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Forums - Gaming Discussion - In retrospect, who won E3 2015?


In retrospect, who won E3 2015

Microsoft 110 15.01%
Sony 553 75.44%
Nintendo 70 9.55%
sabvre42 said:
LudicrousSpeed said:
I guess it would come down to MS or Sony and depend on what you want out of E3. I mean, has any of the big games Sony showed last year even released yet? Uncharted is about to come out, and I am sure they probably showed Until Dawn, but is that it? Horizon, TLG, Shenmue, these were the big ones and they are still entirely unknown on release date. Hell, they'll be at E3 2016.

So I'd go with MS, by virtue of the mere fact that a lot of what they shown last year is actually in our hands and playable now.

Oh you. You don't need to try to obscure your real reason for your pick. We all know you. 

Really man? So because he prefer's Xbox, its like that? Lol.

Made a bet with LipeJJ and HylianYoshi that the XB1 will reach 30 million before Wii U reaches 15 million. Loser has to get avatar picked by winner for 6 months (or if I lose, either 6 months avatar control for both Lipe and Hylian, or my patrick avatar comes back forever).

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sabvre42 said:
LudicrousSpeed said:
I guess it would come down to MS or Sony and depend on what you want out of E3. I mean, has any of the big games Sony showed last year even released yet? Uncharted is about to come out, and I am sure they probably showed Until Dawn, but is that it? Horizon, TLG, Shenmue, these were the big ones and they are still entirely unknown on release date. Hell, they'll be at E3 2016.

So I'd go with MS, by virtue of the mere fact that a lot of what they shown last year is actually in our hands and playable now.

Oh you. You don't need to try to obscure your real reason for your pick. We all know you. 

Oh shit wheres the popcorn 


barneystinson69 said:
sabvre42 said:

Oh you. You don't need to try to obscure your real reason for your pick. We all know you. 

Really man? So because he prefer's Xbox, its like that? Lol.

It's my Xbox preference stopping all those games from coming out.

barneystinson69 said:
sabvre42 said:

Oh you. You don't need to try to obscure your real reason for your pick. We all know you. 

Really man? So because he prefer's Xbox, its like that? Lol.

There's really know point of trying to hide what his fav is.

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In retrospect, Nintendo's event wasn't really completely bad as some would say. Then again I didn't think it was that bad in the first place. Of course in my opinion, before I get heat. Star Fox got what people hoped for, a delay. Now, it looks better and people are becoming excited. There were notable showings like #FE, Fates, Fast Racing Neo, Fatal Frame, Paper Jam, Triforce Heroes, Super Mario Maker, etc. All of these ranged from solid to great games. Then you have the Smash Bros. direct, the World Championships (which showed Earthbound Beginnings and brilliantly displayed Mario Maker and its potential), and the Treehouse. Of course it's not perfect as Ultra Smash and Amiibo Festival put the digital event down (though I haven't played them yet to properly judge). The puppets were actually pretty funny and I am deeply saddened this was the last speaking appearance of Mr. Iwata (bless his soul). So overall, it's not really that bad, but it showed Nintendo could only do so much with both consoles on their own and with NX and mobile lurking upon the horizon, it's tough for them to really put all their focus on Wii U and 3DS.

As for Sony, it was a great show who's highlights mostly come from games that will come in the near or far future. It didn't really do much to spark hype for 2015, though it didn't really matter since the PS4 is selling well. What puts it down though is a lack of Vita, which I still consider as part of Sony's current gen consoles so I have to judge it as I would judge Nintendo with the 3DS.

Microsoft did ok, but still didn't bring enough hype for future games beyond 2015. Unfortunately, it's second half- 2015 lineup didn't amount to much significance even with Rise of the Tomb Raider. The holidays just were t there for the Xbox One compared to PS4. It didn't help that Halo 5 did not do what it was expected to do and it failed to live up to most people's expectations.

Bandorr said:

edit: Nope not getting into this.

Should stick by your guns, because you made a pretty good point.

Bandorr said:

edit: Nope not getting into this.

Good, because your reply missed the forest for the trees anyway. You can list games from E3 2015 that still haven't released yet from MS, and that's fine. I never said every single game MS showed at E3 last year released. But most of the biggest ones have. Plus there was BC, which was a huge feature for me. You can't argue it any other way. Literally, has any of the big games Sony showed at E3 last year actually released yet? Probably only the multiplat stuff.

And you don't need to say any BS about "god forbid Sony show games not coming immediately" or whatever it was. I never said or implied there is anything wrong with showing games a long ways off. I would give more points for games actually out now, though. You're welcome to disagree, and that's fine. But there was no need to catch feelings about it.

Also, you're right, some of those games that released recently, weren't debuted at E3 2015. Which makes whatever E3 they debuted at, completely and entirely irrelevant to this thread about E3 2015 :) Hope that helps.

Nintendo had the best.">"><img src="

LudicrousSpeed said:
Bandorr said:

edit: Nope not getting into this.

Good, because your reply missed the forest for the trees anyway. You can list games from E3 2015 that still haven't released yet from MS, and that's fine. I never said every single game MS showed at E3 last year released. But most of the biggest ones have. Plus there was BC, which was a huge feature for me. You can't argue it any other way. Literally, has any of the big games Sony showed at E3 last year actually released yet? Probably only the multiplat stuff.

And you don't need to say any BS about "god forbid Sony show games not coming immediately" or whatever it was. I never said or implied there is anything wrong with showing games a long ways off. I would give more points for games actually out now, though. You're welcome to disagree, and that's fine. But there was no need to catch feelings about it.

Also, you're right, some of those games that released recently, weren't debuted at E3 2015. Which makes whatever E3 they debuted at, completely and entirely irrelevant to this thread about E3 2015 :) Hope that helps.

And what games would that be? The new games announced were Recore, PvZ2, Dark Souls 3, Rare Replay, Sea of Thieves, and Gears 4. Are these the "big" games you're talking about? Recore, Sea of Thieves, and Gears 4 haven't released. And DS3 and PvZ2 are multiplatform (a status which you used to criticize Sony's announcements). So, Rare Replay? A bunch of games from almost 20+ years ago? 

What other games are "in our hands and playable now" that were shown at E3? Halo? Tomb Raider? Quantum Break? MS wins E3 2015 because games they announced years ago, but still showed at E3 2015, finally came out? 

This seems like a case of having your cake and eating it, too. You chastize him for listing games that haven't released....but then say "the biggest ones have", which, to me, seems like "MS has released X amount of games and Sony has released Y, and X > Y, so MS won", which contradicts you, essentially, saying listing games doesn't matter. And then, you chastize him for mentioning Sony showing games that don't come out immediately, but saying MS won because "you give more points for games actually out now".....but they are games that didn't come out immediately after being announced. If that's the case, Sony won E3 2015 because Rocket League came out in July, SFV came out in February, Ratchet comes out next week, and Uncharted 4 comes out in a few weeks. Even though we knew about 3 of the 4 years ago and Rocket League's release was pretty "immediate" after it was shown at E3. If that's the route you wanna go down.