Mr Puggsly said: You simply aren't considering how different the X1 and PC audience is. People keep saying things like Xbox sales are going to be "severely compromised" but you can't explain why extremely popular console games are also on PC. WIth your logic, many people would play popular console games on PC instead and not buy consoles. The bar of how poor X1 will sells keeps moving up, so that's good. Early on people said X1 will fail like Dreamcast, Gamecube, now we're up to N64 (32 million). If MS plays their cards right maybe X1 can sell as poorly as SNES. |
Well, i honestly didnt see any comparison early on, but the current sales are clear enough.
The Xbox One will never achieve the Xbox 360 sales, not even close.
Why is it that the Xbox One having "The Best Line-Up in the Entire History of the Xbox Console Family" (for 2 years in a row) is struggling to keep the pace of the 360?
It started great saleswise, but now? Not so much. Why is that?