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Forums - Sony Discussion - PlayStation 4.5 PRICE, RELEASE DATE! - The Know (RUMOUR?)

Yes bring it on

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ratchet426 said:
If this is actually happening, I gotta say it is a monumentally bad idea from Sony, and a horrendous PR disaster in the making. I'm talking Don Mattrick "#DealWithIt" level of PR disaster.

My only question to Sony execs is: WHAT THE F**K ARE YOU THINKING??!?!?!

Seriously. Let's take the best selling console by FAR this gen and torpedo existing sales, fracture the user base, and alienate customers by releasing a "slightly better" version of the PS4 mid-cycle. I could maybe understand if this was some desperation move from MS for the X1, but the PS4?

Why, why, WHY screw up an (up to now) nearly perfectly designed, launched, marketed, and supported console by sh*tting on a 40Mil customer base just to introduce a speed-bump SKU? Stupid, Sony. Very very stupid. I guess it's true; any amount of success in this industry (PS2, Xbox360) breeds corporate greed and hubris.

Because they need a console that plays UHD Bluray discs and the others are costing more than 500 euros. I doubt Sony is foolish enough to fragment the userbase with exclusive games, that means a whole new gen for them. At most the new console will have better framerates and upscale capability to 4K. This shouldn't be a problem for current PS4 consoles, all Sony needs to do is enforce that games are made with the og PS4 in mind.

Azuren said:

Upscaling and UHD Bluray support. 

If that's _all_ it is, and there is zero difference in how games or VR perform between the 'old' model and the new one, then fine, your point is well taken.

But it doesn't sound like it's just 4k support for video output and Bluray. It sounds like improved hardware that game devs would have the opportunity to exploit. If so, then Sony has enabled fracturing the user base the moment a game comes out that says "plays best on PS4.5". Or even worse "PS4.5 required".  

BraLoD said:
At least add the info on the title in the OP, don't just throw a video.

I'm starting to get sick of this PS4.5/PS4K rumors, tbh.

I tend to get more interested in rumours when more sources support it. It doesn't mean it's right but that's how it tend to go for me.


The PS5 Exists. 

ratchet426 said:
Azuren said:

Upscaling and UHD Bluray support. 

If that's _all_ it is, and there is zero difference in how games or VR perform between the 'old' model and the new one, then fine, your point is well taken.

But it doesn't sound like it's just 4k support for video output and Bluray. It sounds like improved hardware that game devs would have the opportunity to exploit. If so, then Sony has enabled fracturing the user base the moment a game comes out that says "plays best on PS4.5". Or even worse "PS4.5 required".  

I don't see a problem even if the hardware is a bit more potent. Sony ofcourse has to make it mandatory for all games to run ("well" - not dropping to 25fps or sth like that) on the standard PS4 and allow higher fps/res/aa/additional effects on PS4K. In competitive multiplayer games that could mean PS4K users have a bit of an edge, but other than that it's really fine imo. And people with a racing wheel or a fighting stick or a KB&M adapter etc have a competitive edge on other users as well.

The graphical differences would likely be miniscule - essentially just some nicer, cleaner image quality - higher fps could make gameplay smoother though.

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ratchet426 said:
Azuren said:

Upscaling and UHD Bluray support. 

If that's _all_ it is, and there is zero difference in how games or VR perform between the 'old' model and the new one, then fine, your point is well taken.

But it doesn't sound like it's just 4k support for video output and Bluray. It sounds like improved hardware that game devs would have the opportunity to exploit. If so, then Sony has enabled fracturing the user base the moment a game comes out that says "plays best on PS4.5". Or even worse "PS4.5 required".  

relax's just rumors and speculations

Simplest explanation is that there is a *redesign* that got blown into an *upgrade* by the media.

So now YouTube is a source now lol
OP forgot to mention that in the title.
This isn't a rumor just rampant speculation from someone who wants attention.
And what about the rules forbidding just posting "sources" without any original content. Shouldn't the mods be moderating that?

Just more FUD and lolz at the "I tend to get more interested in rumours when more sources support it." from the OP.

Sony would never do this as it's goes against completely their console design philosophy. Sony has the most stable history when it comes to video games. No one can honestly entertain this fastasy. Some people just seem to want to find something negative about PlayStation to talk about.

That video was cringe worthy....

Also love their explanation of why it wouldnt play games in 4k, doh, fools of course it would upscale. Gaming sites are getting more and more ridiculous for hits than ever.

Making an indie game : Dead of Day!

Ka-pi96 said:
Slade6alpha said:

Oh fuck... that's literally the worst time of the year on VGC -_________-

Thanks for reminding me. 

I would say I'm looking forward to it but I expect I'll forget to even check VGC on 1st April or something. Although if I don't maybe I should do a nice surprise for you Sladey

Here in this site is allowed to make those 1th April's Jokes ?, so we cannot trust in any news on 1th April ?.