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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why Sony Won't Deploy PS4 Exclusives on PC

zero129 said:

Ill buy it xD. But then since im already on Windows 10 it doesnt really matter to me cos the MS store is build into the system. Only negitive i have of this is i like having all my games on Steam. But i do understand why MS is doing this, and if it means we get more Exclusives from them on PC im all for it .

Well for someone who has no plans of upgrading to 10, this pretty much just sucks for someone like me. I'd rather buy from Steam and have full mod support or at elast some mods, I don't really take kindly to MS coming back to PC and going "you shall game here and only here so say I". They clearly want to compete with steam and own the market as a whole rather than simply co-exist, if they wanted to they would continue releasing titles on Steam as well as their own store and and release it for W7-8.1. I could imagine the sales being insane if they supported a release on W7-8.1 and Steam/GoG/W10 store. The whole point is meant to be about software sales with PC and well MS is aiming for the low target in hopes that it will somehow ebcome a monilith target, one that isn't likely to happen for a very long time and even then there is plenty of competition that prevents MS from becoming that giant from the 90's.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

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The Fury said:

Why don't Nintendo?

Silly article.

I don't agree: it explains quite simply why, in the author's opinion, Sony has different and valid reasons for not doing it while MS has reasons as much good for doing it. For Nintendo the reasons are even different, only partially overlapping with Sony ones for not doing it, and I think they'd be more complex to explain, they'd need their own article, not some digressions in an article comparing MS and Sony policies on that matter.
Obviously each company could have also different reasons from what the article says, and they can be matter for other articles.

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
TGS, Third Grade Shooter: brand new genre invented by Kevin Butler exclusively for Natal WiiToo Kinect. PEW! PEW-PEW-PEW! 

kowenicki said:
thismeintiel said:

Yea, and thank God they aren't MS.

That's some wishful thinking right there.  I know it sucks that MS is going to lose every true exclusive list from now on, but there is absolutely no reason for Sony to switch to PC, too.  And I think you're last two sentences more accurately describe the PS4.

Sony execs dream of Ms like success. Sony know that hardware isn't the future. Software as a service is. Fans need to suck that up, it's what will happen. No question, no doubt.

Well, I would respond, but so many have done it incredibly well already. 

Dr.Henry_Killinger said:
Chazore said:
It's not going to be on Steam as predicted.

Good luck trying to sell that game on PC lol.


I guess add that to yet another market MS tries to claim, yet enters way too late to really do anything.

S.T.A.G.E. said:
They know what a true exclusive is. Microsoft hasn't since they entered the industry.

MS doesn't really have much incentive to keep their games off Windows. They own it and can make more money pushing software on it.

As I've pointed out many times before, numerous titles that move the most consoles are also on PC or multiplat.

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S.T.A.G.E. said:
They want you to buy PS4's. Microsoft seems to have a hard on for bringing Xbox closer and closer to the PC, which Sony should not be doing. Microsoft wants to take on Steam and Sony at the same time all they have to do is say so.

Do you ever visit the Windows Store? Its not a direct competitor with Steam. Its more like the Apple Store or Google Play but for Windows.

MS has their foot in everything whether it be selling video games devices or digital games on PC. Clearly MS has found success doing a little bit of everything.

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thismeintiel said:
Dr.Henry_Killinger said:


I guess add that to yet another market MS tries to claim, yet enters way too late to really do anything.

I think trying find success in another market is better then... selling things off and putitng all your eggs in the Playstation basket.

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CGI-Quality said:
Mr Puggsly said:

I think trying find success in another market is better then... selling things off and putitng all your eggs in the Playstation basket.

They haven't, though. PlayStation isn't their biggest money maker, for example.

Man, I keep coming back to respond, but you guys already have given great responses.  Guess it saves me time. 

And yea, insurance is Sony's biggest earner.

CGI-Quality said:
Mr Puggsly said:

I think trying find success in another market is better then... selling things off and putitng all your eggs in the Playstation basket.

They haven't, though. PlayStation isn't their biggest money maker, for eaxmple.

I'm thinking more with their devices, maybe I should have clarified. Their phones and TVs are barely relevant these days. Their mobile gaming market is dead. Their PC market has been sold off. Sony in general isn't as relevant even with the success of PS4.

MS has a ton of money and they use that to enter markets that would normally be impossible to penetrate. Sometimes they find success, sometimes they don't. They don't just focus on a few things, they always try to expand.

When MS supports PC, many Sony fans use that as an opportunity to say MS doesn't care about Xbox. But MS has always supported PC gaming because they play a big role in it.

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CGI-Quality said:
Mr Puggsly said:

I'm thinking more with their devices, maybe I should have clarified. Their phones and TVs are barely relevant these days. Their mobile gaming market is dead. Their PC market has been sold off. Sony in general isn't as relevant even with the success of PS4.

MS has a ton of money and they use that to enter markets that would normally be impossible to penetrate. Sometimes they find success, sometimes they don't. They don't just focus on a few things, they always try to expand.

When MS supports PC, many Sony fans use that as an opportunity to say MS doesn't care about Xbox. But MS has always supported PC gaming because they play a big role in it.

PlayStation is not their biggest money maker - the point remains. All the rest, especially about their "dead services", is fluff. :P

Again, I didn't clarify I was referring to their tech. And again, Sony has become less relevant by leaving markets while MS is getting into markets. That's the main point, given the person I was responding was critical about MS going into other markets.

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CGI-Quality said:
Mr Puggsly said:

Again, I didn't clarify I was referring to their tech. And again, Sony has become less relevant by leaving markets while MS is getting into markets. That's the main point, given the person I was responding was critical about MS going into other markets.

Depends on what you mean by less relevant. As a company, Sony has made strides to adjust their image, while PlayStation is, actually, breaking into new markets (very relevant). Context is key.

I agree with your point about Microsoft,however.

I feel bringing Playstation to new markets has become crucial as some markets move away from Playstation. Japan seems to enjoy phone games. The west is strong for PS4 but casual gamers seem to be content with mobile devices as well. Its uncertain how much success Playstation will find in markets that opt for PC gaming (especially when PC is the cheaper option). The failure that is Vita also means Playstation has lost relevance in a market Playstation was once strong.

I feel Sony is less relevant as they have left some markets, sell things off, etc. If they had as much money as MS lying around, I'm sure would try to expand as well. Even their odds of penetrating some markets was slim.

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