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In terms of announcements I would say Sony but in terms of games I would say Microsoft.

I think the way people act about Sony's E3 2015 is overrated, mainly because I don't really have any interest in playing The Last Guardian, FF7 Remake, or Shenmue 3. So for others yeah, it was insanely hyped for them to finally get them and made it the best E3 for them, but for me no but that's just my personal opinion. Plus, people need to remember that only 1 of those 3 games is actually even exclusive to the PS4 which is The Last Guardian. FF7 Remake and Shenmue 3 aren't exclusive and will be out on other platforms. Even though I don't have any interest in those games for now though, I won't deny that in terms of announcements that was really good from Sony at their conference.

Both Microsoft and Sony had a good showing of games, I just feel like Microsoft had more that interested me there, such as Recore, Sea of Thieves, Rare Replay, etc.

I don't even know what the fuck happened to Nintendo at E3 2015. It still baffles me how they went from having the best E3 in 2014 to having the absolute worst one in 2015. I'm just hoping they have a really good NX showing at E3 2016.