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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Things in Zelda that need to change

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Miyamotoo said:

Last 3 years I played/repliyed TP, SS, ALTTP, WW HD, OoT and MM.

IMO things Zelda U or future Zeldas need/hope to have:

1. Not having empty Overworld. I think this is real problem just for Twilight Princes, game is so freaking empty and barren, it don't have almost nothing, for instance TP Hyrule Field have only few trees, few rocks, few caves, few enemies and that's all! Thats main reason why TP for me is least favorite 3D Zelda.

2. More side quests and thing related to Overworld. Also I will mentioned TP like bad example, you dont have almost nothing to do in TP overlord. Of Course Majora's Mask has best side quests, but i think Skyward Sword also had solid quests but problem was that all side quests are related to Skyloft.

3. Items that are not useful outside one specific dungeon. Again TP, you have so many items in TP that you use in just one specific dungeons and later you totally forgot that you have that item at all because becoming totally useful after that specific dungeon. Skyward Sword than that much better, items are much better used outside spesifik dungeon. Also this is my second biggest complaint about TP and reason why is TP my least favorite 3D Zelda game.

4. Hero Mode from start of game. Zelda games are easy in term that you really die or you have bigger need to use health potions or something similar. I think Hero Mode brings great balance to overall difficulty to a game (enemies takes double damage and you can easily find heart pieces so you need to have health potion) and gives player much better experience, Hero Mode really needs to be from start of a game.

5. More towns and settlements, mini forts and small settlements, huts, caves, fairy fountains, mini dungeons, bosses, secrets, items, collectibles, heart overworld. This is very related to point 1. and 2, but I relly want this in 3D Zelda games, for me main thing in Zelda games is exploration of Zelda world, so I want all those things in Zelda games.

6. Better economy of game and value of money. In majority of Zelda games economy is very bad, you don't have almost nothing on what you can spend money, and you always have too much rupees. Skyward Sword done all that best in any Zelda game, but needs to be better than that.

7. Upgrade of weapons, armor and items. This gives another dimension to a game because you have parts and items that are need to be find in Zelda world and money if you want to upgrade to better weapon, armor or items. Again Skyward Sword done this solid, but need to be much better.

8. Magics and magic meter. In some Zelda games we have magics and magic meter in some we don't have, also gives another dimension to a game so definatly need to be part of Zelda games.

Regardles what could we expect from this thing in Zelda U: Zelda U world is not empty, we saw it will have, forests, hills, mountains, valleys, rivers, lakes, watchtowers, great animal life with horses, dears, goats, eagles and other birds. We also saw magic metter, so that means magic in game. I think there are good chances we will have great content and side quests in that huge Zelda world, and I think they will improve economy and upgrade for weapons and items from Skyward Sword, and I hope they will include Hero Mode from start. I expect that Zelda U will be one of bests Zelda games ever. :)

Just to add two more points:

9. Less backtracking. I find backtracking in Skyward Sword was criminal, you had to back 3 times in each province, thats horrible, I would be ok with 2 times but 3 is to much.

10. Less hints and notifications. It can be very annoying if you have very often hints and notifications, again I will take Skyward Sword like example.

Wyrdness said:
Aeolus451 said:

"You're not going to get TLOU or Uncharted style VA"



Yeah and? Do you not know about differing approaches to VA?

And?  You're starting to go in circles. I answered that i the post you quoted earlier. I believe they can do TLOU level of VA in a zelda game if they really tried to but it's just easier not to. You believe they shouldn't or they can't pull it off. Ok, I get. *shrugs 

Aeolus451 said:
Wyrdness said:

Yeah and? Do you not know about differing approaches to VA?

And?  You're starting to go in circles. I answered that i the post you quoted earlier. I believe they can do TLOU level of VA in a zelda game if they really tried to but it's just easier not to. You believe they shouldn't or they can't pull it off. Ok, I get. *shrugs 

You clearly didn't read the post properly I said style not level I'm going to assume english isn't your first language to even come to this as the post you initially quoted flat out tells you what I meant.

Wyrdness said:
Aeolus451 said:

And?  You're starting to go in circles. I answered that i the post you quoted earlier. I believe they can do TLOU level of VA in a zelda game if they really tried to but it's just easier not to. You believe they shouldn't or they can't pull it off. Ok, I get. *shrugs 

You clearly didn't read the post properly I said style not level I'm going to assume english isn't your first language to even come to this as the post you initially quoted flat out tells you what I meant.

You're not seein the forest for the trees.  I did not answer "Do you not know about differing approaches to VA".

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I just want them to make a modern, updated version of the original 8-bit game. It has everything the Zelda franchise needs! Well, almost everything. It's an open world game with lots to explore, you can choose what dungeons to tackle to a certifierad extent.

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

spemanig said:
fleischr said:
If anything, I do think we'll get an overhaul of the combat system to be much more skill-based - while also giving you more opportunities for massive hack and slash battles. Think as if Bayonetta 2 and Hyrule Warriors were fused as one Zelda game. There's more than one reason Nintendo published those games if you ask me.

You are in for some massive disappointment if you seriously think that Zelda is going to change genres like that.

Not necessarily with Zelda U.

I just want a Zelda game where there's a massive battle taking place -- but with greater refinements than in Hyrule Warriors.

A more combo-based combat system wouldn't be totally out of the question IMO - though I think the combat is going to stick with Zelda's traditional Z-target feel

I predict NX launches in 2017 - not 2016

Ninty could also allow to switch between 3rd person and Eagle perspective while we're at it, for people who wants to enjoy the classic feel!

fleischr said:

Not necessarily with Zelda U.

I just want a Zelda game where there's a massive battle taking place -- but with greater refinements than in Hyrule Warriors.

A more combo-based combat system wouldn't be totally out of the question IMO - though I think the combat is going to stick with Zelda's traditional Z-target feel

With the importance of item variety in Zelda, I think that's an impropability. Zelda dedicates each item to only one button for a reason.

spemanig said:

With the importance of item variety in Zelda, I think that's an impropability. Zelda dedicates each item to only one button for a reason.


What about something like the trick weapons in Bloodborne? You equip them on a button, but then you have a specific different button to activate that item's second version.