Mr Puggsly said:
AEGRO said:
My point is not focused on the game sales per se, but the lack of incentive to purchase an Xbox console.
There will be a moment where there will be no exclusives (real exclusives) for the console, and the sales will be severely compromised because of this fact.
Unless Microsoft (and the fanbase) is content with the Xbox consoles having N64 sales numbers, i dont see a future Xbox console touching the Xbox 360 sales numbers, the Xbox One included.
You simply aren't considering how different the X1 and PC audience is. People keep saying things like Xbox sales are going to be "severely compromised" but you can't explain why extremely popular console games are also on PC.
WIth your logic, many people would play popular console games on PC instead and not buy consoles.
The bar of how poor X1 will sells keeps moving up, so that's good. Early on people said X1 will fail like Dreamcast, Gamecube, now we're up to N64 (32 million). If MS plays their cards right maybe X1 can sell as poorly as SNES.
Remember that i made a Bet with you ?, that it will sell less than Genesis, The Console already have 2 Drop YOY, in a Row, in the last 2 Months, before those announcements, and it droped out of Amazon top 100's Weekly Chartz, the sales are decreasing, even with Quantum Break, and with a Official Price Cut, they don't have anything on the Horizon beyond Gears of War 4 (that maybe will launch on PC), to push Sales, if Sales are down this year, and the Generation will be shorter, i don't think that it can have a YOY Up again, if it continues to Drop YoY, on USA.
Exclusives comiing for PC, can mean a Devaluation of the Xbox Brand, and this is a bad thing for the ones that supported the Brand since the Beggining of the generation, and before Microsoft, announce those policies.
They said less than 3-4 Months ago that Exclusives was the most Important thing on consoles, with the "Biggest Line Up Ever", and they pushed the midia for "PS4 Has no Games", only because don't released a Triple A Tittle on the Last quarter, this was a Very Fast change of directions, i think that the "Biggest Line Up", was Microsoft's Last Attempt to push the Xbox One, now they will just focus on PC, and eventually push some Minor sales with Xbox One.