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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Division Downgrade

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BraLoD said:

They didn't got on the subject as the article is focused on pointing PC vs consoles differences, which doesn't point either it has or hasn't a downgrade, so who owns Ubisoft any apology? Much less a "Massive" apology?
So nope.

They've made some comparisons to the original trailer too ... 

Those who have said that there was a graphical or a downgrade in illumination still owe Ubisoft Massive an apology ...

BraLoD said:

Much less the differences we can clearly see in this video, be it the console version against a PC version at the E3 demonstration, there is a clear downgrade (which appears to be the case between PC and consoles, specially the XBO), which the article mentioning "changes in consoles are minimal, but there one on two visual improvements on PC" since the Beta versions.

If anything we had their word on the Beta not matching the E3 2013 footage, and that's the only thing about the matter we have.

So nope.

All that matters is the final show-off and digital foundry didn't list any graphical downgrade ...  

Console versions might have had a downgrade but for the PC version maxed out I'm leaning on a no but one reason is because it's using state of the art shadowing technology like Nvidia's HFTS so I'm ABSOLUTELY certain that shadowing technology is an upgrade compared to the original trailer ...

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BraLoD said:

They praised a lot of aspects of the game but where did they said it matched the E3 2013 presentation?
The only thing they said about that was on the Beta and that it didn't matched it, also said the changes from the Beta to this build, the final build, were minimal on consoles and one or two improvements on PC.

You are calling people out on something without any base.

Where did they say that the graphics didn't match the E3 2013 trailer in the final face-off ? 

In one of their pre-release performance analysis they only evaluated the console versions, PC was absent so what they said about visuals only applies to consoles ...

You and the others accusing the developers of downgrading in-game graphics is without solid evidence is worse since that deflates their technical work but what's more is that your denying the final verdict from digital foundry ... 

I was one of the guys TOTALLY on board for the Division, when it was first announced but, the more and more I saw, the less appealing it looked. Definitely downgraded in multiple respects, not just graphically.

BraLoD said:

They didn't, they said on the Beta analisys, they also didn't said about it matching the E3 2013 trailer on this final analisys, did they? So don't come to any illogical conclusion.

A beta analysis of the console versions isn't exactly the best data ...

I'm denying absolutely nothing, it's just you waiting to take a shot on something that was never said, where are they saying there was no downgrade? All they said on this analisys was that the console versions had minimal differences and the PC one or two improvements from the Beta, and they stated the Beta analisys saying it didn't match the E3 2013 trailer, they did said it there, they didn't take it back now.

They didn't exactly say that there was "no downgrade" but the fact that they made a comparison to the original trailer is enough for me to say that there is no graphics downgrade on the PC version at max settings ...

You are trying to prove something out of nowhere, when if anything all they said is that the beta didn't match it when they talked about it and that de final build was very similar console wise and with some few improvements PC wise.

Once again beta =/= final build ...

If anything, it's another proof it's a downgrade, as they didn't refuted their word on it not matching the E3 2013 trailer on this analisys.

They only said the console versions MAY not match the original trailer, that is ALL they said so I'm not sure why your taking things out of context ...

You are walking around circles here, there is not even a slight deny happening here by my part, the ones coming are from you, when they effectively compared the beta to that E3 2013 trailer stating it dind't match it, and didn't said it matched it now on the final build.

I'm not denying anything here, all that matters is the end result ...

The game looking good or not has nothing to do with the fact that it's still inferior to what was presented on the E3 2013 trailer, a downgrade does not mean it looks bad, just inferior to how it once was presented.

I didn't argue whether or not the game looked good or not, most of us were arguing whether or not there is a graphical downgrade and digital foundry's final face-off lists no such in their comparison against the original trailer ... 

Don't take things out of nowhere to call people on it, there is nothing supporting your "time to apology" post.

I'm not taking things out of nowhere, I am taking digital foundry's final word on this ...