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Forums - Gaming Discussion - In retrospect, who won E3 2015?


In retrospect, who won E3 2015

Microsoft 110 15.01%
Sony 553 75.44%
Nintendo 70 9.55%

Sony birthed 3 gaming miracles like Mary popping out triplets. Anyone who says "the rumors spoiled it!" has no idea how many fake leaks and wrong rumors there had been for those same games in the past. Almost no one actually believed one of them would be there let alone ALL THREE! Plus they added Horizon reveal and Uncharted demo for good measure which were fantastic.

I am Iron Man

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Robert_Downey_Jr. said:
Sony birthed 3 gaming miracles like Mary popping out triplets. Anyone who says "the rumors spoiled it!" has no idea how many fake leaks and wrong rumors there had been for those same games in the past. Almost no one actually believed one of them would be there let alone ALL THREE! Plus they added Horizon reveal and Uncharted demo for good measure which were fantastic.

And I think it was the first meaningful glance at Dreams, as well as the reveal for World of FF, wasn't it?  Oh yeah and that Holy shit moment where Sean Murray showed us all exactly how big No Man's Sky is.  Yeah, those 3 games were fan fiction, but it's not like that was all there was to that show.

Nintendo probably not. But the Nintendo Muppets...

Well, I say ...Square Enix :)

Intel Core i7 8700K | 32 GB DDR 4 PC 3200 | ROG STRIX Z370-F Gaming | RTX 3090 FE| Crappy Monitor| HTC Vive Pro :3

Peh said:
Nintendo probably not. But the Nintendo Muppets...

Well, I say ...Square Enix :)

I enjoyed the Muppets, it was a content light but entertainment rich show by Nintendo.

BMaker11 said:
LudicrousSpeed said:

Just gonna cut off your reply right there, never said anything about "new" games announced. It's pretty simple. What MS showed at E3 2015, and what Sony showed at E3 2015, a much larger chunk of what MS showed is actually out and playable now, and quite good, so I would give the win to MS. If you're more excited about the possibility of what Sony showed to be real good, then that's fine too.

For what it is worth, this is a retrospective look back almost a year later, but I enjoyed MS's conference more even during E3 2015, simply because I don't care much at all for games like Shenmue or Final Fantasy, so Sony's conference had a lot smaller impact to me.


Got it. The new criteria for "winning" E3

LOL. No one is talking about "new criteria for winning E3". This is my look almost a year later back at E3, nothing more. You should probably lighten up and stop trying to analyze this so much, its really quite simple. Also, damn this site blows on mobile.

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Based on my brief review:

Microsoft didn't do much to impress, but at least the stuff they showed was fine. Rise of Tomb Raider was solid enough, Forza 6 was a big step up from Forza 5, Rare Replay was a great compilation. Fable Legends was cancelled, and the things announced weren't that interesting compared to some presentations, but it paid out.

Sony was generally declared the winner of E3, but I'm not impressed by their relative delivery since June. The Last Guardian still lacks a solid date beyond "2016," FF7's Remake has a TBA date and apparently is episodic, Uncharted 4 and No Man's Sky have yet to be released, and it's too early to tell for Shenmue 3. It wasn't a bad year for the PS4, but the E3 didn't deliver.

Nintendo did not win. Super Mario Maker worked out fairly well, but the rest of Holiday 2015 fell flat. Star Fox Zero got delayed, Mario Tennis and Amiibo Festival were duds, and Tokyo Mirage Sessions doesn't look like it'll make many waves. And on the 3DS, Happy Home Designer did well, but Yokai Watch never caught on, Triforce Heroes is arguably the worst received Zelda Nintendo ever made, Paper Jam is the least liked M&L game, and Federation Force still has no love.

I'd say that in retrospect, Microsoft and Sony tied with scores of "meh" while Nintendo gets a "bleh."


And to briefly cover 3rd parties:

Bethesda did alright, with Fallout 4 being a hit and their other stuff not disappointing.Ubisoft did alright, seeing how The Division was a big hit and Assassin's Creed: Syndicate was a big step up from Unity. Square Enix made lots of people excited about their games again, which is still ongoing.

EA did badly. On the bright side, Madden 16 stepped up from Madden 15, a new Mass Effect was announced, . Need for Speed 2015 disappointed, Star Wars Battlefront disappointed, NHL is still not as well loved as it was last gen, and NBA Live still has little reason to exist, and I already forgot that Unravel existed.

LudicrousSpeed said:
BMaker11 said:


Got it. The new criteria for "winning" E3

LOL. No one is talking about "new criteria for winning E3". This is my look almost a year later back at E3, nothing more. You should probably lighten up and stop trying to analyze this so much, its really quite simple. Also, damn this site blows on mobile.

Ok, instead of just ignoring the entire point I was making (twice), I'll reduce it to a simple question: will you or will you not admit that what you're saying is that MS won E3 2015 because games from old announcements have released? And if that's not what you're saying (don't want it to be perceived as a loaded question) then clarify.

The "much larger chunk of what they showed" and the games you "give points to for being out and playable now" are what you, yourself, have said is the reason you believe MS had the best conference. But those games were announced years ago and have been shown multiple times. So, yes or no: you think they won because announcements from years ago finally released?

Simple question. 


PS: when I said "new criteria for winning", I wasn't saying that that's what you were talking about it, in particular. It was just a conclusion one would come to after based on your comments. 

Sony won. E3 is all about creating excitement for what the future holds. It's not about what games came out during the fiscal year.

Ans Sony's conference that year is one that will be hard to top, if it can ever happen.

Peh said:
Nintendo probably not. But the Nintendo Muppets...

Well, I say ...Square Enix :)

EDIT: Disregard. Totally misread that.

NNID: Zephyr25 / PSN: Zephyr--25 / Switch: SW-4450-3680-7334

BMaker11 said:
LudicrousSpeed said:

LOL. No one is talking about "new criteria for winning E3". This is my look almost a year later back at E3, nothing more. You should probably lighten up and stop trying to analyze this so much, its really quite simple. Also, damn this site blows on mobile.

Ok, instead of just ignoring the entire point I was making (twice), I'll reduce it to a simple question: will you or will you not admit that what you're saying is that MS won E3 2015 because games from old announcements have released? And if that's not what you're saying (don't want it to be perceived as a loaded question) then clarify.

The "much larger chunk of what they showed" and the games you "give points to for being out and playable now" are what you, yourself, have said is the reason you believe MS had the best conference. But those games were announced years ago and have been shown multiple times. So, yes or no: you think they won because announcements from years ago finally released?

Simple question. 


PS: when I said "new criteria for winning", I wasn't saying that that's what you were talking about it, in particular. It was just a conclusion one would come to after based on your comments. 

I think MS won E3 because lots of what they showed is out and was quite good. As I have said already. Whatever you want to twist that into or over analyze looking for whatever you're looking for, be my guest LOL.