LudicrousSpeed said: Being able to play with their friends is not the same as being able to have them on their friends list and join parties with them. And if people care that much about a small graphics advantage they'd probably be happiest on PC where MP is free and there is a large power advantage. |
There are people that prefer playing videogames on consoles, if PC was the prefered choice for everybody the Xbox One would literally be selling less than the Vita, seeing how almost all its exclusives (with the exception of a couple) are being released on the PC.
But like ive been saying, the reasons to own the Xbox One keeps watering down with all these news, and it is reflecting on the sales.
The Xbox One sales have been down YoY, and currently Amazon is selling the thing under Microsoft's MSRP with 2 FREE games.
Even their last secured third party deal which was with The Division has been dead on arrival, currently at #2.085.