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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - It's safe to say that Nintendo won't launch new hardware this year.


When will we see a see a new Nintendo system?

Handheld, 2016 60 22.14%
Home console, 2016 109 40.22%
Handheld, 2017 15 5.54%
Home console, 2017 17 6.27%
Handheld + Home console, 2017 58 21.40%
later 12 4.43%
curl-6 said:
bigtakilla said:

Oh there's no doubt Nintendo would probably have only 1 to no titles with mentioning in 2017 for the Wii U. But a system that could hold up for 5 years would be a great start with their next console. A ton of 900p games (and who knows about the performance when we talk second screen) just gives me a feeling of dread. 

Being dragged out to 5 years with nothing in the last 12 months isn't a great start to the next console, just like the barren end of the Wii's life wasn't a great start to Wii U. Better to end Wii U on a... well, not a bang, but a slightly less whimpery whimper.

Basically, barren 2011 and 2012. for Wii didnt do any favour for Wii U, vile Wii U arrived on market majority of Wii owners already migrated to other platforms.

Sony done great job with PS3, they had great support in year when PS4 arrived, but difference when we comparing Wii and PS3 is that PS3 start to sell great in 2010. while Wii was in decline from 2010, so PS3 was selling great until PS4 arrived while I was totally dead when Wii U arrived. Also one huge factor is that Sony could afford to heavily support PS3 even they launching PS4 in some year because they know they will have strong 3rd party support, so they could afford to not have good launch of 1st year exclusives because they know they will have strong 3rd party in any case, and we know Nintendo cant afford something like that because people buy Nintendo platforms for Nintendo games on first place and Nintendo never had nearly strong 3rd party support like Sony.

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bigtakilla said:
curl-6 said:

Being dragged out to 5 years with nothing in the last 12 months isn't a great start to the next console, just like the barren end of the Wii's life wasn't a great start to Wii U. Better to end Wii U on a... well, not a bang, but a slightly less whimpery whimper.

With a proper price point with proper specs and a decent launch lineup I'm not sure how another year is going to hurt. They seem hellbent on half assing this system too with specs that will be outdated when it launches even by its last gen counterparts. The lineup for another year of Wii U will be fine with some other smaller outings and the ends will greatly justify the means if it means an overall better gaming experience for NX. It's not like more people are going to care this year and just suddenly won't next year.

Fact is that Wii U want have in any decent launch lineup next year, basicly it will not have almost nothing. Only reason why Wii U is having decent launch lineup this year is because half of that lineup was initially planned to be released in 2015, while other half is basically port of games. You are not thinking realistic at all if you think Wii U will have decent lineup next year.

Although we all want to get our hands on NX as soon as possible ( I know I do) I believe that it would be better for Nintendo to have a 2017 launch. I say this because when the console is released it will be doing so against 2 very established rivals with large libraries of games and the NX will need to have not only high quality launch games but a quantity of titles.
It takes time for 3rd parties to develop quality games people! They simply won't have had enough time to support the NX in the first 6-12 months of the consoles life if it releases this year. If the NX comes out and suffers early the mistakes of the Wii U will be repeated and all those Nintendo doom threads might actually be right for once.
Make no mistake, Nintendo has so very very much riding on the NX they need it to make a huge splash. The price we have to pay for this is the one we are currently paying - a extremely baron 2016 release schedule and no solid information about NX. I honestly doubt if you'll hear anything at all about it until E3 and while this may be pissing you off now rest assured this is a good thing.
Games these days take longer than ever to develop and people are getting more and more impatient. Good things come to those who wait. Nintendo wouldn't have wanted to be having to release NX so quickly when the Wii U was released and have always released their next console 5-6 years from the last one and this will be no different.

Volterra_90 said:
bigtakilla said:

But couldn't they ride the momentum if they announce it this E3 for NX with updated visuals, ect? 

The world today is like a fast food chain. We want everything fast and without any droughts. So I think that a year with almost any WiiU title would hurt Nintendo a lot and affects the NX release, while if they release Pokémon/ZeldaU for WiiU/NX in the holiday season, the effect won't vanish the next year and they could ride that momentum. One year and the momentum will totally vanish. And a year without WiiU titles is not a great momentum actually xDDD.

Project Morpheus was announced in 2014 and still isn't released and there is plenty of excitement for it. The important part is to make something with more appeal than a fad. If something is truly worth being excited for, there will always be excitement for it. Zelda U is another example.

bigtakilla said:
curl-6 said:

The NX is what it is. That is set in stone at this point and whether it comes in 2016 or 2017 won't change that.

Hardware could change within the last year (a little over a year and a half if we talk 2017 holiday launch) before launch, the question is, will Nintendo want to?

If you're holding out for a platform that will be able to compete with PS5 and Xbox Two power-wise, you'd best give up on that dream now. No way Nintendo will do that. NX will be a tiny bit stronger than PS4 at the most.

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curl-6 said:
bigtakilla said:

Hardware could change within the last year (a little over a year and a half if we talk 2017 holiday launch) before launch, the question is, will Nintendo want to?

If you're holding out for a platform that will be able to compete with PS5 and Xbox Two power-wise, you'd best give up on that dream now. No way Nintendo will do that. NX will be a tiny bit stronger than PS4 at the most.

That's literally all I want. Not even a PS4.5, but something that will be just as good as PS4 with no watered down 3rd party ports.

That would at least be SOMETHING to be excited about.

bigtakilla said:
curl-6 said:

If you're holding out for a platform that will be able to compete with PS5 and Xbox Two power-wise, you'd best give up on that dream now. No way Nintendo will do that. NX will be a tiny bit stronger than PS4 at the most.

That's literally all I want. Not even a PS4.5, but something that will be just as good as PS4 with no watered down 3rd party ports.

But the point is that if you wait to much, you'll clash with the PS5/XTwo, which will be vast superior to the NX, with almost no 3rd party support because of it being underpowered. Sounds familiar?

Boberkun said:
People here really expect tons of exclusives on NX launch? Nintendo spent years on Wii U HD projects with delays and post-game updates. They'll launch NX with next 2D Mario, some Wii U port and Ubi/EA game at best.

Nintendo promised 5 mobile games in 2015-2016. First one, Miitomo was delayed to 2016. It's March already. Nintendo can't even release shitty mobile tomodachi messenger in time - and I repeat: what you expect?

Yes, because Wii U was their first HD console and they admitted they had big problems with HD development, they said they very underestimated HD development. Also in same time with Wii U they were supporting totaly difrent platform, 3DS. What we know about NX is that want be first Nintendo HD console and that very likely will be unified platform and that means no more support for totally different platforms, and that means higher numbers of games available.

What NX could easily have, Zelda U port is almost certain, new 3D Mario is also very likely, Pikmin 4 also possible...also there are definitely some unannounced Wii U projects that were moved to NX os definitely we could see some of them in first year. NX very likly have very strong launch and first year lineupe.


Miitomo is delayed for one quarter, you saying like its delayed for whole year, and there are indications that reason why actualy Miitomo was delayed is beacuse accouunt system and services (bouth are managed by DeNA) needed for Miitomo couldnt be finished in Q4 2015.

Volterra_90 said:
bigtakilla said:

That's literally all I want. Not even a PS4.5, but something that will be just as good as PS4 with no watered down 3rd party ports.

But the point is that if you wait to much, you'll clash with the PS5/XTwo, which will be vast superior to the NX, with almost no 3rd party support because of it being underpowered. Sounds familiar?

They will be in their third year in 2017, and both will be selling just fine, this will absolutely not be a problem for at least another 2-3 years.

I know it wont happen, but I would rather Nintendo continue with Wii U for a while longer and launch the NX closer toward the start of the next gen with competitive specs. I am not a big fan of mid gen console releases as they mostly spell disaster. Both PS4 and XB1 have both built up massive install bases, and get all the software support going. So are those owners going to buy an NX just for Nintendo games? because they sure as hell didn't for Wii U.