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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Sony holding recruitment event for Lionhead.

Chazore said:
BasilZero said:
Dat jab against MS though xD!

Great for the ex-lionhead devs.

If anything comes out of this - hopefully we'll see a new wRPG.

We could see a new one but I'm likely not going to see myself playing it =/.

Though I really do miss Fable II and we still don't have III back on Steam yet.

you can since the ps4 will be cheaper one day so anyone would be able to afford it, but you just don't want to invest money on anything else that isn't your pc, so its only your fault if you want to play it but your pc fanboyism doesn't let you throw money at anything else that isn't pc, for some unknown reason/fanboy syndrome.


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Nooice. Smart move by Sony.

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I said studios (not just Sony, others have also tweeted their interest) would be looking to hire developers at Lionhead. When you have an iconic and talented developer like Lionhead, they're are bound to be skilled developers just waiting to be hired by the studio that get in a takes a chance on them.

Sony Thank You!!!

In Sony We Trust!


think-man said:
Then sony hires enough to open new studio, names it "lions neck" and creates franchise called "the fables"

For the giggles ! hahahhahaa.

That would be so epic.

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Lol at sony being the 2nd coming of Jesus and Epic tried to be the 2nd one but descend a bit late from the sky

Anyway good move by both of them, at least those workers have a choice to go to.


yvanjean said:
Machiavellian said:

The company already went through a restructuring.  Without knowing the full details as always, internet forums just throw up a whole lot of crap in the air and hopes it sticks.

100 employees let go that can now go to other studios.

And your point, that articles pretty much says nothing that isn't already known.  Most of the grunt employees never know what is happening until it happens.  Its the people that actually run the studio where we need to get the details.  Having been part of companies that have either shut down, sold or both, I know firsthand that none of us ever knew how bad situations were until crap happen.  So as I was saying, there really isn't any REAL info on why the shutdown but usually financially stable companies just do not go belly up.

That's pretty nice, hopefully all those who were laid off will be able to find a job then

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BraLoD said:
FIT_Gamer said:

Well Epic is also holding a recruitment event tonight. 

That's also just a PR stunt so Epic can sell more consoles and... oh wait xP

So both Sony and Epic are recruiting.  Conspiracy confirmed!

Lol if it were solely for PR, like Sony need anymore PR as it is.