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Forums - Gaming Discussion - 30 vs 60 fps - can you really see the difference?


Can you see the difference?

Right 60 fps; Left 30 Fps 220 62.32%
Left 60 Fps; Right 30 Fps 52 14.73%
Cant see a difference/Results 81 22.95%

Very clear the one on the right is 60fps, but the one on the left looks like 30 fps unlocked.

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siebensus4 said:
It depends on the browser you use, if you can see a good difference. In Firefox or Safari it's hard to see a difference, in Chrome it's obvious. It also depends on the game you play. For example Super Mario Maker would be barely playable in 30fps. If the screen continuously scrolls right, you see 60fps:

Now holy cow, people are REALLY coming up with Super Mario Maker as a game that needs 60fps?!?! Like, that game never used 60 fps when it came out in 1986, or 1989, or 1992, or 2012. And NOW you come up with a complain about 60 fps? Seriously?

NiKKoM said:
vivster said:
This is important because gaming consists of watching a video instead of being reliant on instant button feedback.

We can give up anyway. 60 fps deniers will always lie to themselves, there is no chance for rational arguments.

ow please.. like us peasants can truly notice the difference that our input lag has halved at 60 fps.. only the glorious master race would sense that

It's so annoying, isn't it?

Pretty sure the right side is 60 FPS.

"Just for comparison Uncharted 4 was 20x bigger than Splatoon 2. This shows the huge difference between Sony's first-party games and Nintendo's first-party games."

ClassicGamingWizzz said:
For the people who don't see differences and say its overrated play one match of a online moba at 30 fps then do it on 60 fps, if you don't see massive difference go to the doctor and check those eyes.

"Debate is encouraged, as is civil disagreement, but respect the beliefs and opinions of others." Let's not go beyond that line, my friend. :)

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CGI-Quality said:
Simple enough, check this out:

What make people think they can't notice is that the difference is not as expected, it's not about being able to see missing frame compared to 60 fps, it's about having a rendering less stable, harder to read, and having less reactivity in controls. And in term of rendering, the faster the game is, the sharper the image is (in term of colors, aliasing, etc.), the more you will see a difference. In the OP video, while clearly noticeable, the game is not very fast paced, and not very contrasted. That's also why games could get away with 30 fps, grey scaled, antialiased, slow pace games became the norm.

I never understood the people who said they couldn't tell the difference, my eyes are terrible and its pretty night & day to me xD

hershel_layton said:
When I play mariokart, I can easily tell the difference from when I'm playing alone to when my sister joins me.

30 FPS looks more choppy compared to 60 FPS


That's funny because the game still runs at 60 fps during 2-player splitscreen.

That's awfully strange then. Maybe it's from my TV, and not from the game.



12/22/2016- Made a bet with Ganoncrotch that the first 6 months of 2017 will be worse than 2016. A poll will be made to determine the winner. Loser has to take a picture of them imitating their profile picture.

You cant see 60 frames, you feel 60 frames. Big difference..

The difference between 30 and 60 fps is massive. Anyone claiming not to be able to tell the difference is simply uneducated or mislead by hardware failing to display 60 fps properly (which still falls under "uneducated").

It is true, however, that 60 fps is a lot less important in slower-paced games like Shadow of Mordor, whereas racing and fighting games more or less require it.

It's not only about education. It's also about sight and reaction time. I really had a hard time telling the difference between the two (I have ADHD so I don't know if that has anything to do with it), but I think the more fluid looking side was the right side. Still, even if I am right, it took me a heck of lot to tell the difference and you telling me I am uneducated or that my hardware failed (it's youtube, so if it's 60fps 720 which is what I had, it should still tell the tale of the tape) is annoying when you aren't taking to account people's vision or reactionary speed or whatever else might contribute to them being less sensitive to the differences. I know about animation. Believe me, I tried, but it actually was very difficult. The difference to me wasn't anywhere near massive as you have stated, even if I was right about which side was 60 fps.