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Skullwaker said:
Dr.Vita said:

It was already clear that the reviews won't be good when the game was announced by Nintendo.
It won't do good sales-wise either since the competiton (Ratchet & Clank) offers a much better quality, quantity and price.

Lol, this post makes zero sense.

Is a 7/10 not a good score all of a sudden? And what does Ratchet & Clank have to do with it? It's not even the same genre, or on the same platform. This is a needless comment meant to drive console wars. Get that out of here.

1. Never said the score is bad. I said it isn't good. Especially not if we compare it with for example the Star Fox 64 score.

2. Ratchet & Clank has a lot to do with Star Fox Zero. It isn't really important that both games are not the same genre sales-wise. In the end both games share the same target audience (kids). And Ratchet & Clank offers a much better quality and quantity and has the better price for kids.