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Forums - Gaming Discussion - All Future Forza Games Are Coming to PC and Xbox, Microsoft Confirms

Mr Puggsly said:
Swordmasterman said:

Dark Souls, sold more on PC, Alan Wake, sold more on PC, Left 4 Dead (i forgot if was 1, or 2), sold better on PC, The Last Tomb Raider, i think that sold better on PC.

That's not the argument. I said tell me a game that sold poor on consoles because a PC version exist.

If anything, you're supporting my argument. People passed on some of those game when they were console only (like Alan Wake and Dark Souls), but there was an audience wanting them on PC.


By the way...

This was 2011 by the way. So that probably means the 360 sold more units at full price. I'm sure more people have it on PC now.


My point is not focused on the game sales per se, but the lack of incentive to purchase an Xbox console.

There will be a moment where there will be no exclusives (real exclusives) for the console, and the sales will be severely compromised because of this fact.

Unless Microsoft (and the fanbase) is content with the Xbox consoles having N64 sales numbers, i dont see  a future Xbox console touching the Xbox 360 sales numbers, the Xbox One included.

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Barkley said:

I have a gaming pc, I have a ps4 and a WiiU. I was planning on picking up an XBO at some point but that plan is no more. This will have an affect on sales and turn off potential customers but likely only about 0.5% of those will be in a simlair situation and come to a similair conclusion as me.

It's hardly a dent in the Xbox brand and sales and it won't be until PC gaming becomes more mainstream.

You belong to a sector of the consumer population that a certain group is not ackowledging, or is decided to ignore.

The people that already had a Gaming Rig, and was still interested in buying an Xbox One for its exclusives.

teigaga said:
Barkley said:

I have a gaming pc, I have a ps4 and a WiiU. I was planning on picking up an XBO at some point but that plan is no more. This will have an affect on sales and turn off potential customers but likely only about 0.5% of those will be in a simlair situation and come to a similair conclusion as me.

It's hardly a dent in the Xbox brand and sales and it won't be until PC gaming becomes more mainstream.

Microsoft saved you some money. 

It'll be nice for some conclusive evidence but I feel pretty confident that most mainstream gamers only buy 1 console per generation unless an anomoly like the Wii arises. Also feel pretty confident that 90% of playstation and Xbox gamers do not use PC as a regular gaming platform for anything other then mobas/mmos. The biggest selling titles like StarWars/COD/Fifa  etc and their sales paint a pretty clear picture that many console gamers do not see PC gaming as an interchangable platform.

Can you back up any of the numbers you are giving?

Mr Puggsly said:
Swordmasterman said:

It need to sell  over 52 Millions of Units with a Profit Margin of 40US$ per Unit before they can begin to make Profit with their purchase.

You should also factor in profts from merch, DLC, Story Mode, etc.

I imagine they will consider Minecraft 2 down the road. Another game that will probably be on 10 platforms. So again, this wasn't a purchase made for Xbox.

Anyhow, you don't buy an IP for $2.5 billion and expect that money back in a couple years.

Activision, made a Much better purchase when they purchased Vivendi, StarCraft, and Warcraft, are guaranteed money, you Know how much Microsoft, would  be able to do with so much money ?.

Now they are Selling Minecraft for 20US$, on Majority of the Plataforms, they pay the Tax to sell games on other plataform, and on Vita, they aren't even the Publisher, the Publisher is Sony,  they need to sell Tons, of DLC, and Merchandise to have 40US$ of Profit per unit, maybe they will never make the money back. Minecraft 2, isn't guaranteed Money, the game is a "Make Your-self" tittle, so there is no need to release another game, just Patchs.

AEGRO said:

My point is not focused on the game sales per se, but the lack of incentive to purchase an Xbox console.

There will be a moment where there will be no exclusives (real exclusives) for the console, and the sales will be severely compromised because of this fact.

Unless Microsoft (and the fanbase) is content with the Xbox consoles having N64 sales numbers, i dont see  a future Xbox console touching the Xbox 360 sales numbers, the Xbox One included.

You simply aren't considering how different the X1 and PC audience is. People keep saying things like Xbox sales are going to be "severely compromised" but you can't explain why extremely popular console games are also on PC.

WIth your logic, many people would play popular console games on PC instead and not buy consoles.

The bar of how poor X1 will sell keeps moving up, so that's good. Early on people said X1 will fail like Dreamcast, Gamecube, now we're up to N64 (32 million). If MS plays their cards right maybe X1 can sell as poorly as SNES.

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Swordmasterman said:
Mr Puggsly said:

You should also factor in profts from merch, DLC, Story Mode, etc.

I imagine they will consider Minecraft 2 down the road. Another game that will probably be on 10 platforms. So again, this wasn't a purchase made for Xbox.

Anyhow, you don't buy an IP for $2.5 billion and expect that money back in a couple years.

Activision, made a Much better purchase when they purchased Vivendi, StarCraft, and Warcraft, are guaranteed money, you Know how much Microsoft, would  be able to do with so much money ?.

Now they are Selling Minecraft for 20US$, on Majority of the Plataforms, they pay the Tax to sell games on other plataform, and on Vita, they aren't even the Publisher, the Publisher is Sony,  they need to sell Tons, of DLC, and Merchandise to have 40US$ of Profit per unit, maybe they will never make the money back. Minecraft 2, isn't guaranteed Money, the game is a "Make Your-self" tittle, so there is no need to release another game, just Patchs.

I have zero interest in comparing the Minecraft deal with other deals (Activision didn't purchase Vivendi or Blizzard IPs). I'm just pointing out Minecraft doesn't make money solely on people purchasing the game. Something YOU clearly didn't consider.

Maybe this Minecraft deal will never be profitable. That happens with risks sometimes.

Recently Completed
River City: Rival Showdown
for 3DS (3/5) - River City: Tokyo Rumble for 3DS (4/5) - Zelda: BotW for Wii U (5/5) - Zelda: BotW for Switch (5/5) - Zelda: Link's Awakening for Switch (4/5) - Rage 2 for X1X (4/5) - Rage for 360 (3/5) - Streets of Rage 4 for X1/PC (4/5) - Gears 5 for X1X (5/5) - Mortal Kombat 11 for X1X (5/5) - Doom 64 for N64 (emulator) (3/5) - Crackdown 3 for X1S/X1X (4/5) - Infinity Blade III - for iPad 4 (3/5) - Infinity Blade II - for iPad 4 (4/5) - Infinity Blade - for iPad 4 (4/5) - Wolfenstein: The Old Blood for X1 (3/5) - Assassin's Creed: Origins for X1 (3/5) - Uncharted: Lost Legacy for PS4 (4/5) - EA UFC 3 for X1 (4/5) - Doom for X1 (4/5) - Titanfall 2 for X1 (4/5) - Super Mario 3D World for Wii U (4/5) - South Park: The Stick of Truth for X1 BC (4/5) - Call of Duty: WWII for X1 (4/5) -Wolfenstein II for X1 - (4/5) - Dead or Alive: Dimensions for 3DS (4/5) - Marvel vs Capcom: Infinite for X1 (3/5) - Halo Wars 2 for X1/PC (4/5) - Halo Wars: DE for X1 (4/5) - Tekken 7 for X1 (4/5) - Injustice 2 for X1 (4/5) - Yakuza 5 for PS3 (3/5) - Battlefield 1 (Campaign) for X1 (3/5) - Assassin's Creed: Syndicate for X1 (4/5) - Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare for X1 (4/5) - Call of Duty: MW Remastered for X1 (4/5) - Donkey Kong Country Returns for 3DS (4/5) - Forza Horizon 3 for X1 (5/5)

AEGRO said:
teigaga said:

Microsoft saved you some money. 

It'll be nice for some conclusive evidence but I feel pretty confident that most mainstream gamers only buy 1 console per generation unless an anomoly like the Wii arises. Also feel pretty confident that 90% of playstation and Xbox gamers do not use PC as a regular gaming platform for anything other then mobas/mmos. The biggest selling titles like StarWars/COD/Fifa  etc and their sales paint a pretty clear picture that many console gamers do not see PC gaming as an interchangable platform.

Can you back up any of the numbers you are giving?

Nothing solid, which is why I say it'd be nice for some conclusive evidence :)

But again the prominence of third party games selling more on console versus PC is telling. Witcher 3 had a massive openning on PS4, yet the PC version also smashed the previous games records. The arrival of the PS4 didn't notably damage the PC's performance from what we can see, nor did the franchise's prominance on the PC act as barrier for the PS4's version sales. Most game sales paint the picture that PC and Console are not just interchangable platforms. When PC franchises are introduced to console, that hightens their sales significantly as opposed to the game featuring only slightly improved sales spread across more platforms. The elderscrolls is a perfect example of this. 

Equal things can be said about PS4 versus Xbox. Most third party games sell in close to proportion with the number of units out there, somewhere around 2:1 in favour of PS4. This gives off the impression that people have picked a console and are sticking by it. Looking really far back we saw that Gamecube and Xbox were unable to attain any notable piece of the market during the PS2's reign, despite tons of exclusives and super low prices. This suggests that when there is a very obvious choice, that one console will devour the market with people sticking with it and not picking up a secondary platform. Since then, competiton has been much stronger Sony has been much weaker which is why userbasse are split more evenly the last 2 gens. I believe 7th gen was the only era where secondary console purchases were actually a major thing and that was down to the Wii.

Mr Puggsly said:

You simply aren't considering how different the X1 and PC audience is. People keep saying things like Xbox sales are going to be "severely compromised" but you can't explain why extremely popular console games are also on PC.

WIth your logic, many people would play popular console games on PC instead and not buy consoles.

The bar of how poor X1 will sells keeps moving up, so that's good. Early on people said X1 will fail like Dreamcast, Gamecube, now we're up to N64 (32 million). If MS plays their cards right maybe X1 can sell as poorly as SNES.

Well, i honestly didnt see any comparison early on, but the current sales are clear enough.

The Xbox One will never achieve the Xbox 360 sales, not even close.

Why is it that the Xbox One having "The Best Line-Up in the Entire History of the Xbox Console Family" (for 2 years in a row) is struggling to keep the pace of the 360?

It started great saleswise, but now? Not so much. Why is that?

Mr Puggsly said:
AEGRO said:

My point is not focused on the game sales per se, but the lack of incentive to purchase an Xbox console.

There will be a moment where there will be no exclusives (real exclusives) for the console, and the sales will be severely compromised because of this fact.

Unless Microsoft (and the fanbase) is content with the Xbox consoles having N64 sales numbers, i dont see  a future Xbox console touching the Xbox 360 sales numbers, the Xbox One included.

You simply aren't considering how different the X1 and PC audience is. People keep saying things like Xbox sales are going to be "severely compromised" but you can't explain why extremely popular console games are also on PC.

WIth your logic, many people would play popular console games on PC instead and not buy consoles.

The bar of how poor X1 will sells keeps moving up, so that's good. Early on people said X1 will fail like Dreamcast, Gamecube, now we're up to N64 (32 million). If MS plays their cards right maybe X1 can sell as poorly as SNES.

Remember that i made a Bet with you ?, that it will sell less than Genesis, The Console already have 2 Drop YOY, in a Row, in the last 2 Months, before those announcements, and it droped out of Amazon top 100's Weekly Chartz, the sales are decreasing, even with Quantum Break, and with a Official Price Cut, they don't have anything on the Horizon beyond Gears of War 4 (that maybe will launch on PC), to push Sales, if Sales are down this year, and the Generation will be shorter, i don't think that it can have a YOY Up again, if   it continues to Drop YoY, on USA.

Exclusives comiing for PC, can mean a Devaluation of the Xbox Brand, and this is a bad thing for the ones that supported the Brand since the Beggining of the generation, and before Microsoft, announce those policies.


They said less than 3-4 Months ago that Exclusives was the most Important thing on consoles, with the "Biggest Line Up Ever", and they pushed the midia for "PS4 Has no Games", only because don't released a Triple A Tittle on the Last quarter, this was a Very Fast change of directions, i think that the "Biggest Line Up", was Microsoft's Last Attempt to push the Xbox One, now they will just focus on PC, and eventually push some Minor sales with Xbox One.

I think this is fantastic news. Not only is MS competing in the console space, but they are also going to compete with the big fish in the sea like Steam, and to be fair, as a Steam lover for the past decade, it’s really going to put Valve on edge which is fantastic because Steam doesn’t offer their own games at the same quality as MS. Not one racing game on Steam or even in the gaming market tops Forza in my opinion and with the additions of KI, Quantum Break and future XB1 games coming across, Steam can only compete with the same games that will most likely end up on XB1 or Win10 anyway.

This pushes Valve to focus on Exclusives and maybe even their own.
I am looking forward to seeing Valves counter, hopefully a Half Life 3 to compete with Halo 6. What a day to be a PC and Xbox gamer.