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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Is There Any Reason To Buy an Xbox now?


Has the Xbox Brand Been Devalued?

Yes 212 38.34%
A Little 99 17.90%
No 198 35.80%
The Brand Is Stronger Now 44 7.96%

So how many threads of this are people going to make?

Proud to be a Californian.

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People will always build/buy their own PC's.

People will always buy their consoles.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

Nope. Can't think of a single reason.

Free game exploit, where two people can share each others games (You only have to buy every other game).
A lot of peoples prefered controller.
Online still doesn't go down nearly as much as PS.


For millions of people, owning a videogame console and having it plugged into your TV is simply far more convenient and easier than anything PC related.

If you put every single Xbox One title on the PC, the machine would still be pushing over 40 Million lifetime.

The mass market doesn't care for PC gaming. Kids don't care for it. Families don't care for it. Consoles are simply always going to be the easier option vs PCs.


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CGI-Quality said:
bigtakilla said:
Online still doesn't go down nearly as much as PS.

Not that we need a comment like this in here, but I'll pardon if you can source it.

You don't remember all the LizardSquad attacks and the PS4 servers being shut down quite a bit during that time?

Bandorr said:
bigtakilla said:
Free game exploit, where two people can share each others games (You only have to buy every other game).
A lot of peoples prefered controller.
Online still doesn't go down nearly as much as PS.

Should you really use exploits as a reason to sell a product?

That is highly subjective. Specially since you can change the parts in the playstation controller to be similiar.

Assuming this is true (which I don't), since the xbox one lacks true local-multiplayer when the network DOES go down, local multiplayer goes with it.

Also this is comparison to the PC - not to the playstation.

Free games are free games. It would make me interested.

A lot of people don't like the whole PC building and hate dealing with them so consoles will be ok.


It is an old discussion that is slowly dying, it was a very popular topic last generation because it was basically PS3/Wii have real exclusives and X360 only a few because Gears/fable will come to pc and Mass Effect/Bioshock/oblivion are on pc that will hurt the X360 sales it only has Halo. Move forward to this generation and I don't think Sony or MS are worrying that a game also release on pc the xboxone/PS4 bundles are selling very well and almost every bundle you see is with a game that is not exclusive to its system. I would like to see some real honest data about how many people did not buy a PS4 or a xbox one because SFV or QB is also on pc....

The times that people would go to a friends house and see someone's gamecollection that exist mostly about exclusives are finished except if that person owns a WiiU. I would not be surprised if the rumours are true that we see people's gamecollection on NX who are mostly games that are not exclusive to the system.

The Fury said:

JNK said:

 easy couch ply without much setup
cheap gaming 
online with xbox one friends

The first 2 things you put were pointless as the PS4 does them as well, this above is the only reason. Of course this reason is pointless if your mates have PC/PS4 combo.

EDIT: You know, convience in general is a reason I guess. But then I wonder if anyone woul 'upgrade' ovr and over when the idea of consoles is you don't have to.

What does this have to do with Sony Playstation?  By your wisdom it's pointless to get a PS4 because Xbox One does those things well.  Way to stir the pot!


So yeah, those are good reasons to get an Xbox instead of playing those games on a PC.  The markets don't bleed into the other too much and I think it will be both a win for Microsoft and the consumer.  

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