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Forums - Sony Discussion - With all due Respect....Indie games are ruining my Playstation experience.

CGI-Quality said:
Meliodas2 said:

No what I said the first time, all of them.

Then one should note to avoid your views on Indie games in the future. Opinions are welcome, but when they're that extreme, yeah...

Then one should also equally go out of ones way to avoid indie games just the same. Especially as one believes them all to be garbage.


MGS on PS1 as old as that is is still leagues beyong any idnie game though that's not saying much at all.

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I do like some of the indie games that come with PS+ but I can see where the OP is coming from... It would be nice to have a AAA game in with the line-up now and again rather than indie after indie month after month!!

I'm not big into indie myself mostly because I'm all about physical releases but to say all are junk is crazy. Devs have to start from somewhere. There are thousands of fun indie games too play. A open mind is best for this situation. I downloaded all six games each month between PS3, ps4 and vita. I will play every one and make a quick decision. Most will be played shortly then deleted but then there are games that grab me like Dust: an Elysian tale and I can't quit playing. I do wish for more triple A games but a lot of the time like on PS3 I already own a physical copy of it.

Nintation360 said:

I want games such as Black Flag, Killzone Shadow Fall, maybe Knack and other high budget games that released years ago. This has to be my biggest complaint about Sony as of right now.

Then why don't you just buy those games? I picked up Knack for $5 on PS+, and you can get Shadow Fall and Black Flag for ~$10-$15. Don't get me wrong, I think PS+ has been pretty 'meh' for the PS4, but to say your PlayStation experience is ruined because of it seems a bit dramatic.

Nintation360 said:

Xbox has Borderlands 2, Rayman Legends and all these other good games for their subscribers. BUT NONE FOR PLAYSTATION.

Borderlands 2 was available on PS+ way back in 2013, as was Rayman Origins (I know, not Legends). The biggest problem is that all of the AAA games have been for PS3. Personally, I will be glad when they stop releasing PS3 + games and focus on the PS4. The PS3 has had tons of AAA + games. If you want me to name them all, it might take a while.


Ps plus died when they made it mandatory for online play.

All you get now is indie garbage

I'm tired of opening the PS Store and seeing a bunch of pretentious 2D games that look even worse than the old games they are ripping off.

Tired of indie games with wacky names, indies are now the new shovelware.

It's worse on Steam, i can't even find the good games with so much garbage on the store.

Some enjoy indie games? Good for them, i hope the fad ends and these so called indie developers go back to work at Mc donalds.


User was warned for this post ~ CGI-Quality

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CGI-Quality said:
Valdath said:
Ps plus died when they made it mandatory for online play.

All you get now is indie garbage

I'm tired of opening the PS Store and seeing a bunch of pretentious 2D games that look even worse than the old games they are ripping off.

Tired of indie games with wacky names, indies are now the new shovelware.

It's even worse on Steam, i can't even find the good games with so much garbage on the store.

Some enjoy indie games? Good for them, i hope the fad ends and these so called indie developers go back to work at Mc donalds.

As an individual in the business, your comment couldn't be any more insulting.

As an indie dev, could I report this?

Watch me stream games and hunt trophies on my Twitch channel!

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CGI-Quality said:
Azuren said:

As an indie dev, could I report this?

You could, but it's already been handled. :)

You did indeed.

Watch me stream games and hunt trophies on my Twitch channel!

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