity and has the better price for kids.

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I thought it would receive a higher meta than it is getting. I wonder how much of a factor the control scheme is in this? Ah well.

- "If you have the heart of a true winner, you can always get more pissed off than some other asshole."

Veknoid_Outcast said:

That's a great point. Take Arkham City for example. I think that Arkham Asylum worked perfectly as a Metroidvania. The open world, at least for me, detracted from the experience.

In general it's disappointing that so man "AAA" titles are military shooters or open-world action games. There are so many more genres and mechanics out there.

Wow, I thought I was the only one that preferred Asylum over City. xD That was one of the main reasons too.

I think overall the industry could use some more streamlined titles without the extra fluff. Of course it's nice to sit down with a massive open world game such as Xenoblade Chronicles X or Fallout 4, but it's also nice to play something more traditional like Star Fox Zero. The industry is big enough for so many types of games to thrive, but sometimes it seems like reviewers just don't want them to.

Official Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Thread


Honestly I couldn't care less. Im still getting this game. A score of 70-75 is still a decent game. Add 5 points for nostalgia and it's worth a shot.

Skullwaker said:
Veknoid_Outcast said:

That's a great point. Take Arkham City for example. I think that Arkham Asylum worked perfectly as a Metroidvania. The open world, at least for me, detracted from the experience.

In general it's disappointing that so man "AAA" titles are military shooters or open-world action games. There are so many more genres and mechanics out there.

Wow, I thought I was the only one that preferred Asylum over City. xD That was one of the main reasons too.

I think overall the industry could use some more streamlined titles without the extra fluff. Of course it's nice to sit down with a massive open world game such as Xenoblade Chronicles X or Fallout 4, but it's also nice to play something more traditional like Star Fox Zero. The industry is big enough for so many types of games to thrive, but sometimes it seems like reviewers just don't want them to.

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Skullwaker said:
Dr.Vita said:

It was already clear that the reviews won't be good when the game was announced by Nintendo.
It won't do good sales-wise either since the competiton (Ratchet & Clank) offers a much better quality, quantity and price.

Lol, this post makes zero sense.

Is a 7/10 not a good score all of a sudden? And what does Ratchet & Clank have to do with it? It's not even the same genre, or on the same platform. This is a needless comment meant to drive console wars. Get that out of here.

Basically.  I mean the only thing I feel connects R&C to SF is the fact that animals are flying  in space and yeah that's about it. 

Dr.Vita said:

1. Never said the score is bad. I said it isn't good. Especially not if we compare it with other Star Fox games.

2. Ratchet & Clank has a lot to do with Star Fox Zero. It isn't really important that both games are not the same genre sales-wise. In the end both games share the same target audience (kids). And Ratchet & Clank offers a much better quality and quantity and has the better price for kids.

1. A 7/10 is good though, that's my point. If we compare it to other Star Fox games, it's at most 1-2 points off. Big deal.

2. No it doesn't. You said the games were competing. They're not. That's like saying Pokemon X/Y and Tearaway competed when they launched the same weekend 3 years ago. Yes, they both target kids but they're completely different types of games and appeal to different people because of that. And they're on different platforms, so they're selling to different people. Quality is subjective. Is an 86 really so much better than a 72? In the end, it's about a point and a half difference, and won't impact sales much. Furthermore, price is irrelevant considering parents will pay for their kid's games. Star Fox comes with an additional game bundled anyways.

Regardless, there was no need for the comparison and it was obvious why you made it. I suggest we leave it at that.

Official Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Thread


mZuzek said:

From Giant Bomb's review, aka the lowest one on Metacritic as of now:

"Even the moment-to-moment action doesn't have anywhere near the impact that it had almost two decades ago, as this limited style of gameplay feels dated in 2016."

This sums it up pretty much. They think the game sucks because it's an on-rails shooter.

Everything has to be open world.

3D World got a 93 on metacritic. Star Fox got weak scores because it's a weak game.

Veknoid_Outcast said:

Official Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Thread


Dr.Vita said:

It was already clear that the reviews won't be good when the game was announced by Nintendo.
It won't do good sales-wise either since the competiton (Ratchet & Clank) offers a much better quality, quantity and price.

Stop. Star Fox is a 3D Scrolling Shooter,  Ratchet & Clank is an TPS/Platformer. No reason to bring it up in this discussion other than to fan console war flames.