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Forums - Gaming Discussion - BioWare Founder on PS4/Xbox One Upgrades: It'd Be a "Gigantic Pain in the Ass"

Honestly if Sony and/or Microsoft want to have faster hardware upgrades, then just have smaller generations (i.e. 5 years instead of 6-7 years).

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Ps4 graphics are pretty great, nothing comes really close so im fine.

Im talking about the Ps4 exclusives.


.5 Consoles are absurd.

Just wait until the ps5 and be sure to make it completely backwards compatible.

I agree with him

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The purpose of consoles is having easy and direct access to a specific function. That's why they are called consoles. Not changing hardware specs over a decade is not a necessary attribute of a console. People are flinging this argument around as if it's an undeniable rule or something.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

Ding ding ding! Finally we have a winner! This is why steambox is inevitably doomed for its target market and why .5 consoles aren't going to happen: Gamers don't want to have to upgrade specific components a la steambox and developers don't want to or simply aren't going to focus on optimizing for even more platforms. All it would do is harm the industry.

You should check out my YouTube channel, The Golden Bolt!  I review all types of video games, both classic and modern, and I also give short flyover reviews of the free games each month on PlayStation Plus to tell you if they're worth downloading.  After all, the games may be free, but your time is valuable!

Oh shit. Finally, someone with some damn sense comments on it. Woooo Hooo! His comments are exactly why sony isn't do any kind of PS4K or PS4.5. Hardware is fixed for a gen for damn good reasons.

Consoles are basically just PCs in a box now anyway, it's not like the old days where the console components were totally different from PC graphics cards.

So in that sense I think it's just everything becoming one singular development platform basically, so this PC vs console delineation is likely going away.

If NX falls in line with the x86 stuff, basically you should be able to make one PC/PS/XB/NX game and the PC version should be your base with the sliders and then just appropriate the best running version to the console provider. That's just the way it's going to have to be. 

I can see hit point but U understand that the boost was needed for VR/4K.