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Forums - Gaming Discussion - In retrospect, who won E3 2015?


In retrospect, who won E3 2015

Microsoft 110 15.01%
Sony 553 75.44%
Nintendo 70 9.55%
BMaker11 said:
LudicrousSpeed said:

Good, because your reply missed the forest for the trees anyway. You can list games from E3 2015 that still haven't released yet from MS, and that's fine. I never said every single game MS showed at E3 last year released. But most of the biggest ones have. Plus there was BC, which was a huge feature for me. You can't argue it any other way. Literally, has any of the big games Sony showed at E3 last year actually released yet? Probably only the multiplat stuff.

And you don't need to say any BS about "god forbid Sony show games not coming immediately" or whatever it was. I never said or implied there is anything wrong with showing games a long ways off. I would give more points for games actually out now, though. You're welcome to disagree, and that's fine. But there was no need to catch feelings about it.

Also, you're right, some of those games that released recently, weren't debuted at E3 2015. Which makes whatever E3 they debuted at, completely and entirely irrelevant to this thread about E3 2015 :) Hope that helps.

And what games would that be? The new games announced

Just gonna cut off your reply right there, never said anything about "new" games announced. It's pretty simple. What MS showed at E3 2015, and what Sony showed at E3 2015, a much larger chunk of what MS showed is actually out and playable now, and quite good, so I would give the win to MS. If you're more excited about the possibility of what Sony showed to be real good, then that's fine too.

For what it is worth, this is a retrospective look back almost a year later, but I enjoyed MS's conference more even during E3 2015, simply because I don't care much at all for games like Shenmue or Final Fantasy, so Sony's conference had a lot smaller impact to me.



Bryank75 said:
LudicrousSpeed said:


It's my Xbox preference stopping all those games from coming out.

Well out of curiosity... what is stopping MS from releasing the games they showed in 2014?

Crackdown, Scalebound, Pantom Dust and Fable Legends..... the rest was a bunch of multiplats and a remaster collection. 

Not trying to get into an arguement here but highlight maybe a double standard.

Idk, you should probably make a thread about who won E3 2014 so that A) your post is actually relevant, and B) you can see if there actually is a double standard, since you're inaccurately using the term here.

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In terms of announcements I would say Sony but in terms of games I would say Microsoft.

I think the way people act about Sony's E3 2015 is overrated, mainly because I don't really have any interest in playing The Last Guardian, FF7 Remake, or Shenmue 3. So for others yeah, it was insanely hyped for them to finally get them and made it the best E3 for them, but for me no but that's just my personal opinion. Plus, people need to remember that only 1 of those 3 games is actually even exclusive to the PS4 which is The Last Guardian. FF7 Remake and Shenmue 3 aren't exclusive and will be out on other platforms. Even though I don't have any interest in those games for now though, I won't deny that in terms of announcements that was really good from Sony at their conference.

Both Microsoft and Sony had a good showing of games, I just feel like Microsoft had more that interested me there, such as Recore, Sea of Thieves, Rare Replay, etc.

I don't even know what the fuck happened to Nintendo at E3 2015. It still baffles me how they went from having the best E3 in 2014 to having the absolute worst one in 2015. I'm just hoping they have a really good NX showing at E3 2016.

I'm actually surprised Sony won this poll by so much...

Skratchy said:
I'm actually surprised Sony won this poll by so much...

It's the pro-Sony bias that's "poisoning" the industry or something...


But really it's that they showed games that people have been anticipating for a decade or more and never thought would actually exist, let alone be announced in succession like that. Add in Horizon and spectacular footage of Uncharted 4 and it was a knockout show. 

MS did have a great show as well, though, even though I personally don't really want any of the games that have come out of it (except for Recore and Cuphead, which both look great). 

Skratchy said:
I'm actually surprised Sony won this poll by so much...

How do i embed my PSN profile on my sig bro?

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Blob said:
Sony, but the reality is they fired a bunch of shots that were years away from actually landing. I suspect this year's e3 from them will largely show more of what they showed last year (+ Kojima)

2 shots, were years away.  FFVII and Shenmue 3.  Until we're told otherwise, TLG and Horizon release this year.

And to be fair, we actually don't know how far away FFVII is.  Not only are they much, much further along in the process than we expected (we've actually seen gameplay from the bombing mission), we know it's going to be episodic, so it's entirely plausible that FFVII Part I launches in 2017, which is the 20 year Anniversary of FFVII's launch.  Theory, of course, but it'd make sense.

LudicrousSpeed said:
BMaker11 said:

And what games would that be? The new games announced

Just gonna cut off your reply right there, never said anything about "new" games announced. It's pretty simple. What MS showed at E3 2015, and what Sony showed at E3 2015, a much larger chunk of what MS showed is actually out and playable now, and quite good, so I would give the win to MS. If you're more excited about the possibility of what Sony showed to be real good, then that's fine too.

For what it is worth, this is a retrospective look back almost a year later, but I enjoyed MS's conference more even during E3 2015, simply because I don't care much at all for games like Shenmue or Final Fantasy, so Sony's conference had a lot smaller impact to me.

So, like I said, you believe MS won E3 2015 because of games that were announced years ago finally released. Because the "much larger chunk" of games that they showed and have since released are 95%% a set of games that were announced way prior (Rare Replay was a new announcement).

Got it. The new criteria for "winning" E3 is to show the same games for years, and then, when they finally release, you can say "they showed Game X at E3 and it's actually playable now. The other team only showed games that will release much later". Makes sense. MS won E3 2015 because they showed games such  as Halo 5, and Halo 5 is playable now.....even though they've been showing Halo 5 since 2013. So, in a few weeks, will Sony have won E3 since Ratchet and Uncharted will be out, with Rocket League and SFV already having been released? Even though we knew about 3 of those games for a long time and they showed them year after year?

I'm really just trying to comprehend the logic behind this. I've never seen people say one company "won" E3 because games from old announcements that they repeatedly show finally release (for example, I doubt anyone was saying "Sony won E3 because of Uncharted 4" last June. UC4 was expected because they'd been ramming it down our throats for a few years). They've always "won" because of new announcements, in most people's opinions. I'm sure you thought MS won E3 2013 (ignoring the whole DRM fiasco)....because they showed games like Halo 5. Now they win E3 2015....because they showed Halo 5, but this time, it released soon after? Explain the train of thought behind this sentiment. 

Over 500 votes now, quite impressed by that! Better turnout than the last election in Ireland... ;)

AEGRO said:
Skratchy said:
I'm actually surprised Sony won this poll by so much...

How do i embed my PSN profile on my sig bro?

Should be in your profile settings. From what I recall, it was kind of a pain, because there are multiple ways to embed it. You need to create an account on first though.

Sony was the most exciting and different show. It was really good.

I expect the same this year (and they are certainly helped by some big titles coming we've seen nothing of and VR)., but if Nintendo are really launching a console this year then you would expect something of magnitude, otherwise another dead Nintendo console will be launching.

MS are probably in the worse position as they have had a poor time of it recently, closing Fable (one of their Best of Games), they are also fighting VR excitement, so they are going to have to pull something interesting out of the bag.

Making an indie game : Dead of Day!