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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - A Smart Move By Microsoft.

Not providing sales numbers does, technically, have some advantages, as it keeps one from drawing an exact comparison between two competitors; all we can say with absolute certainty, disregarding educated guesses or estimations, is that the PS4 is definitely outselling the Xbox One, probably by a lot, but that's about it. There is a somewhat clearer picture in the U.S. thanks to NPD links (yay Aquamarine!) but Europe, Asia, etc are a significantly bigger mystery, let alone the global total. The only caveat is that it won't prevent estimates from popping up, like VGChartz, and if the total Xbox One sales numbers are actually higher than any of those estimates, people will basically assume the console is doing worse than it actually is... which would be entirely Microsoft's fault, for not filling in the blanks.

That being said, I'd argue that just because there isn't a discussion on Xbox One sales, doesn't mean gamers in general are any less aware of the fact that it's still being outpaced by the PS4. At this point, though, it's simply become the norm, the expected, quite simply the safe bet, and at this point I think we've also passed the point where there's any perceived means for the Xbox One to turn things around, in terms of 'winning' the gen, or even making the gap any smaller than it currently is.

Beginning of the generation, there were all kinds of talks about what Microsoft could/was going to do to improve Xbox One sales and catch up to the PS4, at least in the U.S. At one point there was that sort of running gag involving a blackboard with all those factors that would 'save' the Xbox One, with them being crossed off one by one, but ultimately these discussions came from a sense that there WAS something Microsoft could do to put the Xbox One back on top. Just increase that sales rate a bit more, drop the Kinect, match the PS4's price, launch in the tier two countries, launch in China, release Halo, a whole list of things that were perceived as being all that was needed to push the Xbox One to the top.

By now, though, all those options have been expended, plus a few that weren't even really expected, like backwards compatibility, or being even cheaper than its competitor, and the PS4 is... still winning. By pretty solid margins in the U.S., at that. So a lot of people just sigh, throw up their hands and say, '...well, guess we'll have to see if things get competitive next generation,' and just like that, the discussion on sales becomes substantially less interesting, because the result is more or less expected. xP

Zanten, Doer Of The Things

Unless He Forgets In Which Case Zanten, Forgetter Of The Things

Or He Procrascinates, In Which Case Zanten, Doer Of The Things Later

Or It Involves Moving Furniture, in Which Case Zanten, F*** You.

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"Smart move" in this case can be interpreted as "less of two evils." So, yes, it's "smart" when you have very little viable choices.

whatever said:
Gamers aren't talking much about the X1, period.

Is this a joke? We're talking about it right now, including yourself lol

Zanten said:

Not providing sales numbers does, technically, have some advantages, as it keeps one from drawing an exact comparison between two competitors; all we can say with absolute certainty, disregarding educated guesses or estimations, is that the PS4 is definitely outselling the Xbox One, probably by a lot, but that's about it. There is a somewhat clearer picture in the U.S. thanks to NPD links (yay Aquamarine!) but Europe, Asia, etc are a significantly bigger mystery, let alone the global total. The only caveat is that it won't prevent estimates from popping up, like VGChartz, and if the total Xbox One sales numbers are actually higher than any of those estimates, people will basically assume the console is doing worse than it actually is... which would be entirely Microsoft's fault, for not filling in the blanks.

That being said, I'd argue that just because there isn't a discussion on Xbox One sales, doesn't mean gamers in general are any less aware of the fact that it's still being outpaced by the PS4. At this point, though, it's simply become the norm, the expected, quite simply the safe bet, and at this point I think we've also passed the point where there's any perceived means for the Xbox One to turn things around, in terms of 'winning' the gen, or even making the gap any smaller than it currently is.

Beginning of the generation, there were all kinds of talks about what Microsoft could/was going to do to improve Xbox One sales and catch up to the PS4, at least in the U.S. At one point there was that sort of running gag involving a blackboard with all those factors that would 'save' the Xbox One, with them being crossed off one by one, but ultimately these discussions came from a sense that there WAS something Microsoft could do to put the Xbox One back on top. Just increase that sales rate a bit more, drop the Kinect, match the PS4's price, launch in the tier two countries, launch in China, release Halo, a whole list of things that were perceived as being all that was needed to push the Xbox One to the top.

By now, though, all those options have been expended, plus a few that weren't even really expected, like backwards compatibility, or being even cheaper than its competitor, and the PS4 is... still winning. By pretty solid margins in the U.S., at that. So a lot of people just sigh, throw up their hands and say, '...well, guess we'll have to see if things get competitive next generation,' and just like that, the discussion on sales becomes substantially less interesting, because the result is more or less expected. xP

 Very well said.

Anytime I'm at someone's house with an Xbox one, it's a running joke. I always say, "Xbox delete yourself" , still hoping one day that will work. It's always a good laugh though.

Microsoft getting great use out of the hdmi in port aren't they? 

And this is coming from an Xbox fan, this generation is the FIRST Sony console I've ever owned.

Texas Instruments, Intellivision, Commodore 64, Nintendo NES, IBM XT, Super Nintendo, 386, Nintendo 64, Pentium, Gamecube, Dreamcast, Xbox, Xbox 360, Imac, Ps4.

 I think that's a fair list of my gaming progression, leaving off minor devices and phones tablets and android devices.

I was never a fan of Sony approach, ps1 super super slow cd drive over cartridge at the same price point of cartridges killed me, I as so sad they managed to push SeGA out.

But this generation, what choice did I have, go back to PC gaming, or Sony? And from the announcement stage, Sony had my money, plus I said last generation, before the new consoles were annouced, if this Gen someone doesn't have VR my console gaming was done, Sony answered the call.

Jega said:


Microsoft's decision to keep Xbox One console sales private is paying off. 

Gamers are no longer talking about the console.

This is the reality really.

The Xbox One cant catch a break and next month it goes up against Sony's 1st party monster Uncharted 4.

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The topic title sounds like a book for some reason.

Lube Me Up

Its the best thing to happen this gen when it comes to the media. Sales are fun when its being spoken about in a professional manner. In this industry all Sales have done is brainwash buyers into missing out on buying a good product. I am so glad one company had the balls to stand up to the charts and put focus on what the customers want and not what the buyers want.

Those that want to counter-act my post with "but but Xbone isn't selling well so M$ would rather hide the sales" nonsense. Well fact is the XB1 is selling quite well and is the 2nd best selling console this gen just like the 360 for 90% of last gen. Reasons MS aren't using numbers anymore because all it is doing is letting fanboys demote there product based off nothing more then useless sales figures. eg, Don't buy that Ferrari because they only sold 1000 in 3 months, buy that Ford instead because it has sold 10000 in the same time frame.

Good work MS, now I wonder if Nintendo will do the same with the NX.

Azzanation said:
 In this industry all Sales have done is brainwash buyers into missing out on buying a good product. I am so glad one company had the balls to stand up to the charts and put focus on what the customers want and not what the buyers want.

 What good product? And it doesn't take balls to go into a store and plop down money. It's not balls your displaying when you decide to smoke screen your sales numbers, and how did they focus on what customers want exaclty?


 And aren't customers buyers? There's like zero substance in this entire post, except you love Xbox regardless of performance or statistics 

ZahaDoom said:
Azzanation said:
 In this industry all Sales have done is brainwash buyers into missing out on buying a good product. I am so glad one company had the balls to stand up to the charts and put focus on what the customers want and not what the buyers want.

 What good product? And it doesn't take balls to go into a store and plop down money. It's not balls your displaying when you decide to smoke screen your sales numbers, and how did they focus on what customers want exaclty?


 And aren't customers buyers? There's like zero substance in this entire post, except you love Xbox regardless of performance or statistics 

Hiding sales means less trolling system.

What good product

^You dont think the XB1 is a good product?

except you love Xbox regardless of performance or statistics 

^What has that got anything to do with this article?

Hiding the numbers is just hiding reality and the reality is that more PS4 gamers are influencing other gamers to buy a PS4. We can pretend numbers don't matter, but they do.


The PS5 Exists.