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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Microsoft opening online play between Xbone/PC and other console networks (Update: Sony "responds")

LudicrousSpeed said:
MS did have it years ago, on both their previous platforms :) Dropping support of it for a few years doesn't negate what they had in the past.

What Sony has going with PC is already known and irrelevant. The only thing that matters in this discussion is Live and they didn't mention it. Which again, is fine, but its a non answer and the ball is still in their court in terms of Live/PSN cross play :)

Previous platform is irrelevant, This about XB1 and PS4 only.


As for KBM vs Controller thing, pvp on FFXIV is pretty fair, Macroes pretty much negate the benefit of multiple buttons.

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank

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Im glad Microsoft finally decided to make this move, but seeing how a lot of Xbox One users bought the console just to be able to play with their friends that already had one, i can see this move back firing.

If the Cross Play Network comes into fruition, people will flock to the console where the games looks and run better, knowing that they will be able to play with their friends regardless of the platform.

Being able to play with their friends is not the same as being able to have them on their friends list and join parties with them. And if people care that much about a small graphics advantage they'd probably be happiest on PC where MP is free and there is a large power advantage.

LudicrousSpeed said:
Being able to play with their friends is not the same as being able to have them on their friends list and join parties with them. And if people care that much about a small graphics advantage they'd probably be happiest on PC where MP is free and there is a large power advantage.

There are people that prefer playing videogames on consoles, if PC was the prefered choice for everybody the Xbox One would literally be selling less than the Vita, seeing how almost all its exclusives (with the exception of a couple) are being released on the PC.

But like ive been saying, the reasons to own the Xbox One keeps watering down with all these news, and it is reflecting on the sales.

The Xbox One sales have been down YoY, and currently Amazon is selling the thing under Microsoft's MSRP with 2 FREE games.

Even their last secured third party deal which was with The Division has been dead on arrival, currently at #2.085.

If more people gamed on PC then all consoles would sell less. It's just simple math. I'm no sure what the rest of your shitting on Xbone has to do with the thread.

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LudicrousSpeed said:
If more people gamed on PC then all consoles would sell less. It's just simple math. I'm no sure what the rest of your shitting on Xbone has to do with the thread.

How am i shitting on the Xbox One when im just presenting real life numbers?

I may have deviated a bit from the thread, but my main point was that this CrossPlay between platforms could be negative for the Xbox One on the long run.

Im not trying to argue here, im sorry if it seemed that way.

pokoko said:
Speaking of mouse versus controller, I had a coworker tell me awhile ago that he hated PC gamers. When I told him I game on both, he was like, "well ... I guess you're okay."

When I said, trying to be positive, that they both have their strengths and weaknesses, I could tell that he became somewhat offended. In a defensive tone, he said something along the lines of, "what strengths do you think the PC has over a console?" I was nonplussed, as I thought that was a commonly held opinion and thus a safe thing to say.

The rest of the conversation went something like this:

Me: "Well, for instance, how the mouse is more accurate ..."
Him: "In what way? I think the controller is just as accurate."
Me: "But, you know, how doing fine tasks like browsing or using an app is faster and easier with a mouse ..."
Him: "I use a controller for browsing all the time, it's just as fast and easy as with a mouse."
Me: "Yeah, um, you're probably right."

Guys like them want to play directly against m/kb users so they can prove their superiority. Please, let them. Please.

lol funny guy, your coworker.

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