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Swordmasterman said:
Mr Puggsly said:

You should also factor in profts from merch, DLC, Story Mode, etc.

I imagine they will consider Minecraft 2 down the road. Another game that will probably be on 10 platforms. So again, this wasn't a purchase made for Xbox.

Anyhow, you don't buy an IP for $2.5 billion and expect that money back in a couple years.

Activision, made a Much better purchase when they purchased Vivendi, StarCraft, and Warcraft, are guaranteed money, you Know how much Microsoft, would  be able to do with so much money ?.

Now they are Selling Minecraft for 20US$, on Majority of the Plataforms, they pay the Tax to sell games on other plataform, and on Vita, they aren't even the Publisher, the Publisher is Sony,  they need to sell Tons, of DLC, and Merchandise to have 40US$ of Profit per unit, maybe they will never make the money back. Minecraft 2, isn't guaranteed Money, the game is a "Make Your-self" tittle, so there is no need to release another game, just Patchs.

I have zero interest in comparing the Minecraft deal with other deals (Activision didn't purchase Vivendi or Blizzard IPs). I'm just pointing out Minecraft doesn't make money solely on people purchasing the game. Something YOU clearly didn't consider.

Maybe this Minecraft deal will never be profitable. That happens with risks sometimes.

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